

#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Your Majesty,
Your Excellency,

The last Chamber of the Nobles held at the Royal Palace of Yrkanis gave me the opportunity to present (... impromptu, for which I beg you to excuse me) my resignation from the position of representative of Your Majesty and the Kingdom that I had held until then near Your Excellency and the Federation of Naw Trykoth.
Although I have noticed on that day that my subsequent proposal to appoint Ser Cinabre to the position thus abdicated did not (to say the least) arouse enthusiasm among the Matis Nobles present at the time, I remain convinced that this young homin has sufficient interpersonal skills and seriousness to fulfil the position to the satisfaction of all concerned.
For this reason, and because the event is usually an opportunity to bring together a number of homins, he and I have agreed to make public this ‘’handover of power‘’ during the Fairhaven Market to be held this Tria, Winderly 15, 4th CA 2631.

May Your Majesty and Your Excellency rest assured, however, that these ‘diplomatic’ years have been some of the best I have ever been gifted to live on Atys.

Jena Aiye… & Tryka, Meer, Sella !
The ambassador of the Karan near the Federation of Naw Trykoth and (by interim and if necessary) near any other organisation or nation in Atys.

Last edited by Nilstilar (4 weeks ago)


#2 [fr] 

I took this lucio, to immortalize this moment.we'll miss you, Nair Ambassadeur...


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger

#3 [fr] 

(the evening's logs have been slightly revised, plus a few lucios)

The Fairhaven market is in full swing, with shoppers lining up at the stalls and onlookers enjoying a drink at the refreshment stalls or in front of the campfire.

