#57 Added by Eeri 2 years ago
I told Azazor everything. No more lies. Anyway, I have nothing to hide from him anymore… I don't have much left. They took everything. All the experiments I had planned, no longer possible. No more poison, to test if kitins' reactions are here the same as they are in the New Lands. No more goo, no more filtering helmet, and it's not here that I'll manage to make some. No more empty vials, I won't be able to bring back fragile samples either… Forget about poisons and secretions of local kitins, or other residues I might find in Coriolis. Anyway, I'll decide, when the time comes… It will take a lot of courage to carry something more, with no mektoub…It's a miracle that I still can write, and that I've got my notebooks returned to me. The Marauders took a copy of them, according to Azazor. At this point, everything could have been worse.I didn't even ask Azazor why he didn't say or do anything to get me out of this ramèch situation. I owe him that much. He had his reasons, which I respect. I screwed up. Maybe I shouldn't have listened to Mazé'Yum, but if it wasn't for him, if it wasn't for that crystal, I really would have ended up in the belly of a monster from the Wide Puddle. Maybe I should have just told him. Who's right, who's wrong… We are both doing well to put aside what has rotted our relationship since Azazor discovered that vial of poison so long ago.Who said going up the ridge would be fun? The path we took to get to the top was certainly shaped by homins in the past. But when we reached the top, almost nothing left. We progress as we can, avoiding the crevasses, sometimes compelled to make a detour of a few kilometers to cross. And sometimes, a staircase or a ladder has been installed. Perhaps we are simply losing track of the few arrangements that have been made, as the path is so little used. I especially hope they haven't set up a Zinuakeen further down the path we're following. The Marauders could simply be waiting for us, weapons in hand… Azazor seems to have heard that only a few red dragons hunters and a few Rangers still venture in this direction… They probably have something else to do than chasing us. I guess we are not that important to them.According to the indications Azazor received, we have a few weeks of walking to do before reaching Coriolis. We are walking on the lookout for any game, any edible plant. When we will be in Coriolis, we will have to find a way to go down the ridge, very carefully. Avoid falling, and avoid being spotted by the kitins. Who knows what we'll find… Maybe nothing, maybe the answer to so many questions.If we don't starve to death by then.Below, we can see the hell that has invaded the desert of our ancestors. When we're not walking, the view we get of the kitins' movement is impressive. But the farther we get from The Citadel, the more we can see that they don't cover the whole area, far from that. They move in groups, much larger groups than the ones we can see in our New Lands. But some areas seem to contain fewer kitins, or none at all. Perhaps these are areas devoid of game or food? Or are they areas that kitins avoid for other reasons? Do they move from area to area, depending on the season? Or depending on the food they find? It seems to me that despite their distinct group movements, some kitin herds tend to move closer to the ridge during the day, and further away in the evening. Maybe to find the coolness? We will see, but we may have to go down to Coriolis at night. The desert stretches as far as the eye can see, and we can only see a small part of it, so it would take us a few more days watching these same areas to determine if they are the same groups, or if larger movements are taking place. From here, it is also relatively difficult to distinguish which species are involved, nor to get an idea of the size of these areas. We are so far from the ground, so close to the canopy, without it being accessible. To see the world from so high gives a mixed sensation, between victory, vertigo and infinite anguish. And the more we advance towards Coriolis, the more our impatience turns into feverishness.Coriolis, the land of our ancestors, where, while digging, they awakened the kitins' swarming. Or Fyrak, perhaps… Perhaps the place where the Powers hide their most terrible secrets.
Last edited by Eeri (2 years ago) | Reason: Traduction en Anglais par Nilstilar / English Translation by Nilstilar
#58 Added by Azazor 2 years ago
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Azazor (2 years ago)
#59 Added by Azazor 2 years ago
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Azazor (2 years ago)
#60 Added by Eeri 2 years ago
Last edited by Eeri (2 years ago) | Reason: English translation by Nilstilar !
#61 Added by Eeri 2 years ago
Last edited by Eeri (2 years ago) | Reason: english Translation by Nilstilar
#62 Added by Eeri 2 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Eeri (2 years ago)
#63 Added by Azazor 2 years ago
Last edited by Azazor (2 years ago)
#64 Added by Azazor 2 years ago
#65 Added by Eeri 2 years ago
#66 Added by Eeri 2 years ago
Last edited by Eeri (2 years ago) | Reason: traduction en Anglais par Nilstilar / English Translation by Nilstilar
#67 Added by Azazor 2 years ago
#68 Added by Azazor 2 years ago
#69 Added by Eeri 2 years ago
[…]Pour terminer… J’ai grandit, et j’ai appris. J’ai vieilli.Pour être franche, j'ai un peu peur du retour. Au fond de moi, je voudrais que ce voyage ne s'arrête jamais, et encore découvrir tous ces endroits dont nous ont parlé les Rangers. Mais une vie ne suffira pas. Et en même temps, si tu savais comme il me tarde de retrouver mon fils, ce fils qu’on ne connait pas… De rattraper le temps perdu, de soutenir Wixarika qui a dû s’en occuper si longtemps. J’ai beaucoup appris, je crois. Je me rends compte maintenant que j’ai toujours cru faire le bien, j’ai toujours cru aller dans la bonne direction, soutenir mes proches, mais en ignorant leurs attentes, leurs conseils, leurs opinions. J’ai fait tout le contraire. J’ai pensé faire le bien pour tous, mon bien, sans me soucier de savoir ce qu’ils voulaient vraiment. Je t’ai menti, j’ai agi comme si mes actions allaient nous sauver, et je n’ai fait que nous séparer, nous déchirer, nous mettre en danger. Une égoïste aveugle et bornée, j’ai été.Mais j’ai vieilli, maintenant. J’ai changé d’opinion sur le monde, sur la Karavan, les Kamis, sur les homins. Sur toi, sur moi, sur la confiance que je peux placer en chacun. Sans doute aussi sur la confiance que je peux placer en moi-même. C’est de là que ça part, non? Lorsqu’on veut toujours à prouver que l’on est à sa place et que l'on fait le bon choix, sans vraiment y croire... On termine par avoir l’impression d’avoir le monde contre nous, d’être la seule conscience éveillée dans ce monde. J’ai été d’une arrogance idiote, et j'ai fait tellement d'erreurs. J’aurai aimé me rendre compte de ça plus jeune, mais c’est sans doute dans l’ordre des choses. Il faut vieillir pour avancer. Il faut frôler la mort, la vraie mort, il faut comprendre qu'on est totalement impuissants face à certaines choses. Et pour répondre à ce que tu m'as demandé plus tôt... Il y a des années de ça, j’ai perdu ma confiance en l’Empire, et j’ai fui. Plutôt que de me battre, plutôt que de leur laisser une chance de me redonner confiance en eux. Maintenant, je pourrais revenir, mais j’ai fait une promesse, celle de retrouver les lacs, les Drakani, la Fédération. La famille qui m'a accueillie alors que je n'étais que l'ombre de moi-même, tiraillée de questionnements et de haine. Je ne pense pas qu’ils aient besoin de moi, là-bas, mais je dois tenir ma promesse, j’ai beaucoup à rattraper. Et je passerai autant de temps que possible à Thesos, pour m’occuper d’Uzykos. Et tu seras là, aussi...
#70 Added by Azazor 2 years ago
Edited 6 times | Last edited by Azazor (1 year ago)
#71 Added by Finaen 2 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Finaen (2 years ago)
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