
#1 [en] 


Based on a discussion with players, I mentioned an idea that gained a bit of traction. The general idea is that when crafting an item you should be able to indicate a response for what quantity you will craft. In this example, an option set of 3 could be created in the crafting window with the following options:
Craft 1 (Make the Item)
Craft X
Craft All

This idea would allow for players to input the mats they wish to craft, and the system will craft the exact number requested up until encumberment.

Now, all things come at a price. I mentioned that a possible unlock for this ability must be aquired. Such as a mission, tool, or special ability. Another player mentioned he would be willing to have an increased mat cost as a penalty for 'auto-crafting'. Although, it may not be necessary to implement a cost. A mockup of what this window could look like has been attached. Post-patch rush, it would be neat to see this project come to life.

#2 [en] 

If the suggestion is to make it easier to level crafting, then better solution would be to create missions that award craft xp, ie. "Craft 100 light boots" give bonus xp in light boots branch (mission should not require to give any items to npc).

There is also possibility to create new craftplans with higher resource cost that gives more xp, but does not actually produce wearable item (maybe required by mission for dapper/xp reward).

There is many things to consider with the "Craft X" at a time like craft time, failures, partial failures. To get those right, you may aswell loop the craft action client side one craft at a time.



#3 [en] 

I like it.

I would see it happen without any requirements or penalties.
Gathering mats = gameplay
Clicking timewasting UI buttons = tedious


#4 [en] 

Very good. And now let me spoil your enthusiasm & jubilation and say that all this is degradation and liquefaction of the brain.

Last edited by Hayt (2 years ago)

#5 Multilingual 

I'm very happy if you find clicking a mouse button and pressing a key 50,000 times intellectually stimulating.

Good portion of us do not.

#6 Multilingual 

There is many things to consider with the "Craft X" at a time like craft time, failures, partial failures. To get those right, you may aswell loop the craft action client side one craft at a time.

And that's exactly what Crafting 1.1 should be. A simple loop client side. Because, is anybody suggesting current crafting method constitutes content?

Now, I do have rough draft of Crafting 2.0, just not ready for public viewing yet. It involves workbenches, guild island, minigame ...

#7 [en] 

If there's one thing Ryzom loves its their extremely long leveling process. I don't thing you're going to see change here.



#8 Multilingual 

Where was shortening of said process suggested?

#9 [en] 

Where was shortening of said process suggested?

This whole idea is the reduction of work.

They certainly arent going to take the time to create a whole other way to level crafting. Either they will give you your buttons or they wont.

And thats not a swipe at the devs either. They only have a few people.

Last edited by Tgwaste (2 years ago)



#10 [fr] 

Je trouve l'idée bonne.
Sans aller dans la complexité, il pourrait y avoir un simple switch qui permet d'activer une répétition de l'action (comme pour une action de combat).
Tant qu'on ne touche rien et tant qu'il y a des matières dans l'inventaire, on répète l'action.

Mais dans tous les cas : ça pose un problème posé par un récent patch : les piles d'objets seront impossible à looter.
Par exemple, si je crafte 30 lances grenades, j'aurai une pile de 30 dans la fenêtre. Et jusque là (sauf si je me trompe...) il n'y a pas d'option pour n'en prendre qu'un.

#11 Multilingual 

The repetition should have a check box too loot. If it's checked, you loot each time. If not, you drop it.



#12 [en] 

This is a good idea. One solution for lack of inventory space would be to add a pending loot box for temporary items to be stored for some amount of time to allow the player to sort through which items they want to keep or not.

#13 [en] 

I approve of this idea. While I feel advancement should require effort, I also feel that, given the effort involved in obtaining enough mats to derive any benefit from such a mechanic, forcing players to slog through the UI interference of massive amounts of clicking for crafts is outright insulting. At best, it's the sort of "I suffered, and you should too!" generational trauma from Boomers and Aniro grognards that I feel makes Ryzom inhospitable to new players.

