
#1 [en] 

Somebody suggested it in gest in Uni.
But I think it could be a good idea to have a guild in Silan.
Maybe an NPC run guild...
And have Chiang give a quest for players that want to find out what guilds are in Ryzom.
When they leave Silan, thay also leave the guild, and are free to join the "real" guilds.
A basic guildhall could be part of it too.

#2 [en] 

We are planning to add "Lessons" to help new players understand how guilds work, how to find a guild and also how to create them.

This is part of the Silan Refactoring project.

If you have any ideas, comments, or if you want to join the working group, do not hesitate :)

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
A few years ago, before we were able to return to Silan, there was a guild to help beginners on the Island. It was a very good thing, they provided advice and assistance, without pushing to join a specific guild on the continent. I can't remember the name of it, something like "Silan Rangers". I really appreciated their help when I was discovering the game.

This kind of guild has disappeared since we can come back to Silan. Instead, some high level people sometimes come to help the newcomers; this is also good but there is less life to animate daily. This also has a disadvantage: when someone level 250 helps to kill Arken or the Kirosta on Silan, he does all the work and it's not fun at all for the one who is new to the game. I think that when you want to help with quests, it's better to have a character with Silanese levels (max 40-50), because it leaves some challenge.

Currently, I leave some characters on Silan, that I connect occasionally to help without being too "good". However I don't go there that often...

If such a guild were to start up again, I'd be happy to put one of these characters there and participate with others in welcoming new people. I don't think it's necessary for an NPC to run the guild or for it to give quests via an NPC; we can do good things just by organizing ourselves as players.

In my opinion, this guild should have a few criteria:
- Neutral: no incentive to join a nation, faction or guild afterwards. Its members should present all possibilities without bias, so that new players can make their choices in an informed way.
- No help in fight with levels above 50. This is so that beginners can experience the game mechanics without it being distorted.
- No existence on the continent: when you leave Silan, you leave the guild. Otherwise we will have a discussion in the guild one day about the participation in the Boss Marauders and the initial objective (to help the Silanese) will be drowned in other things.

Last edited by Tamarea (3 years ago) | Reason: Edited to activate the multilanguage tag.

#4 [en] 

It should absolutely only exist on Silan. As soon as you leave for the mainland or reach level 50 in fight or magic, you automatically leave the guild, and you can't re-join!
Becoming a member should only be possible if you choose to do an optional quest, specifically about guilds. That's why my suggestion would be to have the guild leader and high officers be NPC's. You could for example earn points for bringing materials to the guild. If you get enough points, you can become officer.
Officers won't have rights to remove players from the guild, but they could be able to do special quests that award a set of unique armor?

It could also be a good idea to make this together with adding guild trainers and a guild council.

In response to Ulukyn; if there's a way for me to contribute, I'd love to. There are some issues however with consistency from my part. Not something I'm going to explain publicly.

#5 Multilingual 

We are planning to add "Lessons" to help new players understand how guilds work, how to find a guild and also how to create them.

Does this include finding a way to stop Kamis from manipulating all new players into the Kami religion before they even know what Religions exist?

Marau have always found it tough to recruit new players because Marau have always had 0 presence in Silan and, by the time anyone finds out about Marau, Kamis have already turned them against us.


It takes the right mixture of elements to make a potato, sunshine,water, soil, nutrients etc.
With patience, the right attitude and training, one day you could be a potato!!

#6 [en] 

Does this include finding a way to stop Kamis from manipulating all new players into the Kami religion before they even know what Religions exist?

Marau have always found it tough to recruit new players because Marau have always had 0 presence in Silan and, by the time anyone finds out about Marau, Kamis have already turned them against us.
The addition of a Marauder camp on Silan is scheduled into Silan refactoring project. Later, will also have some Lore lessons there, to teach the new players the basics of each nation, religion and organization, Marauders included.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#7 Multilingual 

The addition of a Marauder camp on Silan is scheduled into Silan refactoring project.

Later, will also have some Lore lessons there, to teach the new players the basics of each nation, religion and organization, Marauders included.

I must admit that this is probably the single best piece of news I've heard in Ryzom for a very long time.

when I suggested removing the Rangers from the Marau camp in Silan I actually didn't expect to be taken seriously. I actually expected the usual trolling that Marau seem to get.

Again, when I reminded people that (although Kami and Karavan both have a presence in the Ranger camp in Silan) Marau have 0 presence and it makes it difficult for the Marau faction to recruit any new players I expected the usual "blah blah blah" that we see every time a Marau comments.

