
#18 Report | Quote[en] 

sports self-propelled carts can be distributed among all. With an engines running on purified goo and a body made of fiber-resin. Red color.

Update: Even though you don't have to give kamists carts, they still don't believe in them.

Update of update: Instead, kamists can be given special holiday coal.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Hayt (2 weeks ago)

#19 Report | Quote[fr] 

Peut-être faire un peu de pub sur les sites de jeux vidéos et consorts ? A à peine quelques jours de la date je ne vois aucune information a l’extérieur, alors que l'on trouve encore des sites qui parlent des 10 ou 15 ans de Ryzom (, ...)
Last visit Saturday, 21 September 07:55:42 UTC

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