The UI itself should not be the roadblock for advancement. Do we want to keep Ryzom eternally painfully grindy merely for the sake of making others endure what those that came before them did, or do we want to improve the game in ways that don't make people rage-quit? Before you answer, consider why even those like me who have been here for a decade or more have not mastered all crafts. Hint; it's not the fact that it'd take over two months straight of 24/7 master-level digging to acquire enough mats to do so even with optimal use of overcrafting. 

@Hayt - If you play ANY game with a GUI instead of stricly command-line, you're a hypocrite. Don't get me wrong; I'm as against over-simplification as you are. But I'm also willing to accept that 2022 is not 1982 and evolve past my childhood. There is a middle ground. Unlike you, I'm actually happy that games have advanced in the last 40 years since I first started dropping quarters in the arcade, even if I think some games did go a bit too far. I wholeheartedly support QoL improvements that do not diminish the efforts required to make them actually useful. Show me how this idea negated the T&E to obtain the mats required to take advantage of it and I might consider yor argument, but until then, I'll just consider you a bitter sadist.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#14 Multilingual 

I approve of this idea. While I feel advancement should require effort, I also feel that, given the effort involved in obtaining enough mats to derive any benefit from such a mechanic, forcing players to slog through the UI interference of massive amounts of clicking for crafts is outright insulting. At best, it's the sort of "I suffered, and you should too!" generational trauma from Boomers and Aniro grognards that I feel makes Ryzom inhospitable to new players.

The UI itself should not be the roadblock for advancement. Do we want to keep Ryzom eternally painfully grindy merely for the sake of making others endure what those that came before them did, or do we want to improve the game in ways that don't make people rage-quit? Before you answer, consider why even those like me who have been here for a decade or more have not mastered all crafts. Hint; it's not the fact that it'd take over two months straight of 24/7 master-level digging to acquire enough mats to do so even with optimal use of overcrafting. 

@Hayt - If you play ANY game with a GUI instead of stricly command-line, you're a hypocrite. Don't get me wrong; I'm as against over-simplification as you are. But I'm also willing to accept that 2022 is not 1982 and evolve past my childhood. There is a middle ground. Unlike you, I'm actually happy that games have advanced in the last 40 years since I first started dropping quarters in the arcade, even if I think some games did go a bit too far. I wholeheartedly support QoL improvements that do not diminish the efforts required to make them actually useful. Show me how this idea negated the T&E to obtain the mats required to take advantage of it and I might consider yor argument, but until then, I'll just consider you a bitter sadist.

Well lets see what you think about this then...

Regarding leveling speed:

Ive said it a million times and ill say it again. All paying customers should get permenant 3x cats. That item should not be in outposts.

All other outpost items should be obtainable via some other method. Jailing all the best items in the game to outposts that like 5 guilds own all of is ludicrous.

If this game had thousands of players then it might be another matter but it doesnt. You either join one of these few guilds or youll never see any of it.



#15 [en] 

I appreciate everyone's responses in the past few weeks. 

Here is what I gathered:
  • Some players agree, and others do not. The primary reason seems to be that the average player who does NOT want this change, wants it to take a long time to craft to 250. Whether this is because they had to do it themselves, or because the game is designed to take a long time also comes in mixed response.
  • The players who agree believe that there should be a way to sort which items you keep, and which ones you don't. However, given the current state of the looting box, it may be easier to just allow these items to automatically be deposited into your inventory, regardless. 
  • I want everyone to remember that this feature is also suggested to stop potential botting as well. There WILL still be some interaction required as encumberment approaches, and you will still have to keep mats in your inventory, and you will still have to sell or destroy unwanted defective items.
  • Players, under this idea, will have no impact on the time or money required to obtain the resources to craft, which, harvesting is already time consuming as it is. There are already actions in the game that allow for repetitive action, such as attacking, foraging, etc.
Please be mindful, this is not to downgrade the game. In fact, if Ryzom is to remain relevant and modern, changes must occur within the game, and I encourage everyone to share their thoughts on this thread, or the Ideas For Ryzom thread. This is how the developers are able to keep the game alive and well. Many other MMOX (Massively Multiplayer Online ...) games allow for repetitive crafting, and some new players may consider it a deal breaker. Or not, who knows?
Last visit Saturday, 14 September 21:47:34 UTC

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