

#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Français | Español | Русский
Creator of the event: Event-Team.
Type of event: Uchrony.
Appropriate levels: For all. The lower levels may need to join a team.

Date of the event: Sunday, 29 September 19:00:00 UTC (7 days ago).
Expected duration: About 2 hour(s).
Meeting place: Cerakos Gate, Imperial Dunes, Burning Desert.

Homins concerned: For all.
Synopsis: To mark the 20th anniversary of Ryzom, the Event team invites you to experience a new version of the Exodus between Pyr and the Oasis of the Kamis.

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Español | Français | Русский
Karavan agent: Alert! The simulation is malfunctioning!
Karavan engineer: Confirmed! The temporal matrix is getting out of sync!
Karavan leader: Remodulate the polaronic harmonics!
Karavan engineer: I'm trying! But there are external disturbances! The matrix is moving. It's currently located in the homin fyros desert!
Karavan leader: How far out of sync is it?
Karavan engineer: Readings fluctuate, but I'd say at least 70 Jena years! Kitins are pouring in from everywhere!
Karavan leader: We must prevent genocide! Send a ship immediately!

#3 Report | Quote[fr] 

Oren Pyr à tous

Some Lucios, Quelques lucios à découvrir en vrac.


Mak i Talash
Refyia Abydeps

#4 Report | Quote[fr] 


Bonjour ;)

Les logs (et lucios) sont en cours de finition à



Hi ;)

My full logs are published (work in progress, on French page), and lucios are on

Last edited by Craftjenn (6 days ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger
Last visit Sunday, 6 October 10:25:12 UTC

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