To see WG:
1. putting effort into a new Marau city
2. putting effort into giving Marau a presence in Silan
3. putting effort into explaining who Marau are and maybe giving an understanding into why we play the way we do

These things finally show a commitment to keeping Marau on Atys and taking us seriously!

Hopefully it won't take 3 years :)


It takes the right mixture of elements to make a potato, sunshine,water, soil, nutrients etc.
With patience, the right attitude and training, one day you could be a potato!!

#8 [en] 

Seeing the current player base, splitting it into 4 competing factions and then again in 4 civilizations does not help.

Each of these needs a reasonable amount of players to fill them with life and make it meaningful. The concepts are great and the main conflict of kami vs. karavan has much to offer (along with potentially the invariably neutral ones which choose neither kara nor kami).

Thus it actually would make sense to *remove* the ranger and marauder faction (or make an almagation of them into one) - and focus on the kami vs. karavan conflict, bringing that story forward. It allows to focus the available ressources in development-, art- and event-time instead of spreading it thin.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Elke (3 years ago)


#9 Multilingual 

Thus it actually would make sense to *remove* the ranger and marauder faction (or make an almagation of them into one) - and focus on the kami vs. karavan conflict

So, as I already explained (on another forum topic) you can't amalgamate Ranger and Marau because they're complete polar opposites.
Ranger will protect all life on Atys regardless of Nationality or Religion
Marau will take revenge on all life in the new lands, regardless of Nationality or Religion.

But, you make (almost) a good point ...

[In Lore] Jena came to Atys and offered Hominkind technology in exchange for their worship, thus asking them to turn their backs on Ma'Duk. Given that the Karavan religion has practically collapsed it didn't work so, why would Kara remain on a planet where they had failed to gather a following?

It would actually make more sense to *remove* the Kara and reallocate it's player base elsewhere. RiP

Last edited by Opunys (3 years ago)


It takes the right mixture of elements to make a potato, sunshine,water, soil, nutrients etc.
With patience, the right attitude and training, one day you could be a potato!!

#10 [fr] 

why would Kara remain on a planet where they had failed to gather a following?
Parce qu'ils ne peuvent pas partir. Pauvre Karavan !

Ça commence à être pas mal hors sujet par rapport à l'accueil des nouveaux ;)

C'est une bonne chose si l'éventail des possibles est réellement présenté sur Silan. Les 4 nations sont là grâce aux 4 entraineurs et leurs campements, les kamis et la karavan aussi, et bien sûr les Rangers. Il manque effectivement un peu de présentation des maraudeurs. Vu que les Rangers leur feraient bien une place (même si l'amour n'est pas réciproque), leur présence sur Silan ne sera pas absurde, tant qu'ils respectent les règles de la zone. Cette faction étant tournée vers le combat, ça pourrait même être intéressant qu'ils soient vers l'arène et présentent un peu mieux le pvp.

Par contre, attention, il est important de préciser aux arrivants que la faction maraudeur est le choix "hardcore" et pas forcément le plus simple pour démarrer. Il ne s'agit pas de dégoûter mais que les gens sachent vers quoi ils vont ; certains joueurs veulent le challenge dès le départ, pour d'autres la difficulté gameplay et RP des maraudeurs risque de les faire fuir du jeu s'ils vont trop vite dans cette faction. Le camp est dans une zone 200, il n'y a pas de tp en zone 50, la majorité des TP sont dans les aggros, les villes sont souvent interdites d'accès ce qui coupe l'accès à pas mal d'interactions RP et HRP, les events ne sont souvent pas vraiment accessibles à cette faction qui joue des "ennemis". Pour toutes ces raisons, je ne conseille pas la faction à quelqu'un qui démarre. Je préfère orienter vers la neutralité jusqu'au niveau 100 et une bonne connaissance du jeu, avant de partir dans ce genre de voie. Mais la faction doit quand même avoir sa place dans la présentation sur Silan.

J'aimerais bien aussi qu'il y aie un personnage qui montre qu'Atys ne se limite pas aux "grands" choix. Parler de trytonnisme ou des fyrakismes sur Silan n'est pas une bonne idée, mais avoir un petit aperçu de la diversité, avec peut-être une quête de type "papoter avec des PNJ". Savoir qu'il y a des tribus et que leur rapport au monde est différent des nations/factions, qu'il y a aussi des organisations transversales ou secrètes, etc. Bref, qu'il soit acté que le jeu ne propose pas des choix manichéens mais bien de construire l'histoire de son personnage avec une Lore riche et complexe.

#11 [en] 

Jena came to Atys

When did she arrive? I thought she was still on the way...


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