Kyriann shouts: Pickaxes!
Kyriann shouts: Who wants a pickaxe?
Ostium says: And you're the one selling new antiques? *cough*
Nilstilar makes a courteous curtsy to Ostium.
Nilstilar says: Nair Ostium! Always faithful to the post! *rit*
Eolinius says: Lordoy Ad Toll!
Kyriann shouts: And what's more, they're beautiful!
Eolinius smiled at the ambassador
Ostium says: Faithful to the post... Less than I should. My friends must sometimes find me a little too absent.
Aprak says: Lordoy
Eolinius says: Lordoy Nair-Ambassador!
Ostium says: But it's good to see you. It's been a while, I think.
Kyriann shouts: Do you want a pickaxe, Lala?
Nilstilar laughing: I don't sell anything, nec. For the good reason that I no longer make anything but bouquets... which are offered to ladies and not sold *smiles*.
Craftjenn salutes
Kayox waves to Cinabre.
Nilstilar says: Lordoy ad sul, Nail collègue!
Nilstilar makes a courteous curtsy to Eolinius.
Kayox says: Do you have light armour?
Eolinius makes a courteous curtsy to Craftjenn.
Nilstilar says: Woren siloy, Serae Craftjenn!
Khlael makes a courteous bow to Jorgensen.
Kyriann shouts: "What quality do you want your pickaxe in?
Eolinius waves to Chenli.
Nilstilar makes a courteous bow to Craftjenn.
Eolinius waves to Kurutani.
Kyriann shouts: 150?
Kurutani throws rice at Eolinius.
Saldana hands Craftjenn another glass.
Ostium loses to Craftjenn.
Ostium shouts: Nair Craftjenn! Atys' best reporter!
Jorgensen says: MY HACK 100% damage and speed!
Khlael says: Does anyone make jewelry?
Kyriann shouts: Everyone needs a pickaxe
Ostium says: Lordoy!
Nilstilar throws a few chai leaves into the simmering water and sits back down.
Craftjenn says: Thank you Ostium
Kayox is pensive
Jorgensen says: I had my first customer! a two-handed axe user
Cinabre shouts: Heavy armor and 2-handed weapons, this way!
Saldana says: Wow! Congratulations!
Kyriann shouts: "And here's a nice pick for 7500 dappers!
Kyriann shouts: "The jewelry seller is coming!
Nilstilar Definitely, prefers bouquets, to impress .
Kyriann shouts: What kind of jewelry do you need?
Craftjenn says: Kayox contacted me because he wants to come to the Almati Wood Circle.
Cinabre shouts: *broken voice* Armor... kof kof kof
Aprak shouts: Oh, let him in Craft!
Nilstilar low to Eolinius: An-Nair is ill?
Ostium says: Well, it's thirsty, and I'm happy.
Ostium shouts: It's on me!
Eolinius replies to the ambassador: I haven't seen her yet, but last time she was in good health.
Ostium says: And on that note, I'm off to get a byrh!
Nilstilar relieved: Laye mai!
Nilstilar pours himself a bowl of hot chai and squeezes it between his fingers, sniffing its fragrance: Aaaah! It's been a long time!
Eolinius sits next to the ambassador
Cinabre shouts: Heavy armor, enough to protect you from the Ugly Torbaks!
Cinabre cries out: armor and weapons made right before your eyes!
Eolinius says: Are you well, Nair-Nilstilar? It's been a long time since we've seen you.
Nilstilar says: In fact, the reason I've come here today, Nair-Éolinius, is that I recently ceased to merit the title of Karan ambassador, and wanted to inform everyone that Ser Cinabre will now represent him to Ailan McKean...
Eolinius coughs a little and nods.
Ostium coughs: What!?! So it's true?
Eolinius says: Oy, Ser-Cinabre has informed us
Eolinius says: And I find it most regrettable
Cinabre shouts: Rustic refugee spike, 15th circle!
Nilstilar says: Laye mai! That proves he's at least as talkative as me! A fundamental quality for a diplomat! *laughs heartily
Ostium laughs: And he offered a barrel of byrh! He knows how to make friends here!
Eolinius laughs as he hears Ostium
Nilstilar says: Have no regrets, Nair Eolinius. I am greatly diminished, as you may have noticed.
Eolinius says: Not in the least Nair-Nistilar, your mind is still very sharp.
Cinabre shouts: Armor and weapons of the Fiery Desert!
Jorgensen says: Wait, there's an ambassador position to be filled?
Nilstilar smiles at Jorgensen
Eolinius laughs as he hears Jorgensen
Kyriann shouts: I've got some magnificent medium armor!
Areliana says: Hello, how do I request light armor?
Nilstilar sips his chai in silence.
Eolinius takes out slices of gingerbread
Kyriann crie: be elegant in all circumstances with a white medium trylker!
Cinabre shouts: Heavy armor! The only guarantee of survival against gingo fangs!
Kyriann waves to Skooterpie.
Kyriann shouts: Lordoy Nair!
Kyriann shouts: Can I offer you a pickaxe?
Eolinius says: Nair-Ambassador, would you like some gingerbread with your chai?
Nilstilar says: Nec, Nair Eolinius. But Grytt! *smiles*
Cinabre says: Lourdes! What better way to be well protected?
Ostium thinks for a moment... : Um, I'll be right back.
Cinabre shouts: Heavy armor!
Eolinius says: Du monde hein ce soir!
Eolinius waves to Otall.
Ostium waves to Cinabre.
Ostium says: Nair Cinabre! I have a child, Incal, who may well need heavy armor.
Ostium says: He's always running around, and too often comes back with scratches.
Ostium says: From the 15th circle should be perfect I think oy.
Nilstilar waves to Otall.
Ostium says: A Fyros suit of armor! Very good! It'll show him what suits of armor his father grew up in.
