

#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Creator of the event: Event-Team.
Type of event: OOC.
Appropriate levels: For all. Some events will need teams.

Start of the event: Friday, 20 December 20:00:00 UTC (2 days ago).
Expected duration: About 17 day(s).
Meeting place: Atysmas village and everywhere on Atys.

Homins concerned: For all.
Synopsis: Atysmas is here with its magic atmosphere and events!

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Margote (1 day ago)

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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A strange unrest reigns throughout Atys: desires for humming, decorating one's home and even the whole Bark, offering gifts, partying... What magic has taken hold of everyone?
Hohoho! But that's for sure! Atysmas is finally back!

List of events

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (21.9 hours ago)

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Advent calendar

Your calendar, and all its surprises, awaits you in the gigantic gift that appeared at the entrance of each capital (also in the Marauders Camp). It will remain present, for late arrivals, until the end of Atysmas.

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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A shower of gifts

Gift packages are scattered all over the Bark. Rip them open to find out what's inside.

Event's location : All around Atys.
Game's rules :
The gift packages scattered on the Bark must be emptied once dead, ripped open. You will then find some slightly withered tokens or useful objects.
Withered tokens are not directly usable at the Wheel of Fortune. They must be exchanged with the attendant at the Wheel on Atysmas Island for choice tokens or Atysmas ones.

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Segensfest Puzzle

Ein Schneemann hat ein großes Bild in 60 Fragmente zerschnitten und trägt sie mit sich herum. Zur Segensfestzeit besucht er abwechselnd die verschiedenen Stämme auf Atys (inklusive der Urwurzeln). Sucht nach ihm, um ein Fragment zu bekommen und versucht, das Bild wieder zusammenzusetzen!

Veranstaltungsort: Überall auf Atys, einschließlich der Urwurzeln.
Klickt auf den Schneemann, der alle 30 Minuten zufällig in einem Lager eines Stammes auftaucht, um ein Bildfragment zu erbeuten. Die gewonnenen Fragmente erscheinen in einem speziellen Fenster und vervollständigen nach und nach ein Puzzlebild.
Der Schneemann bleibt 20 Minuten im Spiel und erscheint (mit einem zufälligen Bildfragment) alle 30 Minuten wieder. Ob ein Schneemann im Spiel ist, erfährst du im kleinen Fenster der "Dynamischen Events".

Belohnungen: Segensfest-Jetons (Spielmarken) für jeden gefundenen Schneemann. Vorzügliche Jetons für jedes neue Bildfragment und exzellente Jetons für jedes vollendete Puzzle.

#6 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Gift Workshop

Create Gifts for your friends. It's up to them to be clever and find them!
Game's rules:
Talk to the Atysmas Presents Maker on Atysmas Island. He'll give you empty presents, which you can then fill with gifts. You can find the presents in Rywards (by pressing E). Equip an empty present and use the menu to fill it, then drop it off wherever you see fit. Wacky, dangerous or simply beautiful, you'll be spoilt for choice. But for sure, you will place them under an Atysmas-tree!
You can make and place up to 4 Gifts each day during the festivities.

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (2 days ago)

#7 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Collect Snow and throw a bunch of Snowballs at your friends. They surely deserve it!

Event's location: All cities, near the stables.
Game's rule:
Click on the snowhill to collect fresh snow. Equip the mould that has appeared in Rywards by clicking on E. Mold snowballs and make the bigger snowbalfight of atysmas!

Reward: Some focus for the player who receives the snowball.

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (18 hours ago)

#8 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Atysmas storytelling assembly

It's cold. In the distance a choir sings and snowflakes fall softly on the bark. What better way to warm up and share moments of emotion than with a place by the campfire and stories.

Come and join Atys dreamers in Atysmas village, on 11h - Tria, Medis 15, 4th AC 2631(*).
The Lutrykin Storyteller will host the meeting.
Homins will take turns telling their tales, songs or poems or simply listening to this fun, sometimes instructive and sometimes meditative mix.
The Lutrykin Storyteller will close the meeting with his own story.
All storytellers will receive the title of Atysmas Storyteller, as well as an equipable Atysmas Stick.

(*)On Friday, 27 December 20:00:00 UTC (5 days to go).

#9 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Build your own Snowman

Imagine what you can do with all the Snow, but first of all, let's build a Snowman! Gather all things you need for the body, the hat, the scarf etc. to build your very own Snowman. The more you gather, the bigger it will be. Who will build the biggest one?

Event's location: Begin by speaking with the snowman on Atysmas Island and then all around Atys.
Game's rule:
Get the instructions from the snowman, then follow them to collect the necessary items. The instruction sheet is in your special bag.
The more elements you collect, the bigger your snowman becomes.
Once you have all the elements, you can build your snowman in the location of your choice.
If it seems too small or badly placed, you can destroy it and recover the elements used to rebuild it elsewhere or make it grow.

Reward: A snowman to place in your apartment.
Last visit Sunday, 22 December 11:25:52 UTC

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