
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Français
I'd like to propose to keep the ability to drop items similar or identical to current Easter's 'hide nests' for other players inside the game. Maybe the graphics could be changed to that of a dropped bag or a small chest outside event times. I definitely think that this possibility to drop items for other players at arbitrary locations adds a very interesting element for player interaction. And it also opens MANY possibilities for role play etc. Essentially it allows players to place items in the game.
Maybe a small change or modification could be applied to make it more worthwhile or versatile and not grind the server to a halt:
- allow name-locked, guild-locked and freely-accessible by everyone drops / bags / nests. Notifications will only be sent by mail for name-locked ones, maybe in channel for guild.
- introduce an expiry time, so that they decay when not retrieved within a certain period. This could typically be one Atysian year (but a real year, not vanishing on season-change).
Bonus modifications:
- Allow selection of how the item looks within reason: bag, chest, vial, ...
- Allow the original creator to always access and modify the nest
- Allow designation of guild name freely, other than own.
- Allow setting different (shorter) expiry time
- Allow adding dapper to the nest
- Allow adding animals to the nest. Their ingame display then is the animal wandering around that spot.
Possibly necessary modification:
- Disallow placing universal mats, and other non-tradable items (otherwise it defies the purpose of not being tradable)
- Allow placing tradable mats like armour, weapons and jewels.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Jadeyn (2 years ago) | Reason: Minor translation corrections.


#2 [en] 


As long as we don't have to kill the chests. ;)

Last edited by Kaetemi (2 years ago)



#3 Multilingual 

+1 Bonne idée

Une chose qui pourrait aussi plaire à tous les joueurs RP, c'est de pouvoir laisser un message, une lettre, dans le coffre. Ou simplement, que l'objet puisse avoir l'apparence simple d'une lettre (qui pourrait être scellée magiquement, ouvrable seulement par son destinataire).


"Quand on a le nez trop près de la bouteille, on ne voit plus le bar"

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
I'm annoyed, but I agree with Eeri.

It opens up a lot of RP perspectives...

Thanks to the dev

Last edited by Canillia (2 years ago)

#5 [fr] 

+1 Bonne idée

Une chose qui pourrait aussi plaire à tous les joueurs RP, c'est de pouvoir laisser un message, une lettre, dans le coffre. Ou simplement, que l'objet puisse avoir l'apparence simple d'une lettre (qui pourrait être scellée magiquement, ouvrable seulement par son destinataire).


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#6 [en] 

A good idea.

But such feature could probably increase the need of server ressources a lot.

So it should be tested with a very short despawn timer for the dropped items in the first place.

Also because of this, it could be used by trolls to take down the server. Other online games have to struggle with such mechanics too...

#7 [en] 

Too much server work to handle all of the stuff left around.
It's something not affordable by any mmorpg.

Just to understand what the server load could be, just aska master digger to prospect for 10 resources a lot of time in a restricted area, and you will see the server going down and down.

It sounds a nice feature but it's unrealistic.

Last edited by Gilgameesh (2 years ago)


Legion of Atys

#8 [en] 

As much as I like the idea, I have to agree with Gilgameesh. I remember how many problems were caused by the nests that I can't imagine merely changing the skin on them will solve the problems with server load.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#9 [en] 

Assuming an unchanged implementation from this year's Easter nests: the nests started to work well after it was restricted to a certain amount per player.

That's a restriction which surely could be done with. After all I can already place fire places and barrels; in those cases is also communicated who placed it. Why can't I place an arbitrary item or a chest or bag which contains an arbitrary or a few arbitrary items? The server load cannot be significantly bigger.

As such, in the light of the huge advantage on role play, this would be a HUGE gain to enable such thing permanently, even when limited to a low and fixed amount per person, and the removed restriction that anyone can open it.


#10 [fr] 

+1 Bonne idée

Une chose qui pourrait aussi plaire à tous les joueurs RP, c'est de pouvoir laisser un message, une lettre, dans le coffre. Ou simplement, que l'objet puisse avoir l'apparence simple d'une lettre (qui pourrait être scellée magiquement, ouvrable seulement par son destinataire).

+1, Exact ! ça serait incroyable ! En tout cas, y'a clairement quelque chose de génial à faire avec ce système. En plus, ça permet de faire se balader les joueurs, et c'est toujours cool !
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