

#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | English | Français | [Deutsch] | Español
Event-Ersteller: Event-Team .
Art des Events: PvE und Rollenspiel.
Geeignete Level: Alle.

Zeitpunkt des Events: Sunday, 10 December 2023 20:00:00 UTC (9 months ago).
Voraussichtliche Dauer: Ungefähr zwei Stunden.
Treffpunkt: Marodeur-Lager in der Versteckten Quelle.

Betroffene Homins: Marodeure.
Synopsis: Akilia Ash Storm schickt die Marodeure zu einem Stamm, der ein Bündnis angeboten hat.

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

Akilia Ash Storm lifted her head from the letter and looked at Mezix the Sorceress.
"The Impaleurs, is that the name of a clan?
- Doesn't ring a bell. Why do you ask?
- Their leader, a certain Eva, is proposing an alliance. She'd like me to go and receive a pledge of goodwill. But I'm not going for a bunch of unknown cowards. Send the clans. That will suffice as a show of force. The Scarlet will accompany them to supervise."
Gathering of all clans.
Meet in front of the stables, on 16h - Tria, Germinally 9, 3rd AC 2626 (*) 
- -
Mezix the Sorceress
Aide-de-camp of Akilia Ash Storm

* [OOC]Sunday, 10 December 2023 20:00:00 UTC (9 months ago)

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (9 months ago)

Last visit Saturday, 7 September 23:43:36 UTC

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