#1 Added by Ulukyn 4 years ago Report | Quote
Patch 868
A client patch and server restart took place on May 17, 2021 to implement the following changes, adds and fixes.
The four outposts recently established in the Nexus are activated (opened to homin attack). The characteristics of the battles to be fought for their conquest not only differ significantly from those of the "historical" outposts, but will evolve as the redesign project progresses. Below are those adopted for the first phase of testing:
The thresholds set for a given guild at the outpost that will be the target of its next test battle and the rewards to be expected for the latter will evolve as follows:
A guild attacks for the first time the outpost 250 of the Nexus (whose threshold is then for it set to 3) and wins. From then on, it can choose, for its next test battle, to attack the same outpost with threshold 3 or threshold 4. In the first case, even if the said next battle is victorious, the threshold that will be proposed it for a third battle will be 3. In the second case, the latter threshold will be preset to 5 (if victorious) or 4 (if defeated).
The First Deserters, the Smugglers and the Lawless have pledged their allegiance to the Marauders. Their camps and missions have been adjusted accordingly.
However, the Achievements for these tribes have not yet been updated; they will be soon.
The range of behaviors that the animation team can make NPCs perform during events has been expanded. Some of these added behaviors already existed for outpost NPCs (such as NPC healing NPCs and grenade launcher use), others did not. In addition, a parent-child relationship has been implemented to allow for more efficient management of NPC groups.
This modification does not affect all NPCs and creatures of Atys, but only those entities whose appearance and play are controlled by the animators via Ryzom Arkitect (ARK).
The new Bosses are ready to appear on new popping sites. Here are some of their characteristics:
The implementation of this new popping system of Bosses, started a few days after that of the patch described here, has been carried out in three stages in rapid succession:
Until now, out of the five in-game Storyline missions, only the "Kitin Rumors" ( those about Allegories) and "Nexus Riches" missions offered a reward (respectively a Yubo Allegory and a Gnoof Mount).
In order for each mission to offer a reward, we have split the first into two missions: "Kitin Rumors" and "Allegory Rumors". "Allegory Rumors" now offers the Yubo Allegory as a reward, and "Rumors of Kitins" is one of the four missions that are from now on rewarded.
Thus, the two missions of the Prologue ("General Rumor" and "Kitin Rumor") as well as the missions "Mapping the Nexus" and "Very special necklaces!" are each rewarded by a permanent improvement of the effects of the Allegories (once these are engraved again). To wit:
For example, if you have the "Sweet Death" allegory engraved after completing these four missions you will have a 5% chance of avoiding the death penalty instead of 1%.
The options for setting up the in-game automatic translation are now available in the "Configuration" window (entry "Language").
The Ryzom Team remains at your disposal for any additional information and best wishes to you!
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