
#1 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français | English
Who never experienced the situation where during a critical moment, one casts the wrong heal action because the stanzas where unintentionally switched by drag & drop?

I propose that the action bars (hands) lock causes the stanzas position to be locked as well.

It doesn't have to prevent editing actions because I don't know about you, but I do it at least 30 times a day. Just that drag and drop is prevented (if you want to reorganize your bars, you just have to unlock the bar)

#2 [fr] 

+1 evidemment


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#3 [en] 

-1 if its combined into the existing lock

+1 if it gets its own lock entry


#4 [en] 

Separate lock/unlock option to icons only

Última edición por Jadeyn (2 años hace) | Razón: Make link clickable.



#5 [fr] 

+1 !

#6 [fr] 


#7 [en] 


Yes please!

Greetings from Mr. Fingertrouble

#8 [en] 

What Magez said

Última edición por Jadeyn (2 años hace) | Razón: No translation.

#9 [en] 


either way


#10 [en] 



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#11 [fr] 

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