

#1 Report | Quote[en] 

Hello everyone. I am not certain if this topic has been broached before, but it would be nice if the other Cults had crystals that contained their pacts like the Marauder do. I maybe the only one who finds it insane that the pacts are not neatly packed into 1 nice case…my main guess that this could be done for pure Kami and Kara but still a nightmare for Rangers and Pure Neutrals. I have no solutions – this is post is not for one to be made, just something that I noticed when filtering through my bag for a pact :P

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Kami have such a thing, As far as i know kara do as well.
Dunno about rangers or neutrals, kinda forgot the requirements for the item.


#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Nice...so maybe just us Neutrals then.

Thank you
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