#1 Added by Ghost of Atys 4 years ago
Rangers! Ranger Aspirants!We are facing an exceptional situation.Meet me at the Ranger Circle in Almati Wood on 13h - Dua, Mystia 14, 4th AC 2613.I will explain everything to you in person.Please have an escort ready.Melga Folgore
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (4 years ago)
#2 Added by Eolinius 4 years ago
Lordoy Nair-Governor AilanPlease find here the report of the Rangers meeting, Quinteth, Folially 5, 1st CA 2614 which I attended as a representative of the federation. This meeting was chaired by Ranger Melga Fogore.What a surprise to find the Rangers, after the tragic episode of Orphie Dradius' death in the Almati Wood Kitins' Lair, in such a state of decay, both morally and financially. From what I could understand, and what corroborates the rumors heard within the cities of the lakes, they are in a total destitution and need to find the support and the confidence of the people and nations, scalded by the absence of results on the investigation in the Kitins' Lair and on this black sting found beside Orphie.I have full confidence in their diplomatic skills to regain the grace of the nations *Eolinius winced as he thought back to some of the words he heard the most virulent ones say*. Besides, the heads of the nations have already more or less started negotiations according to Melga Folgore.- The karan spoke only of the merit of Svaldi (probably Svaldi Bucci, after consulting the archives, the artist who created the map of the tunnel of Woe found in the archives of Orphie).- The sharükos wants to highlight the great courage of Orphie Dradius.- Mabreka wants the rangers to get closer to the ideals of the kami.But you must know that, Nair-Ailan, since you yourself have been asking for news about what happened to Nair-Tepsen.*Eolinius lifted his pen for a moment and sighed - The powerful negotiate in their corner without of course informing the ambassadors, how after that not to pass for a toub at the time of the discussions... Eolinius started to write again*.By the way, Nair Ailan, why on earth did you insist on hearing from this Tepsen whom the young people have never heard of, except perhaps through some rumors. I had to consult the federation archives to find out that he is a Tryker scientist from the The FISHES society, author of the amber cube describing the creation of allegorical attributes for jewelry. Did he contract gambling debts from you? Did he win the speed competition of the biggest Byrh?*Eolinius paused for a moment, then after reflection crossed out the last few sentences which he found undiplomatic.*In short, if you allow me, as a faithful servant of the federation, I would be willing to lead a delegation to discuss with the rangers the directives you will submit to us. I also call upon all trykers of good will who are part of a tryker citizen guild (only citizen guilds can participate in foreign policy) to join me in the formed delegation if they wish. Eolinius, Tryker AmbassadorTOR LOCHI !
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Eolinius (4 years ago)
#3 Added by Azazor 4 years ago
Rapport de la réunion Rangers du Quinteth, Folially 5, 1er CA 2614oren pyr sharükosLes Rangers sont toujours à la recherche d’un homin pour remplacer Orphie Dradius. Pour information, Stevanos vante les mérites des matis comme Svaldi Bucci pour que le prochain guide des Rangers soient matis. La fédération vante Tepsen, ce scientifique tryker dont on ne sait ce qu’il devient. Seul les zoraïs ne vantent pas la sève mais l’importance que le prochain guide soit proche des kamis. Au lieu de simplement faire comme les autres en vantant l’importance de la sève, nous devrions nous appuyer sur les trykers, en vantant non pas l’importance de la sève, mais de la recherche de la Vérité, et donc de la nécessité d’avoir un guide de formation scientifique. Je me suis ainsi permis de rappeler aux Rangers le mérite du partage des connaissances, comme a su si bien le faire l’Académie Impériale lors du dernier colloque. Avoir un scientifique à la tête des Rangers, à défaut d’un fyros de sève, dont on sait le peu d’importance que cela peut avoir à leurs yeux, permettrait un rapprochement plus étroit entre l’Académie Impériale et les Rangers, rendant ainsi risible les exigences de Stevanos et du « mérite » des matis. Elle couperait aussi court à toute idée que les fyros jouent dans leur coin. Ce serait en outre une main tendue aux trykers, leur disant « vous voyez, nous avons les mêmes exigences ». Par ailleurs, j’ai cru comprendre que les financements des Nations se faisaient plus rares en ce moment. Je ne saurai que conseiller de reprendre au plus vite ceux-ci, montrant ainsi la bonne foi de l’Empire et la loyauté sans faille que nous portons à nos alliés. sharük pyrèküd, sharükos pyrèküd !Azazor, akenak de Thesos
#4 Added by Salazar 4 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Salazar (1 month ago)
#5 Added by Dorothee 4 years ago
Last edited by Dorothee (4 years ago)
#6 Added by Ghost of Atys 4 years ago
Nair Ambassador Eolinius,The Federation's support for the Ranger Organization remains unwavering. We know, more than anyone else, how important sharing and solidarity are in building a better world for our children.But it is essential that this sharing goes both ways, otherwise anxiety sets in, followed by a lack of trust.In this regard, if you excuse me, I got plenty to worry about.Like you, I heard through the rumor that Tepsen had "lost" an amber cube in the Almati Wood kitins lair. You are too young to have known Tepsen. But the elders could tell you about mektoub explosions or innocent homins who were targeted.Some time later, Orphie Dradius comes asking about what Tepsen might be doing in the kitins lair, as if Tepsen was accustomed to entrusting anything to the Federation.And it all ends with Orphie dead inside that kitins lair.How do you expect me not to believe that the Rangers are completely overwhelmed and have no control over anything that happens in the Almati Wood kitins lair?So, I hereby formally request that you go to Melga Folgore, to express my concern, ensure that the situation in the kitins lair is under control, and reiterate that my reluctance was merely a reflection of my worry. Please understand that my intention was only to raise the alarm.You have my full confidence!Ailan Mac'KeanGovernor of Naw Trykoth Federation
Last edited by Ghost of Atys (4 years ago)
#7 Added by Eolinius 4 years ago
*Note of humor from Ambassador Eolinius to put pressure on the future discussion.Lordoy Nair-Melga Folgore.The Federation has always considered the Rangers to be essential and supports their action to prevent and control kitins. However, recent events raise a number of questions about their ability to do so and what is really going on in the Kitin's Lair.A federal delegation sent by our governor Ailan Mac'Kean wishes to meet with you and the rangers representatives on Nivia 15, 1st AC 2614 (Sunday, 4 July 2021 19:00:00 UTC (4 years ago)). What strongly intrigues our governor is the possible role that Tepsen could play in this story, an amber cube belonging to her having been found there, as well as the many questions that Orphie Dradius asked about Tepsen just before his mysterious descent and his death even more mysterious. If during this interview, Rangers who knew Tepsen could be present to teach us a little more about him that would be perfect.I have no doubt that this interview will be beneficial to maintain the good relations between the Rangers and the Federation of Naw Trykoth Eolinius, Tryker AmbassadorTOR LOCHI !
