
#1 Multilingual 

Biography Contest

Greetings, fellow homins! To celebrate my first six months on Atys (yea, yea... I'm a Ryzom baby, I know) I am sponsoring a contest.

I enjoy running into other homins in the wild and reading their biographies. Unfortunately, many players have not made use of this feature. To incentivize the use of the "Info" tab in the "Identity" window, I will gift subscriptions to the players who use the tab in the most novel, creative, and entertaining ways.


In order to enter the contest, a player must either (a) post the name of their character(s) in a reply to this forum post, or (b) send the names by in-game mail to Locith(Atys). I will add your character(s) to my contacts in-game and view your profile there.

You may submit up to (3) characters' biographies for consideration. They must be your characters. You may not create a character just for the purpose of this contest.

Your biography may be in-character or out-of-character. However, a substantial part of the biography must be about Atys and/or Ryzom.

You must keep the biography on your character until at least August 27, 2022 (23:59 UTC). I encourage you to make the biography permanent and to update it from time to time in the future. That's the point of the contest after all :)

Submissions that violate the Terms of Service or Code of Conduct will be disqualified.

Judging Critera

I will consider these criteria when selecting winners. Your biography does not need to meet any criteria to be eligible. These are guidelines for what I consider elements of a good biography.

  • bbCode tags, colors, and hyperlinks
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Style, tone, and voice
  • References to lore
  • Memories of personal history with Ryzom
  • Jokes, poems, riddles
  • List of mastered skills
  • Advertisement of crafted products or services
  • Time zone and/or country of residence
  • Discord username


First place: 6-month subscription

Second place: 3-month subscription

Third place: 1-month subscription

I will message each winner for permission before I gift the subscription in case they would like their account to remain free-to-play.

A winner may choose to gift the subscription to any other player (except for me).


Submissions will close on FridayFriday, 26 August 2022 23:00:00 UTC (2 years ago)

Winners and runners-up will be announced in this thread on Saturday, August 27.

Good luck! Bonne chance! Viel Glück!

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Locith (2 years ago)


Yrkanis | Atys Guardians | ENG, SWE, ITA

#2 [en] 

Topic moved from the GENERAL section to this section because the player could not create a topic in it.

Last edited by Jadeyn (2 years ago)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#3 [en] 

Submissions are welcome in any language!

Last edited by Locith (2 years ago)


Yrkanis | Atys Guardians | ENG, SWE, ITA

#4 [fr] 

Bravo Locith,
excellente initiative !

A mon avis ce concours devrait être réservé aux joueurs de moins d'un an F2P, pour les encourager a créer leur propre histoire.

Si tu aimes les histoires et rencontrer des gens, le bar de Fairhaven est toujours ouvert, et ma biographie n'est pas en jeu mais sur le wiki ici : en FR

et son histoire personnelle :

Pour avoir une idée des nombreuses histoires que l'on peux vivre sur Atys, quelques moments fameux sont disponibles ici, mais en FR :

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Jadeyn (2 years ago) | Reason: Make links clickable.

#5 [fr] 

Oh Eolinius m'a devancée.
Ma biographie est à jour sur mon profil.
Celle du wiki doit être mise à jour.
C'est vraiment une très bonne initiative et comme Eolinius, je pense que le coté "concours" devrait être réservé à des nouveaux joueurs f2p.
Merci Locith pour cette initiative !


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#6 [fr] 

C'est une excellente idée, merci Locith !

Je trouve pour ma part que c'est une bonne chose d'ouvrir le concours à toutes et tous. Personne ne regarde jamais les biographies, si bien que j'ai arrêté de compléter les miennes ; ce concours me donne envie de me replonger là-dedans. Je ne suis pas certaine de concourir officiellement (je n'ai pas besoin d'abonnements) mais la proposition suffit déjà à me remotiver.

Pour le fait d'ouvrir à tous, pas juste aux F2P récents :
- Pendant longtemps je n'ai pas eu les moyens de me payer un abonnement, et ça, ça n'avait aucun rapport avec mon ancienneté sur le jeu ; je suis certaine qu'il y a des personnes dans le même cas en jeu.
- Cela pourra ainsi motiver de vieux joueurs à enfin mettre quelque chose dans leur biographie.

#7 Multilingual 

Très belle initiative personnelle Locith. Je ne peux que m’incliner devant telles gentillesse et générosité!

Je suis un peu honteuse, moi-même, je ne possède pas une bio! Je vais devoir m’y mettre sans faute!

Je suis du même avis que mes collègues Kyriann et Eolinius: prioriser les F2p.


