

#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Français | Español | Русский
Creator of the event: Event-Team.
Type of event: Celebration.
Appropriate levels: For all.

Date of the event: Monday, 16 September 19:00:00 UTC (5 days ago).
Expected duration: About 20 day(s).
Meeting place: Anniversary island.

Homins concerned: For all.
Synopsis: Take part in Ryzom's 20th anniversary party on Anniversary Island from 16 September to 5 October 2024.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Margote (1 week ago)

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Español | Русский | Deutsch
2004 ! Do you remember what you were doing in 2004?
Teenager with long hair and skateboard? Thirty-something at the start of your career managing kids, husband and friends? Or a young geek studying computer science?

Yes, 20 is a long time ago, but it's also yesterday in some ways!
And 20 is also the age of Ryzom!
So, whether you're an early fan or a newcomer to the game, come and celebrate by taking part in the 20-day event running from September 16, 2024 to October 5, 2024.

Visit the anniversary island and its surprises.
Visit places that are usually inaccessible.
Learn more about the game's beginnings and history.
And earn lots of prizes for everyone!

Join us on September 16 for the opening ceremony! Bring your fireworks, confetti and water bombs!

Mark your calendars and spread the word, so that our love for this extraordinary game can unite us once again!

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (1 week ago)

#3 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | English | Deutsch | [Español] | Русский

Programa detallado de la ceremonia de apertura del 20 aniversario de Ryzom

  • Tamarea da la bienvenida a los jugadores y discurso de apertura.
  • Presentación de antiguos miembros del equipo Nevrax.
  • Algunas palabras de antiguos miembros del equipo Nevrax
  • Formación de una veintena por parte de los jugadores
  • Grabaciones de los mensajes de cumpleaños de los jugadores
  • Fuegos artificiales al anochecer
  • Comienzan los eventos
    • Juego de los tres barriles
    • Yubo golf
    • Puzzle del 20 aniversario
    • Ryzom Saga - La historia
    • Los viejos cofres
    • Minijefes
    • Dev Sorpresas

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (6 days ago)

#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Hi :)

Fort those who wants to see lucios, and read the event, go there (work in progress, full logs in French)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger
Last visit Sunday, 22 September 03:42:13 UTC

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