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Eolinius (4 years ago)
#8 Added by Azazor 4 years ago
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Azazor (4 years ago)
#9 Added by Salazar 4 years ago
Meile liebe Serae Euphanyx,hochgeschätzte Kollegin,ich habe vor kurzem an einem Treffen zwischen den Rangern und Abgesandten von Neu-Trykoth teilgenommen, bei dem - wie es so ist - Fragen bezüglich des Kitin-Stachels gestellt wurden, welcher bei der Leiche von Orphie Dradius gefunden wurde. Wie Ihr wißt, wurde der Stachel unserem imperialen Kollegen Ser Daeronn Cegrips zur weiteren Forschung übergeben. Wie es aussieht, haben die Ranger seitdem nichts mehr von ihm gehört, obwohl sie auf einen Bericht mit zumindest Zwischenergebnissen gewartet haben. Sie warteten vergeblich, und wie es scheint, hatten sie seitdem überhaupt keinen Kontakt mehr zu Ser Daeronn.Genauso wie Ihr betrachte ich Ser Daeronn als einen der führenden Forscher der Kintinologie, aber tatsächlich hat die Unfähigkeit der Ranger, den Führern der Nationen - nicht zuletzt dem Imperator sowie dem Karan - zumindest einige Brocken an Informationen zu geben, sie in eine schwierige Lage bezüglich der Rechtfertigung ihrer Unterstützung gebracht. Ich muss Euch als Mitstreiter auf dem Gebiet der Wissenschaften nicht sagen, dass der Erhalt der Ranger in unserem allerbesten Interesse ist, ganz abseits von jeglichen eitlen Bemühungen, politische Winkelzüge zu tätigen. Ich möchte Euch daher dringend bitten, sich bezüglich seiner Ergebnisse an Ser Daeronn zu wenden und eine Nachricht an die Ranger zu senden, um sie auf den neuesten Stand zu bringen. Wenn diese wiederum die Nationen informieren könnten, würde dies ihrem guten Ruf einen neuen Anschub geben – und natürlich würde es den guten Ruf und das verdiente hohe Ansehen von Ser Daeronn sowie der Imperialen Akademie bestätigen.Herzlichst der Eure,Salazar Caradini, K.A.Y.* Filira MatiaKöniglicher HistorikerP.S.: Bitte laßt es mich wissen, wenn Ihr diesem Brief erhaltet.
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Salazar (4 years ago)
#10 Added by Eolinius 4 years ago
#11 Added by Ghost of Atys 4 years ago
To Salazar Caradini, member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis.Dear Salazar,What a pleasant surprise to have news from you, how are you?But don't tell me that you have exchanged your historian's outfit for that of a kitinologist? I wouldn't believe a word of it. No, it's not that, I guess you are now using your great talent to serve the Kingdom as a diplomat. This is a good thing, because I understand you: when you inherit a doctrine as clear as that dispensed by the Church of Light, there are not so many historical truths to search for, and this leaves time for other missions. It is like the late Cuiccio Perinia, whose reputation as a botanist preceded that of a historian.In any case, I thank you for your special concern for the reputation of our Academy. I want you to know that I will personally see to it that Daeronn Cegrips produces an exemplary analysis report in every respect. But I beg you, let us give time to science and to the Truth to reveal itself, by a rigorous and disciplined work which cannot suffer from political urgencies.I look forward to seeing you again, dear colleague. Who knows? Maybe one day you will organize a congress of historians at the Royal College? That would be great!Yours sincerely,--Euphanix ApothepsChancellor of the Imperial AcademyMaster of the Chair of Truth
Edited 8 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (4 years ago)
#12 Added by Salazar 4 years ago
Last edited by Salazar (4 years ago)
#13 Added by Dorothee 4 years ago
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