#8 [fr] 

Très bonne idée. J'ai beaucoup regretté de ne pas avoir plus d'informations sur les personnages que je croisais à mes débuts (au-delà de ce que mon personnage voyait directement : les cicatrices, l'âge, la façon de se déplacer...). Je suis en faveur de tout ce qui contribue à donner de la profondeur à nos personnages, et donc au monde.

Krill a un semblant de biographie, mais inutile de l'inscrire au concours. Comme les autres qui se sont exprimés, je n'ai pas besoin de l'abonnement. Mais peut-être que j'en profitera pour la compléter ou la mettre à jour (la dernière révision date du Second Essaim :D ).

Last edited by Jadeyn (2 years ago) | Reason: No translation.


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.

#9 [de] 

Das finde ich eine klasse Idee - und da schmeiß ich doch mal meine Bio ins Rennen:

Last edited by Jadeyn (2 years ago) | Reason: Make link clickable.


#10 Multilingual 

Thank you, all, for entering your biographies! 

I like the idea of prioritizing F2P players, particularly because they tend to be newer players and a subscription might encourage them to make Atys their long-term home.

Pour le fait d'ouvrir à tous, pas juste aux F2P récents :
- Pendant longtemps je n'ai pas eu les moyens de me payer un abonnement, et ça, ça n'avait aucun rapport avec mon ancienneté sur le jeu ; je suis certaine qu'il y a des personnes dans le même cas en jeu.

However, Zatalyz makes a good point that even long-term players and players with premium accounts may not always be able to afford a subscription. I'll therefore keep the prizes open to everyone, but I will do my best to choose at least one F2P account for a prize. If you are chosen as a winner but you do not need the subscription, you can choose another player to donate the subscription to.


Yrkanis | Atys Guardians | ENG, SWE, ITA

#11 [en] 

Nice Contest.

Well, I wish to participate with my biography, that is also present, in then same form, in the ryzom wiki.

I sent you an igmail to confirm my nickname :)


Legion of Atys

#12 Multilingual 

A reminder to everyone that the submission deadline is a few days away!


Yrkanis | Atys Guardians | ENG, SWE, ITA

#13 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français
oui une très bonne initiative, à laquelle je ne peux qu’adhérer. tout ce qui renforce l'existence d'un de nos personnage renforce un peut celle des autres.

Je viens de mettre à jour celle de Canillia mais il est claire qu'elle manque d'originalité. Elle ne fait que décrire les évènements les plus connus de sa vie. Pour le reste il y a le forum RP :)

amicalement Jo

#14 Multilingual 

Competition Results

Thank you to everyone who entered a biography into the contest. I enjoyed reading about your homins, their backgrounds, adventures, and projects. Deciding between first, second, and third place was difficult. Every biography is full of heart and helps to fill Atys with life. I truly wish I could give every contestant a prize. I kept many factors in mind when making my decisions and I've tried to be thoughtful about how closely each entry adhered to the rules and spirit of the competition. Without further ado, here are the competition medalists:

First Place

In his biography, Gilgameesh(Atys) provides a colorful account of his life, from the early days when he was separated from his parents during the chaos of the Great Invasion, all the way through the Second Swarming to the current day. I like how Gilgameesh explains the meaning of his name in his biography too.

For the detail and creativity in his biography (including a lovely poem to Fairhaven!), and on account of the fact that any homin can easily read about Gilgameesh when they stumble upon him in-game, Gilgameesh wins first place and a 6-month subscription.

Second Place

Elke(Atys) has complied a biography full of luciograms (screenshots). An accomplished scholar, Elke carefully explains the course of her life in her biography. I am particularly impressed by her ingenuity in training an Izam to fly to a certain height at which a luciograph automatically takes a picture of the landscape below. She has made her maps available to all homins. I highly encourage the curious explore to check them out here:

For the scientific precision of her biography and her service to the people of Atys, Elke wins second place and a three-month subscription.

Third Place

Eolinius(Atys) had a turbulent childhood. Like many other homins, he found fellowship and belonging on Silan. In his biography, he explains how he befriended different homins across Atys. His affection for his friends and guild comes through clearly in his biography.

For the love that Eolinius shows for his fellow homins in his biography, he wins third place and a one-month subscription.


I have ranked all other contestants as alternates. I will send a private messaged to each medalist to ask which character they would like me to send the prize subscription. If they choose to forgo the prize, I will contact the alternates and offer them the prize.

Thank you all for participating in the contest! I will sponsor a similar contest with subscription prizes in the coming months (perhaps for Atysmas!).


Yrkanis | Atys Guardians | ENG, SWE, ITA

#15 [en] 

I am honored to have been chosen.
I want to thank Locith for his flattering assessment of my bio.
Thank you.


Legion of Atys
Last visit Saturday, 28 September 13:17:06 UTC

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