#1 Added by Nilstilar 3 years ago
Your Excellency,What follows would have deserved, in my opinion, that my well-beloved Karan takes the reed pen himself. But then again, I guess diplomats have to be useful for something...During the closed session that concluded the last Chamber of the Nobles, the results of the investigation launched following the kidnapping of the Filirae Aylia were communicated to the assembly: ser Pebre di Ciosi, the proven culprit of the abduction in question, was last seen in the Heretic's Hovel. The Court suspects that he is trying to reach the Lakes to escape the justice of the Kingdom, and Nya Karan immediately posted a wanted notice in all the towns of the Forest, a copy of which you will find below.Now, a short time ago, while I was talking with Filira Frerini about private matters, we were joined in Avalae by Nair Eolinius, ambassador of Your Excellency to the Theocracy, who told us about the recent irruption in Fairhaven, in Nair Liffan's establishment, of a particularly arrogant Matis, proclaiming his contempt for Trykers! The description that Nair Eolinius gave us of the behavior of this man immediately put us on the alert: ser Di Ciosi has already, before the villainous kidnapping mentioned above, been known for his jinovist opinions, his prejudices typical of the followers of The True Sap of which he is most certainly one. And, indeed, Ser Eolinius, said us he was recognizing more or less the features of the individual in the portrait illustrating the wanted notice that we showed him then.Therefore, I come today to request from Your Excellency, in the name of His Majesty, the authorization for the Matis troops to enter Aeden Aqueous to hunt down this scoundrel.As, however, I know full well that such authorization cannot be granted by Your Excellency at once (democracy has its requirements and the Nair Commander of Bai Trykali will, at the very least, have to be notified), please know that I am at Your Excellency's disposal to make the official request at the next Taliari Assembly. I add that this will be with confidence: by not lynching ser Pebre as soon as he publicly uttered his insults at Nair Liffan's, the people of the Lakes have proven, once again, their benevolence.Seelagan, Your Excellency.--Nilstilar ThorecAmbassador b'Yem Lornair'Karan be Naw Trykoth Federation
Last edited by Nilstilar (2 years ago) | Reason: Adds & EN version
#2 Added by Ghost of Atys 3 years ago
Nair Ambassador Nilstilar,The Karan's request is serious. The approval of the Taliari is indeed required. But it is essential that we respond quickly. I don't like the idea of this individual being loose in the Lakes. Ba'Naer has been upset, he who is already in a very bad mood he is at the moment.I have therefore decided to call an extraordinary assembly of the Taliari to be held on 22h - Quarta, Frutor 4, 1st AC 2620(*).I am counting on your presence, which is always highly anticipated, to tell us more.Ailan Mc'KeanGovernor of the Federation of Naw TrykothPS: We will have to discuss protocol issues. Do I really look like an Excellency?
#3 Added by Nilstilar 2 years ago
Your Majesty,It was with reluctance that I decided a few days ago to submit Your request to Her Excellency Ailan Mac'Kean. Namely, to authorize Matis troops to enter Aeden Aqueous in search of Pebre Di Ciosi. Reluctance, because Your will to introduce such a request was brought to my attention by an unusual way, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, because the said request appeared to me, given the bad memories left to the people of the Lakes by the last such "entering", to be audacious... not to say provocative. In fact, I wondered for some time if this matter was not a plot to discredit me, both in the Kingdom and in the Lakes. Your Majesty can see from this that no one, even a seasoned diplomat, is immune to a conspiratorial delusion.It is therefore to get out of this nascent delusion that I took the liberty, in formulating the aforementioned request to Ailan Mac'Kean, of suggesting to her to make it public, i. e. to call an Assembly of the Taliari destined to rule on the follow-up to be given to it, an Assembly in front of which I declared myself ready to intervene. This was done. And although the minutes of the debates of the said Assembly is to be soon be made public too, I come here to give you their conclusion: the request of the Kingdom was rejected by the Assembly, but the latter unanimously adopted the following motion: "The Federal Army will capture Pebre di Ciosi, whom the Federation will then put on trial for advocating slavery. Following which we will hand him over to the Royal Army at the Tryker-Matis border."In conclusion, I am, of course, at your Majesty's disposal to share with the Chamber of the Nobles the one and only Matis "point of view" on the said debates (that day, I was indeed, alas, the only Subject of the Kingdom to follow them).--Nilstilar ThorecAmbassador of Your Majesty to the Federation of Naw Trykoth
