Technical Support


#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | Español | [English] | Français | Русский
1. To begin with, never play on the Mac OS App Store because it is updated too late. Otherwise you will have all kinds of different bugs. This is what happens most of the time to new players on Silan who complain about bugs on the universe channel. Always make sure to ask them first not to play on the Mac OS App Store. So you have to download the installer from the official website to reinstall the game.

2. If you don't play on the Mac OS App Store but still have many bugs, the second very important thing to check is that you have the right version of the game ! This is often the case for players who haven't played Ryzom for a long time, with a very old installation of the game. It can also happen after a new patch, if this one has been badly patched. You have to type the command "/version" in game to check that it is the right version.
2 solutions :
- In general for an old installation of the game, what works best is to reinstall it by downloading the new installer from the official game website. Always download a new installer, never use an old one, otherwise the game will be more likely to be installed incorrectly.
- Second solution which is faster but may work worse (especially if it's about an old installation, not a badly patched one) : delete all the files inside the "unpack" folder of the game, without deleting the unpack folder itself (while being out of the game). This should re-patch the game. To find out where the game files are located on your system, here are some links that might help you : & efault_files_under_all_platforms. It is necessary to display the hidden files and folders on Windows (in the options of the Windows File Explorer).

3. Fix most of the small temporary bugs (example : mission where you have to kill an NPC but it does not validate, character not getting Premium benefits even though the account is subscribed, etc ...) :

Log out and log back in. But there is a similar solution, faster and less annoying : go to the character selection, and reselect your character.

4. Crashes, endless "please wait", empty encyclopedia (or the SHIFT + E window that doesn't show), crashes during character loading (that prevent from getting into the game), special bag icons that have white circles with a cross (X) ( g ), some FPS drops and maybe other unlisted bugs :

Delete all files in the "cache" and "user" folders, and delete only the following files from the "save" folder : "" + "" + "item_infos_101.cache" + "string_client.pack" (while being out of the game).
The idea is basically to delete all files that are not XML because they can potentially be corrupted. So you can also, as a last resort and if you are not afraid, delete the "interface_charname.icfg" file(s). Deleting "interface_charname.icfg" would reset the interface to the default. Any interface options that have been changed will then be undone and must be redone.
This is something that should be done regularly.
To find out where the game files are located on your system, here are some links that might help you : & efault_files_under_all_platforms. It is necessary to display the hidden files and folders on Windows (in the options of the Windows File Explorer).
PS : for the empty encyclopedia bug, it might be necessary to add step "12" (see below).

5. Crashes, infinite "please wait", white screens when starting the game (or simply crashing before selecting characters), some display bugs (of item statistics, for example), "Access Violation" errors and maybe other unlisted bugs :

If the first solution (4) didn't fix them, the second thing to do is to update your graphics driver. I know, it can be confusing because it takes a lot of time (although it takes less than 10 minutes) and because it is not easy to do when you are not used to it. However, I invite you to learn how to do it because it's pleasant to play without bugs !
To do this even more cleanly, I also invite you to learn how to remove the driver from your graphics card using DDU.

6. Crashes (especially when teleporting to the capital cities) only on Windows (obsolete approach) :

Set the game sound driver to "FMod". To change the sound driver of the game, there are 2 ways to do :
- Go to the "Ryzom configuration" via the installer interface, then the "Sound" tab.
- Manually modify the client.cfg of the game directory.
"FMod" is not taken into account anymore, so it should be replaced by "XAudio2".

7. "Access Violation" errors, crashes, graphical bugs in Fairhaven ( ) and Yrkanis ( ), and maybe other unlisted bugs :

Choose the right driver between OpenGL and Direct3D (don't leave it on "Auto", because it doesn't necessarily choose well by default). To change the driver, there are 2 ways :
- Access the "Ryzom Configuration" via the installer interface, then the "Display" tab.
- Manually modify the client.cfg of the game directory.

