

#1 Multilingual 

I have notice I am loosing out on xp when I level. There are times I only need maybe 500xp and I get 2000. Now 1500 is wasted away after I level which could be used for the next level.

#2 [fr] 


C'est particulièrement énervant dans les sessions d'artisanat

#3 [en] 

:O! This is more of a bug than anything. +1


#4 [en] 

Yes, difficulty is that the XP calculation depends on your level... So the overflow will be too much XP, unless you recalculate appropriately for each overflow.




Accepted and assigned

Last edited by Ulukyn (3 years ago)

#6 [en] 

I have notice I am loosing out on xp when I level. There are times I only need maybe 500xp and I get 2000. Now 1500 is wasted away after I level which could be used for the next level.

since leveling with a active subscription means you get a maximum of 6000 exp, why are you so bothered about losing 1500? Attack 1 mob and you are 4500 exp in profit :P

[Edited] Out of topic.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (3 years ago)


It takes the right mixture of elements to make a potato, sunshine,water, soil, nutrients etc.
With patience, the right attitude and training, one day you could be a potato!!

#7 [en] 

i always thought of levelling up as having pros and cons. sure, you might waste some XP, but you also get a full recharge of your hp, sap, etc

#8 [en] 

i always thought of levelling up as having pros and cons. sure, you might waste some XP, but you also get a full recharge of your hp, sap, etc

Totally agree. (even if you can't spell leveling properly :P )


It takes the right mixture of elements to make a potato, sunshine,water, soil, nutrients etc.
With patience, the right attitude and training, one day you could be a potato!!

#9 [en] 

i'm using the british spelling.

#10 [en] 

i'm using the british spelling.

Oh, that must be it then!

Btw, your guild logo and forum signature are broke and show as a broken link :P


It takes the right mixture of elements to make a potato, sunshine,water, soil, nutrients etc.
With patience, the right attitude and training, one day you could be a potato!!

#11 [en] 

since leveling with a active subscription means you get a maximum of 6000 exp, why are you so bothered about losing 1500? Attack 1 mob and you are 4500 exp in profit :P

Nevertheless, it is a bug. :P


#12 [fr] 

...étant donné que monter en niveau avec un abonnement actif signifie que vous obtenez un maximum de 6000 points d'expérience, pourquoi êtes-vous si inquiet de perdre 1500 ? Attaquez 1 mob et vous gagnez 4500 points d'expérience :P

Ce n'est pas que 1500 XP
Si vous faites du surcrafting vous pouvez perdre plus de 10000 Xp d'un coup, ce n'est pas négligeable ! En plus de gâcher les matières premières

#13 [fr] 

Pour 100 niveaux d'une pièce d'armure, ça fait un million d'XP disparu, parti en fumée .. j'en ai la tête qui tourne ...


Last edited by Eolinius (3 years ago)

#14 [en] 

Typically over thinking stuff.

Does it cost you more to subscribe to lose that tiny bit of exp? Do you have to lose points toward NPC gear? Do you have to buy more exp catalysers? The answer is no, it costs you nothing.

With a maximum of 6k exp 1 more craft and you're ahead, you mention overcrafting, 18k exp for 1 HA vest and you worry about losing 1500 exp?

Think of it this way, if you lose 1500 exp and have to kill 1 more mob, or craft 1 more item then you are using your PAID subscription more effectively and getting better value for money.

[Edited] Out of topic.

Last edited by Tamarea (3 years ago)


It takes the right mixture of elements to make a potato, sunshine,water, soil, nutrients etc.
With patience, the right attitude and training, one day you could be a potato!!
Last visit Sunday, 16 February 15:41:24 UTC

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