Last edited by Nilstilar (2 years ago) | Reason: Date
#4 Added by Canillia 2 years ago
Objet : Capture de Pebre di Ciosi. j'ai l'honneur de vous informer que le traitre Pebre di Ciosi à été capturé en Loria dans une cache aménagé par la sève vrai.Le Filira à été traité avec plus de courtoisie que je m'y serais attendu de la part des petites personnes.Depuis sa capture jusqu’à son arrivée à son lieu de détention à Fairhaven : il a fait preuve d'une morgue et d'un mépris envers son escorte qui ma fait craindre pour lui les pires sévices. Depuis Avalae jusqu’à Fairhaven : son manque de coopération lui a valu, malgré ses plaintes et ses ordres futiles, de voyager ficelé comme un colis sur le dos d'un toub.Filira Pebre di Ciosi est consigné dans le bâtiment dit de la façade des vents.Sa garde est assurée par les gardes fédéraux d'élite. (ce qui n'est pas habituel).Durant sa capture le félon a déclaré avec mépris que la "sève vrai" a aménagé de nombreuses cache.Cette cache était sur une des falaises qui entoure le camps fédéral dit du "centre de recherche des étangs de Loria".Un peut plus à l'ouest se trouve un Zinuakeen, mais rien ne laisse penser une liaison avec les maraudeurs.Le camps aménagé pour Filira Pebre n'était accessible que par une corde qui était relevée. Nous avons pus accéder en grimpant via un arbre géant.Après l'emprisonnement de Filira Pebre je suis retournée au camps afin de fouiller ses effets abandonnés.Ceux-ci avait été pillé et toutes les choses de valeur avaient disparues.Il a disposé de tout le nécessaire pour vivre confortablement plusieurs saisons.Les ruines d'un gros et lourd coffre qui avait été forcé prouvent que le Filira Pebre a bénéficié de l'aide de complices et que cette fuite n'était pas improvisée.Respectueusement,Votre dévouéFilirae Canillia Di Sylengi Ninden du Filira Ordre Alkiane
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Canillia (2 years ago)
#5 Added by Ghost of Atys 2 years ago
Federation of Naw-TrykothOn Floris 29 CA1 2621, FairhavenThe named Pebre di Ciosi is found guilty of advocating slavery.His material goods located in the territory of the Federation are confiscated as a fine.He is declared undesirable for life in this same territory.He will be brought back to the border with the Matis Kingdom to be handed over to the Karan's emissaries.--Beilly O’GanFederal Justicel
#6 Added by Canillia 2 years ago
Objet : rapatriement de Pebre di Ciosi.j'ai l'honneur de vous informer que le traitre Pebre di Ciosi est semble t il bien traité.Celui-ci se comporte avec une morgue étonnante pour un homin dans sa situation. Le plus étonnant est que ses gardiens suportent cela avec un flegme incroyable. S'Il ne faut pas craindre une évasion des cellules de la capitale des Lacs, Il faut reconnaitre que la mise au secret d'un prisonnier est une notion que les petites personnes ne comprennent tout simplement pas.De nombreux badauds se pressent pour se moquer, insulter, observer et même discuter avec le Filira Pebre di Ciosi. Pour en revenir à la question dont vous m'avez honoré: Dans mon dernier rapport je vous informais que le Filira Pebre di Ciosi avait disposé pour sa fuite d'un soutient organisé et efficace.Par conséquent: le Filira Pebre di Ciosi a eu tout loisir pour communiquer avec ses séides.Il est donc à craindre que lors de son extradition ces fanatiques tentent une action pour le soustraire à votre jugement. Je ne peut donc que conseiller la plus grande prudence.Peut être serait-il prudent de prévoir une diversion, ou du moins une très forte escorte constitué de sujets du royaume à la fidélité indiscutable. Respectueusement,Votre dévouéFilirae Canillia Di SylengiNinden du Filira Ordre Alkiane
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