
#1 [fr] 

Kamia'ata Tao Sian,

I have to tell you about a rather disturbing event that I think requires our attention. On my way to Fairhaven today, I found a fyros in the bar in the throes of paranoia. The homin was under the care of two of his friends, who were struggling to contain his frenzy. Covered in sweat, shaking and roaring at imaginary Matis, the homin was swimming in psychotic delirium.

The two homines who accompanied him and knew him well explained that, despite the rumors about this naturally violent specimen, he was no longer in a "normal" state. He himself was still lucid enough to feel his reason wavering dangerously. One of his two guardians took a blood sample and divided it in two so that I could send it to you, in the hope that your knowledge might shed some light on the situation. Following this, I took the liberty of taking him out of town and slapping him around a bit. From then on, his madness took over and he went from fists to guns. He no longer seemed to feel pain and his strength seemed limitless. The Kamis called me back to them, and when I saw him again, he was back to himself, but wracked with incomprehension at what had happened to him.

I've made enquiries, and the risk that this homin has deliberately intoxicated himself to achieve this result is quite low. I was told about his massage therapist who mysteriously disappeared and who is one of the few people who managed to calm him down (I preferred not to ask about her methods). I wonder if this homine could have pricked him with a needle and administered a substance during her so-called treatments. According to the two janitors, this homin has never needed drugs, being a natural paranoid who doesn't trust anyone. That's why I think we should question this Fyros massage therapist, but I'd rather leave it to her friends, given the nature of their common sap. Otherwise, the source of her torment could be poisoned shooki barrels, a previous case of which was reported to me some time ago.

Tao Sian, we might be tempted to leave this homin to his fate on the grounds that he doesn't belong to our race. However, it wouldn't be surprising to learn that the evil gnawing at the patriot was probably created in the jungle or forest. We need to find out who's making it and where, and I have a few theories on the subject which I'll share with you when we're alone. I'll join you as soon as possible to help you study this sample. I wanted you to have it as soon as possible, so that you can secure it.

Ochi Kami no.


#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | Deutsch | [Español] | Français
Tao-Sian miró en silencio como la Despertada giró el dedo en cuenco. Ella parecía concentrada, pero la serenidad parecía nunca haber sido parte de ella. Ella había repudiado su pasado Antikami y toda su violencia. ¿Será que nunca podría borrar todos los restos de eso? Tao-Sian esperanzada, frecuentemente solicitaba a los Kamis para que la ayudaran en su tarea.
Por el momento, otras preocupaciones atormentaban a la Sanadora Dinástica. Ella analizó esta sangre Fyros tan pronto como la recibió de Nikuya. Ella sabía que ciertas sustancias podrían desaparecer si se esperaba demasiado, y la carta de la Despertada la había preocupado lo suficiente para querer saber más.
Ello la motivó a solicitar a Nikuya para llevar el análisis ella misma. La verificación era esencial.
Da'qi-zi's pearl|La perla de Da'qi-zi estuvo creciendo y ella podría ver el resultado por ella misma. Sin embargo, ella pero que Nikuya completara el ritual y pesara las dos partes. La proporción se respetó. La parte mágica aún estaba bien, pero aún así algo seguía estando mal.
"Tu técnica ha mejorado, Despertada. ¡Estoy muy orgullosa de ti! Ahora, ¿ves algo mal en el resultado?"
Nikuya tomó el tiempo para examinar cuidadosamente la perla entre sus palillos.
"Es oscura, más oscura de lo usual, pero no se sí es anormal o solo una variación que nunca había encontrado antes.
- Observa. Aquí está la perla que obtuvo que obtuve de la muestra más fresca. Si, la perla es notablemente más oscura. ¿Ves estas líneas negras? No es Maligna. Esta no es la causa de las líneas negras. No puede ser esto."
Tao-Sian sostuvo una estrofa en la que descansaba una perla Da'qi-zi, la más negra que Nikuya nunca jamás había visto.
"Savia Negra."
La frase salió de los labios de Tao-Sian como una daga, dejando a Nikuya sin palabras.
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