Otall makes a courteous curtsy to Nilstilar.
Otall says: Deles Silam Ser Sadeur Nilstilar
Eolinius admires O'Tall in his beautiful Drakan armor
Otall gestures to Eolinius.
Otall smiles Doy ny-Eo... Linius
Eolinius says: Lordoy Ny-O'Tall
Otall makes a courteous curtsy to Craftjenn.
Craftjenn says: so Kayox.... What do you like to do with your days? Kayox says: I like to stick my head in the sawdust! I also like to dig!
Otall says: Eo? Have you seen the almost Sadeur in Fyros legionary armor!
Eolinius turns to see Cinabre: eh?
Ostium says: O'Tall. Our Drakani armor looks great on you!
Otall bursts out laughing
Ostium looks at the armor: It looks very good. How much will it be?
Cinabre says: 45,000 dappers, if we stick to courses....
Ostium says: It's perfect
Cinabre and Ostium clap hands.
Cinabre says: Oh, fila, nair Ostium
Eolinius nearly chokes on the price of the armor
Ostium says: Grytt Nair. A pleasure.
Cinabre smiles: For me too
Ostium says: Once your sales are made, we hope to see you with us.
Eolinius note: a future sales ambassador
Cinabre says: Sincèrement désolé... plus de quoi fabriquer d'armures
Cinabre says: Nair Jorgensen, I won't compete with you anymore. I'll sell my weapons another time
Cinabre bows to Eolinius.
Jorgensen says: I was hoping to sell them all before my guild master realized that some materials were missing.
Cinabre clears his throat: It's enough to break your voice...
Jorgensen says: {:i need a new sales tactic..}@{ I need a new sales tactic...
Nilstilar says: Try blackmail, nair!
Ostium puffs.
Eolinius says: Would you like some gingerbread to sweeten your throat, Ser-Cinabre?
Eolinius smiles
Cinabre nods: Oh, with pleasure, Nair Eolinius. Fila
Jorgensen says: if this venture fails, I'll have to become a water carrier again.
Eolinius gives Cinabre a slice: I love gingerbread with chai
Cinabre thanks Eolinius
Cinabre is grateful to Eolinius.
Eolinius smiles
Cinabre bites into the gingerbread
Cinabre says: Oh... ashes, my fire
Cinabre waves to Kyriann.
Kyriann waves to Cinabre.
Cinabre says: By the way, Nair. I'm rather new to drilling...
Otall looks at Nils: how's Nair Sadeur doing?
Cinabre pulls out his bulging purse
Cinabre says: Perfect
Nilstilar À Otall: Slowly, Nair Otall, slowly *smiles*.
Otall notes that the almost Sadeur is rich
Kyriann shouts: Greslin 150 picks?
Cinabre says: sil
Nilstilar continues: That's why I've decided to hand over to Ser Cinabre here.
Cinabre says
Cinabre and Kyriann clap hands.
Eolinius bows his head
Nilstilar low to Christianils: You're going to burn yourself, idiot!
Ostium says: I still hope you'll come back to visit us from time to time, Nair Nilstilar.
Cinabre packs its new picks into its pouch
Eolinius approves Ostium: there will always be chai for you at Ba'Naer
Nilstilar says: Very likely, Nair. My love for Atys and its people has not wavered. Only my strength *smiles*.
Otall casts a surprised eye over .... Jorgensen's rear guard
Otall smiles happily
Jorgensen says: Do you need a sword or an axe, Kayox?
Jorgensen says: I'll answer that question for you: yes.
Kayox says: I fight mainly with a pike, but a sword will do, I suppose.
Nilstilar low to Christianils: There! That's better!
Kyriann shouts: "I'll get you a nice Areliana roundache!
Kyriann shouts: Don't move!
Cinabre snaps out of his reverie and says out loud without paying attention: ... this serae draychale is running down my neck...
Cinabre pauses
Nilstilar says: How healthy she is!
Jorgensen says: I don't like to shout, but Kyriann ordered me to. To increase sales
Nilstilar says: I'm jealous!
Craftjenn thinks that Jorgensen is already a very good saleswoman, but without shouting
Nilstilar is seized by a sudden drowsiness.
Ostium drinks its byrh.
Aprak says: A drunk person!
Jorgensen says: we're all drunk, aprak
Ostium takes a sip and smiles: Aren't they used to byrh?
Qiibiao shouts: I SELL LIGHT WEAPONS !!!!
Kyriann shouts: Everyone needs picks!
Qiibiao very low: Starting his career this very evening.
Otall says: Grytt Nair
Qiibiao says: Get ready Cinnabar, I'll show no mercy!
Cinabre says: Ah!!!
Ostium raises an eyebrow: What's going on?
Cinabre shouts: Qiibiao! I remind you that you'll have to sweep the Hall
Cinnabar rumbles Qiibiao
Qiibiao shouts: We'll see if he talks after this one!
Cinabre takes comfort in his byrh
Qiibiao says: All right, Cinabre. You've won a battle, but not yet the war!
Cinabre looks pensively at Ostium.
Cinabre is not very happy
Ostium says: A problem Nair Cinabre?
Cinabre says: Nec... a Synoeca officer who will become a member again
Ostium says: Oh, internal affairs.
Qiibiao shouts: But of course!!! Here! So much for your threats!
Cinnabar laughs: Not really
Qiibiao says: So, Cinabre, are you cold yet?
Cinabre says: He's definitely forcing my hand...
Eolinius looks at Cinabre
Ostium shouts: Beware! If you start a snowball fight in Tryker country, you don't know what you're getting yourself into!
Qiibiao A Cinabre: I think I'm running out of resources.
Cinabre glares at Qiibiao
Otall can't understand why it's snowing on the almost Sadeur
Otall says: where did this one come from?


