

#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Ganador del concurso de escenarios

Creador del evento: Eeri y Equipo de Eventos..
Tipo de evento: JvE. Posible JvJ conforme a la elección tomada durante el evento.
Niveles adecuados: Todos. Los niveles más bajos pueden necesitar unirse a un equipo.

Fecha del evento: Monday, 1 May 2023 19:00:00 UTC (1 year ago).
Duración prevista: Unas dos horas.
Lugar de encuentro: Establos de Dyron.

Los homins en cuestión: Akenakos, Patriotas Fyros y amigos del Imperio.
Sinopsis: Celiakos Dios Apotheps ha recibido información sobre movimientos inusuales entre los Renegados. Al no recibir respuesta a la carta que envió a su líder, decide ir a su campamento escoltada por los Patriotas para obtener respuestas. Ella espera que la presencia de los Patriotas disuada a Xyrius Cegrips de provocar un baño de sangre frente a testigos.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Chronicles of Atys (1 year ago)

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Français | Español

This whole affair brought back memories that Dios Apotheps would have preferred to keep buried deep in her memory. Why did the Renegades have to stir themselves up again and again?
She reread the reports again, but they all described the same facts: the patrols had been reinforced around their camp, which also seemed to have been enriched with several additional tents and campfires. Xyrius Cegrips was obviously on the move to reinforce his troops... But why? To find out, she had sent a message to the Dunes of Exile a month earlier, but the leader of the Renegades had not deigned to reply.

Now she needed answers before alerting sharükos(*). She had therefore resolved to make the trip to the Dunes accompanied by Patriots who could attest to the reality of the threat, to ask her questions directly to Xyrius Cegrips.
Akenakos(**), Patriots and friends of the Empire,

Join me at Dyron's stables on 20h - Holeth, Fallenor 18, 2nd AC 2623(***). Answers must be given regarding recent developments around and in the Renegades' camp. We will go there to obtain them from the very voice of their leader.
Dios Apotheps

* sharükos = Emperor
** Akenakos = Representative(s) of a city
*** Monday, 1 May 2023 19:00:00 UTC (1 year ago)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Chronicles of Atys (1 year ago)

Last visit Sunday, 8 September 00:40:03 UTC

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