
#1 Multilingual 

Looking through commands in search for pet controlling ones; found whole section in Macro builder (/awesome), I've stumbled on this gem:

/tarq <name> Same as /tar, but it doesn't show the "entity not found" message in the sysinfo window
/target_quiet <name> Same as /tarq

Why would anybody go and code that? Anyway, that's not the point. The point is /tar targets corpses. I'm not here to argue it shouldn't. No idea why anybody would want it to but ... no judging. Original idea was to ask for a version of /tar that didn't. Target corpses. But since we already have an imho redundant alternative, could we just use that?

#2 [en] 

i exclusively use only /tarq in its current form so


#3 [en] 

/tarq is used for boss-targeting macro - you can put all your
/tarq Kipeeketh
/tarq Shalaketh

And when you use your macro, your sys infos is not filled with a bunch of useless line

#4 [en] 

Good job getting hung up on what was not the point.

#5 [en] 

Good job getting hung up on what was not the point.

80% of your post was about /tarq including title and 10% was about saying its redundant "in your opinion", 10% you wanting a /tar that doesn't target corpses.

then you wonder why people tell you what /tarq is useful for when 90% of your post is about tarq....

Good job not making properly structured posts, cut out the 90% ranting and just ask "can we have a target command without corpses".


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