

#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | English | Deutsch | Français | Español | [Русский]
Организатор мероприятия: Event-Team.
Тип мероприятия: OOC.
Подходящие уровни: Все.

Дата проведения мероприятия: Wednesday, 4 September 2024 19:00:00 UTC (6 months ago).
Ожидаемая продолжительность: Около 2 часа(часов).
Место встречи: Холм к северу от Пира.

Заинтересованные хомины: Все.
Краткий обзор: Приходите провести вечер с командой аниматоров и узнать, как создаются события..

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Français | Español
Have you ever wondered how to create events? Where do you start? How does it work? What needs to be done? Who does what? Why this event rather than another? Who decides what? Where did I put my TP? Do you have any crystals? Oh, an izam! :-D
Well, you'll get your answers! (except for your TP. Sorry, look deep in your pockets :-) ) After this evening, you'll be real experts at creating stories and staging them for players ;-)

We invite you to join us north of Pyr so we can tell you all about our meetings, preparations and so on. And you can ask us all those questions that have been on your mind for so long. By the way, if you see a recruiting officer passing by, don't hesitate to let him know. :-)

Oh, and as a bonus, if you're smart ( Ha ha ha. We know you! :-) ), we'll get together with you to start preparing an event, taking into account the various constraints we'll have explained to you beforehand ;-)
And if we come up with something that works well enough, we might even play it later! So you'll have to be creative ;-)

See you soon on Atys!

#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Ah, drats! Thought this would be today! =_=


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Deles silam Filira Caradini !

As happy to read you again as sorry as you are to have missed the event yesterday.

Matis aye !

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Nilstilar (6 months ago)


#5 Report | Quote[fr] 

Coucou :)

Reportage en cours de rédaction à


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#6 Report | Quote[en] 


Last edited by Salazar (6 months ago)


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis
Last visit Tuesday, 11 March 11:19:57 UTC

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