Are you for adding a Macro to use Ammos?
Atys: Bradbreddan, Kyrean, Tarka
NO 0
Other 0
Abstain 0

#1 Multilingual 


After leveling the grenade launcher for quite a while now, I started to look dipper into groups and macros.

At the present I use a group to load my grenade launcher onto my right hand.

I even tried a group that also has ammos in the left hand, but soon as those ammos have been used, the group no longer selects the newest ammos.

And I'm not seing a macro that allows to load existing ammos onto my left hand.

That would not only be a time saver but also a help to reduce the cooldown of loading such equipement.


What about adding an option under: Macro/Command/Action... such as "USE AMMO" ?

Which will allow to pick ammos of:

- Any type (rifle, launcher, etc)
- Any civilization (Fyros, Matis, etc)
- Any quality (Q250 or less, degraded Q too)
- Any inventory (starting from the bag, then any zig, mount, mektoub and GH)

Into the left hand, as long as the ammo type matches with the range weapon used.

Thanks for your consideration.


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tarka (3 months ago)

#2 [en] 


Je vote oui, je pense que ceci incitera les joueurs a se servir davantage des armes à distance, dont l'emploi en jeu et lourd et complexe.

Ca allègera le maniement de ces armes, déjà ralenti par le fait d'être obligé de fabriquer les munitions pratiquement au fur et à mesure.

Déséquiper l'armure, prendre l'outil de craft, remplir les toub de munitions, re équiper l'armure et l'arme, remplir le chargeur de l'arme en sélectionnant le toub et transférer dans la main gauche.

ouf !

mais? ou est passée la cible? ^^
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