#1 Added by Wixarika 2 years ago
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)
#2 Added by Chronicles of Atys 2 years ago
akenakos Wixarika,As the last akenak assembly decided, you are in charge, together with the akenakos Naveruss, of the planning of a new water route.Know that Lykos, sharükos, approves your choice of the route crossing the Matis Kingdom but that his current obligations do not allow him to participate in person in the talks with Matia that he is making necessary.Therefore, he entrusts you, akenakos, with the task of representing the sharük at the negotiation table which will be held at Almati Wood under the chairmanship of Barmie Dingle, guide of the Rangers, at a date which the latter will communicate to you.Lykos expects you to preserve the Honor of sharük during these talks, at the end of which you will inform me without delay of the concessions and counterparts thus negotiated to allow this passage of the future water route through Matis territory.The Empire will be reborn from your ardor.sharükos pyrèkud! sharük pyrèküd!--Graphybus Cerosceliakos
#3 Added by Chronicles of Atys 2 years ago
Stevano Karan,Los Trykers y Fyros han decidido revivir la Ruta del Agua, la cual en las Tierras Antigüas fue un símbolo de solidaridad entre homins. Ellos han elegido una ruta, sin precedentes en las Nuevas Tierras, usando el camino del Bosque. Esto acentúa la naturaleza conmemorativa de esta nueva Ruta y evita los peligros, tan frecuentemente fatales, que se hallan en las Raíces Primarias.Los acuerdos de libre circulación celebrados en virtud del Tratado de las Cuatro Naciones permitirían a los organizadores llevar a cabo este proyecto sin más trámites. Sin embargo, ellos están plenamente conscientes de que el movimiento de un gran número de mektoubs a través de su territorio es, sin lugar a dudas, una molestia para el Reino; razón por la cual, ellos me han solicitado organizar las negociaciones, en las cuales el Reino tenga la oportunidad de demostrar su grandeza de espíritu y generosidad.Los Rangers están obviamente a favor de tal iniciativa. Por lo cual, pongo al Bosque Almati como sede para que den inicios las conversaciones entre una delegación Fyros y los embajadores que usted designe. Tan pronto como me sea informada la identidad de los miembros de ambas delegacioens, les contactaré para fijar una fecha definitiva para tal conferencia.Permítame añadir que deseo ver pasar este convoy, como un testimonio de la fuerza de los lazos que unen a los homins.---Barmie DingleGuía de los Rangers
#4 Added by Chronicles of Atys 2 years ago
On behalf of His Majesty the Karan Stevano,I hereby communicate to you the names of the ambassadors responsible for negotiating the conditions for the possible passage of Water Route convoys through the territory of the Kingdom of the Forest.These are Filirai Copal Frerini (Royal Scribe), Salazar Caradini (Royal Historian) and Tapco di Juice (Alkiane Order's Herën).——Signed in Yrkanis on Frutor the 27th, AC4 2623Sirgio RosirmeRoyal Scribe
Last edited by Chronicles of Atys (2 years ago)
#5 Added by Naveruss 2 years ago
sharükos pyrèkud, sharük pyrèkud!Although a report will be made to you on the meeting with the Matis delegation concerning the water route, I'll take the liberty of already giving you my report: it was a disaster on many counts from which I'd have many diplomatic lessons to draw, except for one which is a rather good success..Our mission was to inform the Kingdom of our passage, but due to my clumsiness in dominating the discussion, for which I take full responsibility, this was transformed into a request for authorization to pass through. What's more, we found ourselves having to make concession after concession, admittedly minor, but indirectly acknowledging that we were at the mercy of the matis' goodwill..These concessions went so far as to agree to take on a Matis escort as we passed through the forest, with the escort being divided among all the teams so that it could be carefully monitored. This is our only success: getting the Matis joining the escort to acknowledge and respect my responsibility to lead it. During the Water Route, the Matis escort will therefore be under my command for the time it takes to pass through the forest, with the formal commitment of the subjects of the kingdom present to rigorously follow the discipline in place. A single victory among many defeats, but one that will enable us to maintain our ascendancy, at least in part..Since I don't have time to be ashamed or proud of this encounter, I will now try to draw some lessons from it..akash, the speech, orak in the right!naveruss kynigrips
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Naveruss (2 years ago)
#6 Added by Chronicles of Atys 2 years ago
To Karan Stevano and sharükos LykosFirst of all, I would like to thank you for choosing ambassadors capable of discussion and compromise.The meeting held on 3h - Dua, Winderly 14, 1st AC 2624 at Almati Wood was courteous and enabled us to set up an exemplary organization for this Water Road.As a result, this caravan of mektoubs will benefit from an escort of Matis Subjects and Nobles throughout its crossing of the Verdant Heights, ensuring that the laws of the Kingdom are respected.The route to be taken will avoid all built-up areas and tribal encampments.A non-aggression pact will be observed: no aggression whatsoever will be tolerated either inside or outside the caravan. For this reason, all participants are asked not to display any ostensible sign of allegiance to a faction (tag PvP) upon entering the Kingdom. The akenakos Naveruss will be in command of the caravan as it crosses the Kingdom, and her instructions must be respected by all, in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom. In return, she will be responsible for any incident occurring during the crossing. Any provocation must therefore be repressed.I am sure that this event will mark the beginning of a new era of prosperity for your two nations, and that the non-aggression pact will survive it.--Barmie DingleRangers Guide
