
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Español | Français | Deutsch
Be'Leaddy Kepsie and Kyriann met at Ba'Naer Liffan's bar to discuss the production of barrels. Many would be needed for the new Water Route.
"A convoy of 100 mektoubs! That's pretty ambitious, isn't it?'
"I prefer to think big. We can adapt according to the number of homins who will show up.
"Okal. So I made my calculations. There's no shortage of barrel specialists around here, even if it's rarely for water!" says Be'leaddy Kepsie with a glance at an impassive Ba'Naer behind his counter. "We can make very good watertight barrels for transporting large quantities of water. We should be able to fit three on each mekbtoub. That would mean around 300 barrels on arrival. Would that suit you?"
"Of course!" agreed Kyriann, who, despite her apparent enthusiasm, turned a little paler. She seemed to be beginning to realize that ambition comes at a price.
"And... how much material would you need for all this?"
"Oh, almost nothing! Each barrel will require 200 bundles of choice wood, 200 choice fibers, 100 measures of choice resin and 20 basic or fine ligaments. Inside we'll be able to fit 4 skins of lake water."
Kyriann's hiccups were quite noticeable this time.
"Okal... Well we'll have to roll up our sleeves....
"I've spoken to the Governess too. Those who help won't leave empty-handed! So spread the word! More materials, more barrels! I will set up north of the Master Water Carrier. The less water we carry, the less we risk losing."

The harvest will be open to all players from Thursday, 15 June 2023 09:00:00 UTC (2 years ago) to Sunday, 25 June 2023 18:00:00 UTC (2 years ago) inclusive on Fairhaven beach.
The minimum quality of materials to be collected is 150.
All types of Skins of water (product of the water-carrying occupation) are accepted.
No minimum quantity is required, but you will only earn dappers and elyps when you deposit a complete batch (see below).
The quantities and types of materials deposited can be viewed on the notice board near Be'Leaddy Kepsie.
Reward: 10 elyps and 4,000 dappers for a complete batch of raw materials (200 wood or 200 fiber or 100 resin or 20 ligaments or 4 skins of water).
Rewards will be limited to 1000 elyps per player for the entire harvesting campain.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Chronicles of Atys (2 years ago)

#2 [fr] 



ne craignez vous pas de vous retrouver avec uniquement de la résine voire des ligaments ?

Quitte à prendre le temps de forer, pourquoi aller sur des lots de 200mp alors que les lots de 100mp rapporteront autant d'elyps?

Pour ma part je me suis quand meme mis sur le bois (lots de 200) , j'espère juste que je ne serai pas le seul a piocher les lots de 200.

Last edited by Kurutani (2 years ago)


Curudan O'Polly aka Kurutani
Tryka. Meer. Sella.
Tey amn o Lochi

#3 [fr] 

(( HRP
Je me posais surtout la question entre 4 outres d'eau et 200 fibres, le choix est vite fait ))

#4 [fr] 

y'à pas un titre à gagner ? Ingénieur Tonnelier ? :)


Mak i Talash
Refyia Abydeps

#5 [en] 

No, that will not do. Without new special titles, this is not tempting.

#6 [fr] 

Généralement on ne participe pas à des events juste pour avoir des titres, enfin c'est le cas pour moi ...

#7 [en] 

In the goods wanted/acceptance window, change the icons (number of stars) of goods to match the required quality.

#8 [fr] 

y'à pas un titre à gagner ? Ingénieur Tonnelier ? :)

of course it was a joke... haha @Hayt and @Eolinius]


Mak i Talash
Refyia Abydeps

#9 [fr] 

Je ne me serais jamais permis de tacler une aussi jolie Fyrosse, tant admirée par les juges .... xDD

#10 [en] 

this could take awhile.... f2p can't dig Q150 mats, the skills limit prevents F2P from digging any higher then Q130.... f2p cap is 125.... at 125 dig you can dig 130 mats....

when making an event one should consider the f2p community as well as the subbed community... this event would be just out of reach of an f2p for digging

f2p could maybe do the ligaments as that's a hunted mat, but that would depend on the mob it wants you to hunt, likewise the occupation products could be turned in by an f2p.

i know F2P isn't the target demographic, but putting an event just outside their play range isn't likely to inspire them to subscribe, and being omitted from the event doesn't fit ryzom's long standing style of inclusion... just a random thought.



Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#11 [fr] 

[HRP]Différentes possibilités de participer s'offrent aux joueurs F2P.
D'abord, ils peuvent faire du soin de source pour des joueurs abonnés et partager ainsi les matériaux récoltés.
Ils peuvent, éventuellement au sein d'une équipe, chasser la faune pour recueillir des ligaments.
Et pour terminer le métier de porteur d'eau est un des plus faciles à faire et permettra d'obtenir une récompense significative.
Alors j'accepte la critique puisque effectivement cet event n'a pas été fait primitivement pour des joueurs F2P mais nous avons veillé à ce qu'ils puissent facilement participer.

Margote, EM

Last edited by Chronicles Of Atys (2 years ago)

#12 [en] 

thank you for the reply, and all the effort you put into giving the community things to do.

i'm often a critic of things in ryzom, but i do it from a place of love and admiration for the ideal that is ryzom.

talk :)


Remickla (atys)
Other games - they give you a cookie whether you succeed or not, in fact you don't even have to participate. Ryzom takes your cookie, eats it in front of you, and slaps you 2 or 3 times for bringing a cookie in the first place.
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#13 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Craftjenn leaves the library grumbling"Already 118 barrels made, 2000 skins of water collected!

We have much more water than barrels, if a barrel contains 4 skins of lake water..."To this event page on wiki (with lot of links about Water Road)(return to drilling)

Last edited by Craftjenn (2 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#14 [en] 



ne craignez vous pas de vous retrouver avec uniquement de la résine voire des ligaments ?

Quitte à prendre le temps de forer, pourquoi aller sur des lots de 200mp alors que les lots de 100mp rapporteront autant d'elyps?

Pour ma part je me suis quand meme mis sur le bois (lots de 200) , j'espère juste que je ne serai pas le seul a piocher les lots de 200.
Last visit Thursday, 13 March 10:13:55 UTC

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