
#1 [en] 

In my short (ish) time playing this game, I really love the aspect of group harvesting to the point of subbing a second account as a dedicated care planner.

I have come across two seperate issues that occur because of this.

1) Sometimes due to lag? or some other mechanic my care planner alt gets to the source node first but then gets a message saying that you can not care plan a source node that is not being harvested and the it stops. If you don't notice the message (often as its on a second screen) then the node expires/detonates/gasses you etc.

2) I have just started to kill dig I think the term is, use only higher level harmful stanza's which require a care planner to assist as the node will expire/detonate/gas very quickly. I have found that sometimes no matter how good my timing seems to be the node will expire/detonate/gas before the care planner starts. This is a cause of frustration somes as it can lead to death.

Both issues would be elleviated if you could start care planning the node first before digging.

Thank you.

#2 Multilingual 

Bonne idée !
Pour éviter cela, je fais commencer le foreur avec une stanza plus douce et selon le mode de la source, je ne le bascule sur la stanza tueuse que lorsque le alt planifie les soins.
Forer sur Atys, tout un art :)

Good idea!
To avoid this, I start the borer with a softer stanza and depending on the source mode, I only switch it to the killer stanza when the alt is planning to heal.
Drilling on Atys is an art :)

A useful link YTd_wXtLplqfxg/edit

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Erenkyl (1 year ago)

#3 [fr] 

Le lien que j'ai ajouté semble ne pas fonctionner a partir du forum, même en faisant un copier coller.

The link I added does not seem to work from the forum, even when copying and pasting.

Last edited by Erenkyl (1 year ago)

#4 Multilingual 

a supprimer svp...j'ai glissé au mauvais endroit..

Last edited by Tenaka (1 year ago)


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