8. Graphical bugs in Fairhaven ( ) and Yrkanis ( ), lags near the "Waters of Lakes" (it's this kind of "bucket" which is named like this and is used to get certificates from the "water carrier" occupation) in the land of lakes and maybe other unlisted bugs :

In game, go to System => Configuration => Graphics => Special Effects and uncheck "Enable FXAA" as well as "Enable Bloom".
Note that it may happen that the options are already unchecked but are not taken into account. In this case, check, apply, uncheck, apply again.

9. "Crashes" when starting the game (or simply "crashes" before selecting characters) (but normally it is the game window that appears off the screen) :

Replace the values of Position X and Position Y by "-8". There are 2 ways to do this :
- Access the "Ryzom Configuration" via the installer interface, then "Display" tab.
- Manually modify the client.cfg in the game directory.

10. Windows only : "Error MSVCPnumber.dll" errors when downloading the patch via the installer and/or when nothing happens when clicking on "Play" via the installer :

You are missing DLL files on your computer that allow you to run games coded in C++ (including Ryzom). The "Visual C++" software provides them. Check first if you have a 32 bit or 64 bit version of Windows. If it's 32 bit, download only the "x86" versions. If it's 64-bit, download the "x86" versions as well as the "x64" versions. Below I show you which number of the DLL file is attached to which version of Visual C++ :
  • MSVCR71.dll, MSVCR80.dll, MSVCR90.dll => Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2010 2008 or 2010
  • MSVCR100.dll / MSVCP100.dll => Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2010
  • MSVCR110.dll / MSVCP110.dll => Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2012
  • MSVCR120.dll / MSVCP120.dll => Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2013
  • MSVCR130.dll / MSVCP130.dll => Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2013
  • MSVCR140.dll / MSVCP140.dll => Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2015
  • MSVCR140.dll / MSVCP140.dll => Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2017

11. Windows only : unable to start the client :

Update DirectX.

12. Daily missions or other functionality of the SHIFT + E window that should indicate something else :

Just refresh the SHIFT + E window by clicking on the tabs. For example, if there is a bug in the daily missions (the page is not up to date and shows wrong values), click on the "Daily Missions" tab.

13. Grayed out "give" button :
  • Be sure you are not playing with the App Store on Mac OS, otherwise, please download the installer from the official website to reinstall the game, please.
  • Make sure it is the right item you created or want to exchange.
  • Make sure that you don't have another mission that requires you to make the same item and that it is not the step of that mission that is validated or taken into account.
  • If you have several missions that ask you to make an item via the same NPC, keep only one and try again.
  • You can also try to heal or kill something then when you come back there is a chance that the give button is no longer grayed.
  • You can try to go to the character selection and reselect your character.

14. Sometimes, after creating a league, it can't be quit with the command "/leaguequit" or by restarting the game. The following command will allow you to quit it : "/channel <channelname> *". Be careful, there is a space before the star (*).

15. Sometimes some players complain about very regular "please wait". The first thing to do is to open the window that shows the status of your internet connection by pressing SHIFT + N. A correct ping should be around 200 and you should not have any packet loss, otherwise your internet connection is bad. There can be several reasons for this :
- In the first case, it could be a conflict between your connection and the server's connection which can be resolved by resetting your router.
- It may be that you share this internet connection with other people or your family, and therefore you have less internet speed for yourself. Especially if these people are downloading, the internet connection will favor downloads and therefore you will have a big loss of speed.
- It can also be because you are using a wireless connection (Wi-Fi), which is convenient, but which loses a lot of internet speed. Especially if the router is located far away, through walls, without a repeater. That's why it's always better to use an Ethernet cable.
- It could be because you live in the countryside and your internet provider can't offer you anything better than an internet connection very far away from the distribution frame, where most of the internet speed is used upstream by other houses.
- It's up to you to find out which ISP is best for you.

16. Friends list bug :

Since the Christmas patch, a new bug has appeared. Sometimes one of the friends in a player's friend list appears offline while he is online. Solution : remove it from the friends list and then put it back.

Before proposing my last solution, I would like to point out (or remind you), if you didn't know, that it is very important to determine if a bug is local or not. This allows you to know if it is a general bug that all players have and therefore to be fixed on the development side, or if it is a bug that you only have to fix on your own computer. Hence the importance also of asking other players who play with the same operating system (or not, depending on the situation) if they encounter the same bug(s). For example when the NH (New Horizons, which allows you to teleport) doesn't work anymore. Or when you encounter strong lags.

