

#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | Deutsch | [English] | Español
Dear players,

Role-playing has always been one of the driving forces of Ryzom, the one we offer you through scripted events but also the one you create every day by making your characters live.
We would like to remind you that your characters are part of the life of Atys and that you can call upon the animation team to organize your own event. To do so, we invite you to participate in a scenario contest that will be richly endowed and whose winners will see their scenarios played on Atys.


The animation team is organizing a scenario contest open to all Ryzom players from March 25 to April 24, 2022.
The proposed scenarios (1), to be sent as attachments to Tamarea, exclusively to the email address, will be studied anonymously by the animation team, which will elect the winning scenario(s) by voting among its members. Indeed, depending on the number and type of scripts received, one or more scripts in one or more categories may be declared winners.

All types of scenarios, regardless of size and theme, will be considered, the only constraints being that the scenario must be related to Atys and be compatible with the Lore.
If you need the advice of a "lorist" (member of the Lore team), you may request it at channel.
It is possible for any candidate to involve one of his own characters or his own guild in the proposed scenario.


  • The title of "Creative Spirit", granted for one year
  • An exclusive wig with a hat
  • Three thousand (3,000) elyps
  • The implementation of the scenario on Atys

Don't hesitate and come join the Creative Spirits of Atys!
The animation team

(1) Texts describing an event (or a series of events) in PDF, ODT, DOC, etc.

Last edited by Margote (3 years ago)

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | English | Français | Deutsch | [Español]
Estimados jugadores,

Antes que todo, deseamos agradecer a todos los que participaron en la competencia de escenarios. Estamos impresionados por la calidad de sus trabajos.
Hemos recibido muy distintos escenarios que hemos clasificado en dos categorías: escenarios a gran escala, que requieren de uno o más eventos para ser desarrollados, y escenarios a pequeña escala, escritos para eventos únicos o que involucran un limitado número de personajes jugadores.

Nuestros más sinceros agradecimientos para


por su evento único y


por el evento secuencial.
Sus propuestas pronto darán lugar a varios eventos en Atys.

También deseamos felicitar calurosamente a Azazor, Elke, Homere, Kyriann, Zamoor, Zyklyt. Algunas propuestas se perfeccionarán en colaboración con sus autores para que también puedan traducirse en eventos jugables, sí es posible, antes de la próximo concurso.

Le deseamos un buen juego hasta entonces.
El Equipo de Eventos
Last visit Tuesday, 28 January 15:31:32 UTC

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