#7 Added by Azazor 2 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)
#8 Added by Eolinius 2 years ago
Nair Barmie Dingle, My information and that of the people present have enabled me to learn of the secret meeting that took place in the Almati woods between the Fyros and the Matis to organize the water route and negotiate the passage of the convoy through Matis territory. I commend your initiative. It is to your credit and in your tradition to have sought to facilitate a rapprochement between these two nations. However, your interference in this matter may have gone a little too far..Your equation is missing one parameter: the Trykeri, the main organizers of the water route with the Fyros. Given your Tryker origins, you must know that the wrong formula can quickly lead to an explosion. Inviting negotiations on the passage and organization of the convoy without the main organizers is inadmissible. It's not a mistake, it's a 'diplomatic error' which I hope will be corrected as soon as possible..We are no longer the slaves of the Matis or the Fyros, and our opinion is essential to the organization of this water route..Eolinius,Ambassadeur At Lochi
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)
#9 Added by Eolinius 2 years ago
Ambassador Bei Lochi Eolinius in the absence of Ambassador Lorlyn to His Imperial Majesty Lykos, Emperor of the Fyros.From the information we have received, we are aware of the negotiations that took place at Almati Wood between the Fyros and the Matis. The talks between your two nations are none of our business. On the other hand, Grand Sharükos Lykos, the Federation is very surprised that, as co-organizer of the water route and supplier of products imported to your country, it has not been invited to take part in the organization of this transport and relegated to the background in the negotiations..The water route is a symbol of mutual aid between nations. I remind the Sharükos that the Trykeri make the barrels and export the raw materials; without them, the water route wouldn't exist.. It would be a pity if the great friendship between the Fyros and Trykeri peoples were to falter through misunderstanding or overzealous subordinates of the empire..Eolinius,Ambassadeur At Lochi
#10 Added by Eolinius 2 years ago
Hey An-Neu Tala ! Elysem Gan Sul ?What's going on in Sulem ambassade? We haven't heard from Sul!Sul t'es fait mangé Tor sulem Ch'it Frippos?Embassies are currently buzzing with excitement over the water route.The Federation is waiting for new Sulem ( Al Sulem Talai Fosti ;)TRICK ! MEER ! SELLA !Sulem Tala Eolinius
Edited 7 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)
#11 Added by Copal 2 years ago
Deles Silam Ser Ambassador,I hope this finds you in good health..I would like to draw your attention to several events in which I have been involved, and ask for your advice..I met the Empire's embassy with Filira Salazar and Filira Tapo about the Water Route, under the auspices of Ranger Guide Barmie Dingle. The Fyros agreed to all the Karin's conditions, but we didn't get much more than that. I'm inclined to think, therefore, that our enterprise was moderately successful.. But you already know all that. So let me move on to the events that concern me.My wife, Serae Liosta, and I recently visited Fairhaven at the invitation of my mother-in-law. As I'd expected, this wasn't a social visit. The Fairhaven bar - for, as expected, the meeting took place there - was packed. The Trykeri present questioned me at length about the meeting and the decisions taken. Assuming that there were no secrets involved, and assuming that the Fyros had already shared this information with their allies, I gave them as objective an account as possible of the agreements we had reached. But their reaction surprised me. To say the least.In a nutshell, the Trykeri present felt that the Empire and the Kingdom had joined forces to reconcile at their expense. Several of them explicitly implicated the Kingdom in the affair. And they were extremely offended.. I tried to calm the situation and assured them of the Kingdom's consideration for the Federation. I believe I was more or less successful. However, I don't practice trykeri customs as well as you do. May I ask you to assure me that I have not done more harm than good? And to calm their worries if necessary? I would be infinitely grateful..On a broader level. I'd like your insights into what this event reveals. It does seem strange that the Fyros left their Trykeri allies in the dark about this meeting. And even more so of the results. Knowing that the results will be binding on the entire escort, including the Trykeri..The Empire was behind the Water Route, the idea of crossing the Kingdom, and the encounter with Almati Wood. Is it possible that the Fyros deliberately sought to drive a wedge between us and the Federation? I wonder and worry. And that's why I'd like to benefit from your diplomatic experience at a date to suit you, but if possible before the date scheduled for this Water Route..Looking forward to this meeting, may Jena keep you in Her Light.Jena AiyeMatis AiyeCopal FreriniNoble of the KingdomScribe Royal d'AvalaeAmbassador to the Theocracy
Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)
#12 Added by Azazor 2 years ago
Mon cher EoliniusI need to talk to you frankly before the start of the Route de l'Eau. Will you have any free time in the next few days?* You're perfectly free to bring any trykeri you like. After all, this is about all of you.. We look forward to hearing from you, Azazor..