17. (Optional step. I recommend that you contact the game support first). Finally, as a last resort, a rather radical solution that puts an end to many bugs : reinstall the game. I would even add that it would be better not to add old files from the old installation before testing if you still have the bug you want to get rid of. Don't hesitate either, if you want to put back the old files from the old installation to take the opportunity to delete all the files I have designated in step "4". Yes, I know, it can be quite confusing because it takes a bit of time (although thanks to the new Ryztart installer from Ulukyn it is much faster and more efficient) but if it can allow you to play without bugs, it's only happiness !

If despite all this you still have bugs, bugs not listed here or you just want to have an accompanied help, don't hesitate to contact the support team. We won't let you play with a major bug if it doesn't come from your computer !

Feel free to post a new message to let me know if this topic has been useful or if you have something to add/comment.

I will edit this post regularly to update it.

I wish you a good day and a good game.

Best regards,

Edited 22 times | Last edited by Jadeyn (2 years ago)


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#2 [en] 

To begin with, never play on the Mac OS App Store because it is updated too late.

Quick question: why continue to support the Mac App Store version? It's always outdated and it's adding more work to the dev at patch release.
I doubt many players are using this version anyway and dropping it could just benefits to the dev team.

#3 [fr] 

We don't support anymore, just give some visibility on AppStore.

To begin with, never play on the Mac OS App Store because it is updated too late.

Quick question: why continue to support the Mac App Store version? It's always outdated and it's adding more work to the dev at patch release.
I doubt many players are using this version anyway and dropping it could just benefits to the dev team.

#4 [en] 

Löschen Sie alle Dateien in den Ordnern "cache" und "user", und löschen Sie nur die folgenden Dateien aus dem Ordner "save" : "" + "" + "item_infos_101.cache" + "string_client.pack" (indem Sie aus dem Spiel sind).
Die Idee ist im Grunde, alle Dateien zu löschen, die nicht XML sind, da sie potenziell korrupt sein können. Sie können also auch, als letzten Ausweg und wenn es Sie nicht abschreckt, die Datei(en) "interface_namechar.icfg" löschen.
Das ist etwas, das Sie regelmäßig tun sollten.

As far as I know deleting "interface_namechar.icfg" will reset your game interface like the placement of action bars etc. Maybe this should be mentioned explicitly?


#5 [en] 

As far as I know deleting "interface_namechar.icfg" will reset your game interface like the placement of action bars etc. Maybe this should be mentioned explicitly?

Yes, it would reset the interface to the default. All the changed options will then be cancelled and will have to be done again.
You are right, I will specify it.


Jadeyn | Senior Game Master | Polyglot/Multilingual
Ryzom Support Team

#6 [en] 

that is too many system files to expect the user to find and delete. Would it not be possible to provide an in-game button called 'delete caches'? Or have the patch updater do it automatically?

#7 [en] 

Any decent computer program should have just two buttons: 'do all the work'* and 'exit'.
* If a decent program is a game, then the first button should say 'win everything and beat everyone'.

#8 [en] 

Folks, what can I do about this? I get the message:

"Can't open file 'user/enable_events_bnp.csv' for writing: code=13 Permission denied (error code 37)".


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#9 [en] 

Folks, what can I do about this? I get the message:

"Can't open file 'user/enable_events_bnp.csv' for writing: code=13 Permission denied (error code 37)".

'user' folder under ryzom install is not writable for your windows/linux user.

I'm not sure where Ryztart installs itself or Ryzom, but I'm sure there is path shown somewhere in the interface.

In linux, it might be ~/.local/share/Ryzom subfolders ryzom_live and '0' for default profile



#10 [fr] 

The Salazar problem has been solved with an installation from Ryztart.

To find out the location of profiles (and therefore of backups and so on)

Last edited by Ulukyn (4 weeks ago)

#11 [en] 




#12 [fr] 

This will be corrected in the next Ryztart patch.
Last visit Friday, 18 October 05:01:59 UTC

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