

#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Quelques corrections de bugs et améliorations

Missions quotidiennes :

  • Correction d'un bug qui empêchait le renouvellement des missions quotidiennes après les 20 heures d'attente.
  • Ajout d'une icône pour abandonner une mission.

Puzzle DynE :

En dehors des événements H.R.P., les coffres donnent une pièce de puzzle provenant d'un des puzzles inachevés, mais dans la limite de 14 pièces uniques par semaine (réinitialisées le lundi à 12h00 CET). Après la 14ᵉ pièce, ils seront totalement aléatoires et donc ce sera possible d'obtenir des doublons.
  • Ajout d'un message indiquant si la pièce trouvée est un doublon et donc qu'il n'y a pas de gain de jetons.
  • Ajout d'un compteur indiquant le nombre de pièces qui seront uniques (sauf si tous les puzzles ont été complétés bien sûr).

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (3 years ago)

#2 Report | Quote[fr] 

Added an icon to abandon a mission.

This confused the begeezes outta me ... 16 years ago I suggested adding red X's for worn out equipment to show that it was "dead / kaput .... can not be used"

I took the new red X's as "mission dead, can not be done" ... I guess no thumb icon for "you're poutta here"
After the 14th piece, they will be totally random and therefore possible to get duplicates.

I was at the limit of 14 on Thursday or Friday.... I figured I'd take my chances on the "random" thing"

1. I did get see one dupe update ... Window says:

"You have found 22/60 different parts of the image"
"You have collected a total of 23 fragments"

I have actually collected about 35 - 40 fragments but the total fragments counter does not change. The "random" thing is not looking so random unless it means "almost never"  :).

2. As you can see, the picture isn't there.


Ok I think I understand what's happening. There are, if I counted right 7 puzzles. I finished all of the other ones except Atysmas 2021. I think what is happening with "random" is:

a) you get a chance of getting a unique piece for the one puzzle that you have not completed.

b) If you get a "dupe", it can be a dupe of any one of the other puzzles regardless of whether you completed them already or how many times you completed them... can anyone confirm ?


Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (3 years ago)


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