Last edited by Azazor (2 years ago)
#13 Added by Wixarika 2 years ago
#14 Added by Fleurdetuber 2 years ago
Lordoy Ny'Eolinius,Seen Tor this strange Izam.I wanted to be sure that Ken Sul was the first reader of this letter..Tor alleviate your heart-warming concernsI have to admit, Ken, age and time are starting to take their toll..Eny I'm doing well, at least as well as Ken can..As for the appetite of my Ch'tit fripos, Y Sul rassures, if they're fond it's of information Al de rumeurs.Ny'Canillia is one of the forces that have been quietly working Tor the cause of the water route in the kingdom.. Eny now I fear complications between the Matis Al the Fyros.Y suppose Ken sul don't ignore Ken l'akenak Azazor has returned from Detem voyage in the ancient lands.Sul sais Ken j'ai gardé des relations privilégiées avec Ny'Canilla qui a été anobli il y a quelques temps maintenant.However, you probably don't know Ken, this Balour d'Azazor has once again shown off one of his secret flashes of brilliance..The latter simply decided to take advantage of Filira Canillia Tor's absence to attack Yrkanis' detem demeure in the middle of the day..He assaulted Al and seriously injured several members of the Canillia household..He kidnapped Nair Be'Lauren, detem mère's young lady-in-waiting..The latter fled, pursued by the Royal Guard, carrying on his shoulder detem "booty".. I haven't heard from the homine since.Ken Nair Be'lauren is said to be the daughter of Nair Azazor..The latter would have given him Al's mission to infiltrate and spy on the Kingdom..This explains the gift she was given at the Karinae's wedding to Karin Al..This further explains Ken Ny'Canillia's interest in this Trykette..I now understand better the many discreet stays Ken my old pupil made in Sylan Al in the desert....Today Y fears Canillia's reaction...Detem status as Master of poisons Al of House Alkiane intelligence makes her very dangerous.Since the event, she's been avoiding my requests for an appointment..Having been unable to speak with her, I don't know what she might do,Al It scares me.Seelagagn Ny'TallaTryka Mear Sella
Edited 6 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)
#15 Added by Canillia 2 years ago
De Filirae Canillia Altae Di Sylengi,Membre du très Noble Ordre Alkiane,Bénie de la Mère.Aux Sénateurs de l'Empire :Pour commencer, je tiens à préciser que cette démarche est faite à titre purement individuel. Elle n'engage en rien l'Ordre Alkiane, le Royaume ou notre Karan et sa famille.Je souhaite porter à la connaissance des très honorables Membres du Sénat la plainte concernant la lâche agression dont ma maisonnée a été victime en mon absence.La dame de compagnie de ma mère a été enlevée par un individu très violent. Pour parvenir à ses fins, celui-ci a maltraité les gents en charge du service de ma demeure. De plus, il est responsable de sa dégradation.Cet individu était un homin de sève fyros d'âge mûr. Il portait une tenue de combat fyros de couleur rouge. Il arborait des bijoux aux armes de l'Empire et les insignes d'un Akenak. Son visage était marqué par de profondes brûlures à peine cicatrisées.Malheureusement, je ne peux être certaine de son identité. Je fais donc confiance à la sagacité et la force des Autorités de l'Empire pour le démasquer et le juger rapidement.Je crains également que cet événement honteux ne soit le fait d'une puissance occulte cherchant à raviver les anciennes vendettas entre nos deux grandes Nations.Mes serviteurs m'ont rapporté que l'individu proférait des propos incohérents. Il prétendait notamment être le père de la dame de compagnie de ma mère. Cela est totalement absurde, car Sera Be'Lauren a toujours affirmé que son père fut de sève matis.Depuis qu'elle a été enlevée de force, nous n'avons plus aucune nouvelle d'elle. Étant donné que cela s'est produit il y a plusieurs semaines, nous craignons maintenant que le pire ne lui soit arrivé.J'espère que cette plainte recevra un accueil qui mettra la vérité, l'honneur et la justice avant les préjugés, la vengeance et l'indiscipline.De plus, j'espère, aussi, que l'enlèvement d'un sujet de notre Karan et l'agression injustifiée de la maisonnée d'une noble du Royaume Matis ne viendront pas attiser le feu souterrain qui sépare nos deux Nations.Respectueusement,Filirae Canillia Altae Di Sylengi.
Edited 8 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 years ago)
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