choose the option you agree with based on my orginal post
yes, community wide poll on guild hall bulk and slot upgrades 1
yes, community wide poll on apartment bulk and slot upgrades 1
yes, community wide poll on making generic mats an item we can trade between players 0
yes at making plushies and Wheel of fortune winning items something we can trade AGAIN (could do it in the past but not now) 0
yes to all 0
no to all 1
Other 0
Abstain 0

#1 Multilingual 

I would like to see Official Polls posted by the dev team on the following topics:

guild hall bulk and slot upgrades (or one time change to 10X current bulk and slots)

apartment bulk and slot upgrades (or one time change to 10X current bulk and slots)

making generic crafting materials (gen mats, potatos, whatever) items we can trade between players

all three of these requests have been made for years, some of them going all the way back to the nervax days, let's ask the community at large what they really want and let the chips fall where they may, in the end you (the powers that be) can ignore my request here, and if you don't ignore my request you can always ignore the results of the poll and do nothing after the fact, but i'd sure be happy to see a poll that would be exposed to the whole player base (announcements official post) over the few english reading responders to my posts, very few people will take the time to translate another language because they don't like to have the full picutre, i spend alot of time translating entire threads to have the real idea of how the players feel about things.

Last edited by Talkirc (2 years ago)


Remickla (atys)
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#2 [en] 

with recents changes on rywards and allegories, anyone can now trade plushies and generic material.
allegories gives a new generic mat with lower stats than usual generic map, but tradable.

#3 [fr] 

perso, je suis contre le fait de multiplier la capacité de stockage des appartements ou halls de guilde. Certes comme beaucoup, j'ai plusieurs halls de guildes mais ils me permettent de trier mon stockage. Ainsi si le stock est full, je me dis que soit je dois utiliser les items qui y sont, soit je dois crafter. Quel est l'intérêt de stocker autant d'items ?
Quand à l'échange des mps génériques... difficile de donner un réel avis, j'ai profité des cadeaux pour donner des mes génériques, mais j'avoue que c'est encore une possibilité d'accélérer le jeu et l'accession aux masters... là je vous laisse choisir.


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#4 [en] 

i'd like to be able to see all my items without needing to load a dozen alts, i use a guild hall as an apartment for storing items that friends now passed crafted for me with special messages on them, i can't destroy those or give them away, the shear number of items like that has built up over the last 10 or 11 years (most of that was collected in the 5 or 6 years after merger, where we all lost things that had no value other then memories)

having a larger apartment would allow me to move those personal items back into my personal apartment

as for guild halls: i have 3 for gear and mats, full sets of gear take up space an if they're hard to find, they often get forgotten or lost, i'm always finding stuff that was 'overflow' being able to keep everything in a single guild hall would prevent some of the lost track of hords of mats or gears because this guild hall or that guild hall isn't accessable because the player in charge quit the game, or a dozen other reasons having to spread out stuff more and more causes more hording, everything in ryzom is finite in terms of how long it will last, so no reason not to have a stand by set of x,y,or z in the one guild hall everyone can use vs needing to track someone down when they're online or catching the GL when they're on to have them log their alts on and into those gh's to get what's needed 3rd party vs first hand if it was all in a single guild. (found out i had 4 different partial stacks of Q170 mats i was collecting for a recipe, i'd given up on ever getting enough mats back when i was trying to do it, much later on i found that i had the mats to do it with twice if i'd just had all the mats in one storage location. hard to keep track of lot's of DB's simpler to just search a single one and be done with it.

after more then a decade and a half of the player base begging for this, i expect it when i have grandchildren because it's been ignored for nearly all of ryzom's life, new stuff is great, but how about throwing the players that have been here for 15+ years a few cookie crumbs.

as for generic mats, again the research was done, takes nearly 20 stacks of Q250 gen mats to do a single level of craft past 240, that's over 1 million civ points to buy the potatos, not many people going to give those away, but Q50, 100, 150, and 200, those are often destroyed to save bag slot space as for the whole idea that someone might craft with them to get xp, might be a valid path for anyone that does not want to be a digger but wants to craft their own 60% gear with choice mats (truely bad stats as i'm using all gen mat crafted gear on all 4 of my toons currently)


Remickla (atys)
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