
#1 Multilingual 

I had a thought that might be a fun addition to the KITIN INVASIONS;

When they (the kitins) attack a city, if Kitins win, whatever city they attacked, becomes inaccessible for maybe 24 - 48 hours due to "reconstruction" -- because they rampaged around and leveled the entire city.
Maybe the TPs to the inside of the devastated city would be inoperable during the reconstruction period, and anyone wanting to enter the city, could maybe be stopped by guards telling them something like, "We're sorry, <NAME> city is inaccessible at this time due to reconstruction efforts from the most recent attack”.

Only for maybe a max of 48 real world hours though, so those with guild halls, and apartments in that city aren’t inconvenienced TOO MUCH.


#2 [en] 

Funny, I had a similar thought. Not that the city becomes inaccessible but that you see visible destruction. And that we as players would be able to help repair the damages by collecting material.


#3 [en] 

somehow I think there are MANY others that think the same way.

I REALLY like the idea that players COULD contribute to reconstruction efforts.
maybe receive elyps, or tokens as rewards!


#4 [en] 

Why always rewards?
Are we all like pets not doing anything if we don't get our sugar afterwards?
Ok well, yes, if there are tokens....
The reward could be simply, as you said, to be simply allowed to enter you flat or hall again. 0:-)
But probably a hugely complicated idea to realise, practicaly...


"Quand on a le nez trop près de la bouteille, on ne voit plus le bar"

#5 [en] 

The reward could be simply, as you said, to be simply allowed to enter you flat or hall again. 0:-)
Yeah I personally wouldn't need any reward. Accessing the city again (even if I don't have apartment or guild hall there) or repairing visible damage would be enough reward for me.

Another thing that occurred to me is that you maybe could make cities generally attackable by introducing some kind of stress points into some of the structures of a city. These stress points would be attackable like camp fires are and once a stress point runs out of HP the structure or part of it collapses. This would enable Marauders to have some more fun when attacking cities. Of course these stress points would have high HP and would be guarded by NPCs.
But probably a hugely complicated idea to realise, practicaly...
Yeah probably :( ... I would guess to have a triggerable collapse animation alone would take some effort to implement.

But we can dream :) ...


#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]
Cette idée pourrait être applicable aux villes secondaires, mais pose un souci dans les capitales. C'est là où les joueurs débutants arrivent après avoir fini Silan. Arriver dans une ville en pleine invasion a déjà de quoi dégoûter de jouer. Si la ville reste inaccessible plusieurs jours ensuite, cela va être une bonne façon de perdre de nouveaux joueurs. Rappelez-vous ces longs moments à monter laborieusement au niveau 100, avant d'avoir pu faire le moindre trek, et où la capitale est votre seul point de rez ! Si vous n'avez plus accès à ça, que reste-il ?

Le contournement serait de faire ce genre de chose sur les villes secondaires uniquement. Cela leur donnerais de l'intérêt sans pénaliser les arrivants. Y compris le fait de bloquer les GH : si ça n'amuse pas certains joueurs, alors leur GH peut être en capitale, où ça ne sera jamais bloqué.

#7 [en] 

bugs need to start attacking outposts:
Newbies have nothing to do at outposts.
And the cessation of the production of valuable materials for some time in case of a loss will force at least the owners to come to the defense.
The bugs can even eat the drill and destroy the surrounding sheds.
And then it will be impossible to buy units for the next opwar.

#8 [en] 

This idea could be applicable to secondary cities, but poses a problem in the capitals. This is where new players arrive after finishing Silan. Arriving in a city in the middle of an invasion is really boring. If the city stay inaccessible for several days afterwards, it will be a good way to lose new players. Remember those long moments of painstakingly getting to level 100, before you can make any trek, and where the capital is your only rez! If you don't have access to that anymore, what's left?

The workaround would be to do this kind of thing on the secondary cities only. That would give them interest without penalizing the arrivals. Including blocking GHs: if some players don't like it, then their GH can be in the capital, where it will never be blocked.

I agree that this is a MUCH BETTER IDEA
we would still get the 'City Invasion' events, and be able to participate in reconstruction efforts, without overly inconveniencing new players
good alternative


Last edited by Thenameless (3 years ago)

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