Hayt says: Hey, Jorgensen, stop moving!
Nilstilar wakes with a start
Cinabre looks at Nilstilar
Otall trains. One, two...
Cinabre smiles and laughs under his breath
Otall makes a courteous curtsy to Funrale.
Otall says: Doy Ny-Funral
Nilstilar bowed to Funrale.
Kurutani says: So, Ashgan, are you cold yet?
Qiibiao includes Aprak.
Kyriann kisses Funrale on both cheeks.
Ostium stretches his shoulder, convinced there's going to be some sport.
Funrale says: Homins, Homines, Lordoy Ad Toll!
Otall and Funrale clap hands.
Eolinius makes a courteous curtsy to Funrale.
Kurutani says: Hey! Chenli, stop moving!
Nilstilar says: Lordy ad sul, Nair Funrale.
Eolinius says: Funrale!
Funrale says: It's warm Lor tonight!
Kurutani says: Careful, Funrale, she's come a long way!
Ashgan says: It's the Chenli party!
Funrale says: How did the Ny-Kyky deal go? *shudders having received an icy wind*
Kyriann says: I sold pickaxes, a shield and everything else!
Kyriann says: I'm so happy
Funrale says: Oh Lor!!!
Kurutani says: So, Nilstilar, are you cold yet?
Ashgan says: we're going to have to launch something to collect customer reviews, kyriann
Cinabre says: hem... I must get back to my caravan
Kyriann says: Hahaha, Nilstilar, right in the face!
Kyriann says: And wham! How was Nilstilar?
Ostium says: All right, Nilstilar. You've won a battle, but not yet the war!
Eolinius says: So, Nilstilar, are you cold yet?
Ostium says: Nair Nilstilar! We weren't going to let this go!
Kyriann says: All right, Nilstilar. You've won a battle, but not yet the war!
Ostium says: Prepare yourself Nilstilar, I'll show no mercy!
Kyriann says: So, Nilstilar, are you cold yet?
Eolinius says: Hahaha, Nilstilar, right in the face!
Kyriann says: All right, Nilstilar. You've won a battle, but not yet the war!
Laughing cinnabar
Ostium shouts: For Nilstilar!
Eolinius says: Nilstilar, I'm going to get you!
Ostium says: Nilstilar, I'm going to get you!
Cinabre says: I'm coming to your rescue, Ser
Eolinius says: Nilstilar, I'm going to get you!
Eolinius says: hahaha
Eolinius says: Prepare yourself Nilstilar, I'll show no mercy!
Otall bursts out laughing
Jorgensen says: Have you elected a new ambassador?
Kyriann says: Hahaha, Nilstilar, right in the face!
Nilstilar says: Arrgh... I can't breathe

