
#1 [fr] 

would it be possible to remove the renta collision box, or make a renta exclusion zone, or prevent players from descending rentas around wormholes?

It's starting to get annoying when wormholes are blocked by the rentas of unscrupulous players who leave them in front.

here's what's happening in front of the Avendale vortex:

#2 [fr] 


Indeed, an abandoned or dead renta should return to the stable and disappear after x minutes.

#3 [fr] 



Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#4 [fr] 


#5 [en] 

Indeed. Another good idea would be to put a timeout of say an hour on them, maybe 2 at most.
If the renter (it's a rental after all) hasn't returned to their rented mount it despawns (as in, it repo'd by the rental company).

Easier to do possibly than something like a recurring payment based on rental duration (which may also help somewhat with stopping people keeping rentas in weird places forever).

--- QovqEHWYyGo6H7dF5WwoNXwwKtDwpS28csJnnx4xohNNx4vctRn

#6 [en] 

This problem can be solved much easier and much faster:
Just give us, the valiant karavanians, the same laser wrist guns as the karavans guards near TPs have. And we will solve all the problems with all the meks parked illegally and with all those villain kamists also.

#7 [en] 

You're a bunch of heretics who will meet Ma-Duk's divine justice soon!

--- QovqEHWYyGo6H7dF5WwoNXwwKtDwpS28csJnnx4xohNNx4vctRn

#8 [fr] 

recurring and progressive payment, until we reach a few million per day, I think there will be fewer cars parked anywhere.
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