
#1 Multilingual 

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Eolinius sat back down at his desk. In front of him were scattered drafts, notes with diagrams and lucios that covered his desk. In this period when the embassies were at rest and the homins were lounging on the beaches of the lakes, he had a little time before him to change his mind and return to his first favourite pastime, that is to say scientific research. Eolinius quickly consulted with a smile his first notebooks that he had written as a young man while taking a sip of his favourite summer drink. He had abandoned the traditional Byrh for Sparàn juice with a few drops of Shooki, which was much more suitable for this time of year.

He took a new notebook, wrote number three on it and then turned the first page, applying himself to write the title of his new study: The Weapons of the Karavan.
Eolinius shrugged, thinking that Kyriann was going to say that he had reverted to his earlier whims while in training with the Silan Rangers. But he had long been intrigued by the Karavanists and their strange weapons. He had spent long periods of time in the Karavan enclave of Silan, seemingly nonchalantly waiting for someone who never came. As the Karavaniers did not use their weapons without reason, he had to provoke fate by going without being noticed to poke the caprynis who passed by, then come back whistling and prepare his device to lucio to catch the Karavaniers in the act. He wondered how he hadn't been caught spying yet, especially the day he'd had to hide his lucio device in a giant gingerbread to get close to the Karavan officer. They must have thought he was crazy. On another occasion, he had hung his camera on an izam in the embassy to get a view of the whole scene.

He intended to deposit his results in the Federation archives but was more reserved about contacting the FISHES centre. Although it was a Tryker research centre, its members had been in the news lately and not on the best of terms. The engineer Be'Arroy Arty sent to filter well water in the Fyros Hinterland was found after more than a decade with the Zorais, along with Emmen O' Banon, who also disappeared and was found in the jungle working on Goo. Also, until recently, the story of Orphie Dradius who was contacted just before her strange death in the kitin's lair by Be'Laroy Tepsen. It was getting to be a lot. There was also the N'ASA, Eolinius should perhaps say a word to them, he sometimes amused to hear the other scientists speak about their studies. However, he was also a bit dubious about the follow-up and what happened to their results.

Eolinius shrugged once more and began to write his report.

*To see also

the old road books of Eolinius:

Road book n°1
Road book n°2

Last edited by Eolinius (3 years ago)

Last visit Sunday, 2 March 19:18:07 UTC

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