Ambassador Nilstilar transformed into a snowman

Kyriann says: Hahaha, Nilstilar, right in the face!
Ostium says: All right, Nilstilar. You've won a battle, but not yet the war!
Cinabre says: So, Ostium, are you cold yet?
Ostium says: It's very hot in the Lochi sun. Here's something to cool you down!
Kyriann says: Ambassador Nair, we'll miss you!
Ostium says: Hey! Cinnabar, stop moving!
Cinabre says: argh!
Craftjenn says: A handful of colors for Cinabre!
Nilstilar says: Moo nec! *mutters the interested party
Nilstilar says: With Ser Cinabre, you're on the safe side *smiles*.
Ostium says: Oh oy Nair Amba... Nilstilar. We'll miss Sul
Ashgan says: he knows what's waiting for him, doesn't he?
Otall says: ha? and what are you going to do next?
Nilstilar says: There's life after politics, Nair Otall, you know!
Cinabre says: Good, Meria naia, Nairi!
Cinabre says: Deles necat
Cinabre bows respectfully.
Cinabre makes a courteous curtsy to Nilstilar.
Ostium says: Seelagan Nair Cinabre
Otall says: Deles Necat Ser Cinabre
Jorgensen says: Is the deal over? Can I shed my elf costume and regain my self-esteem?
Cinabre makes a courteous curtsy to Ostium.
Nilstilar says: Meraie naïa, Ser Ambassdeur. Jena keep you and make you prosper in these wet places! *smiles*
Eolinius shouts: Nair Trykeri !
Eolinius shouts: Make a guard of honor for the Nilstilar ambassador!
Kyriann says: Oy Nair Ambassador!
Funrale cries out that Nilstilar is a hero.
Jorgensen says: HUZZAH!
Craftjenn says: A handful of colors for Nilstilar!
Craftjenn says: Nilstilar... The best target for confetti!

The hedge of honor formed by the Drakani in front of ambassador Nilstilar

Nilstilar blushes: Namého! What's wrong?
Kyriann says: Voilà! Hurrah!
Nilstilar says: I hate hedges!
Kyriann says: Hurray
Eolinius shouts: Tor Lochi!
Ostium shouts: Tor Lochi!
Ostium shouts: Tor Nilstilar! And thanks for the fish... Huh, ah no, sorry!
Otall says: Davae Naïa Ser
Kyriann says: Come home Nair Ambassador!
Funrale says: You're going to have to fill up at the Fairhaven Nair-Nilstilar bar. You're as thick as a messab!
Aprak crie : Lorandoy
Kyriann shouts: Tor Nilstilar!
Qiibiao bows to this happy and pleasant company: GOOD NIGHT !!!!
Kyriann shouts: Come back and see us!
Eolinius shouts: Lordreen Tor Nilstilar!
Nilstilar says: Always, Serae Craftjenn: Jena be praised!
Ostium shouts: Lordreen tor Nilstilar!
Ostium empties his tankard in one gulp.
Eolinius smiles
Eolinius says: I think he was moved
Ostium smiles: I think so too.
Craftjenn says: Eo who? Nils?
Funrale says: Y is going to leave you. Y is happy to have seen you again and Y wishes you a happy Atysoel!
Aprak says: Noooooo I liked the elf costume!
Funrale bows respectfully.
Ashgan says: Hahaha, Ostium, right in the face!
Ostium says: Oh, the vile! I've used up all my ammunition! The scoundrel!
Ostium laughs.
Ashgan says: Hey! Ostium, stop moving!
Ostium rubs his arms together for warmth: it's not even cold!
Craftjenn says: It's Kyriann's party!
Aprak says: After the party? Will there be Byrh?
Ashgan says: there's always Byrh at the market!
Ashgan says: ah these young people...
Ostium says: You have to teach them everything...

The last passers-by leave the market
Eolinius is a little saddened by the departure of Ambassador Nisltilar.

We'll miss you, dear colleague!

Ambassador Eolinius, Ambassador Nilstilar, Taliar Kyriann

#4 [fr] 

Thank you Eolinius for immortalizing this moment.
And above all, thank you Nair, Nilstilar Ambassador, for all your years of role-playing and camaraderie.
We miss you and hope to see you again!
Seelagan !


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#5 [fr] 

Deles Necat my friend.
I hope our paths cross again in this life or in another...
Last visit Saturday, 18 January 08:00:49 UTC

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