Under Study


#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Knowing the fame with a right click on a fame-involved target would help a lot, rather than having to open the fame screen and check. It would be useful for tribes mainly. It could be a fuzzy indicator (friendly, indifferent, hostile...) rather than the exact rate)

#2 [en] 

How about, just like in OP, the names of the NPCS are either red/green.. etc.?


#3 [en] 

Yes that would be awesome!

#4 [fr] 

How about, just like in OP, the names of the NPCS are either red/green.. etc.?

ça peut aussi s'appliquer sur les noms des tribus dans la fenêtre de réputation?

ça aiderait beaucoup a savoir si le -50 affiché est un vrai -50 (et pas d'attaque a vue) ou si on est a -50.1 (où on subira les conséquences)

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Idea under study.

Last edited by Tamarea (3 years ago)

#6 [en] 

I use red flags for enemy tribes and blue flag for friendly tribes, but of course, sometime i have to check the fame window.

I like the idea of having them noted on tribe npc in some way.


Legion of Atys
Last visit Monday, 17 February 15:15:04 UTC

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