#1 Added by Kalikaze 4 years ago
SystemInfoColors ={// OLD STUFF Here for compatibility"RG", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error"BC", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error"JA", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error"BL", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error"VE", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error"VI", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error// NEW System Info Categories"SYS", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Default system messages"BC", "255 255 255 255 centeraround", // Broadcast messages"TAGBC", "255 255 255 255 centeraround", // Taged broadcast messages : color should remain white as some word are tagged"XP", "255 255 64 255 over", // XP Gain"SP", "255 255 64 255 over", // SP Gain"TTL", "255 255 64 255 over", // Title"TSK", "255 255 255 255 over", // Task"ZON", "255 255 255 255 center", // Zone"DG", "255 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me"DMG", "255 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me"DGP", "200 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me from player"DGM", "255 128 64 255 normal", // Damage from me"MIS", "150 150 150 255 normal", // The opponent misses"MISM", "255 255 255 255 normal", // I miss"ITM", "0 200 0 255 over", // Item"ITMO", "170 170 255 255 overonly", // Item other in group"ITMF", "220 0 220 255 over", // Item failed"SPL", "50 50 250 255 normal", // Spell to me"SPLM", "50 150 250 255 normal", // Spell from me"EMT", "255 150 150 255 normal", // Emote"MTD", "255 255 0 255 over", // Message Of The Day"FORLD","64 255 64 255 overonly", // Forage Locate Deposit"CHK", "255 120 60 255 center", // Tous ce qui ne remplit pas une condition"CHKCB","255 255 0 255 center", // Tous ce qui ne remplit pas une condition en combat (trop loin, cible invalide, pas assez de mana, etc.)"PVPTM","255 120 60 255 overonly", // PVP timer"THM", "255 255 64 255 over misc_levelup.ps", // Thema finished"AMB", "255 255 64 255 center", // Ambiance"ISE", "192 208 255 255 normal", // Item special effect"ISE2", "192 208 255 255 center", // Item special effect with center text (for effects without flying text)"OSM", "128 160 255 255 center", // Outpost state message"AROUND","255 255 0 255 around", // Only in around channel"R2_INVITE","0 255 0 255 around", // Ring invitation};
2021/05/03 23:23:19 (SYSTEM/ITM) * Vous avez acheté un Pacte karavan / Téléporteur vers Yrkanis pour 1000 dappers.
"CATEGORIE", "R G B OPACITÉ MODE", // Commentaire qui donne + d'infos sur la catégorie
"ITM", "204 85 0 255 over", // Item
"BC", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Broadcast messages"TAGBC", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Taged broadcast messages : color should remain white as some word are tagged
SystemInfoColors ={// OLD STUFF Here for compatibility"RG", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error"BC", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error"JA", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error"BL", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error"VE", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error"VI", "0 0 0 255 normal", // Black to see when there is an error// NEW System Info Categories"SYS", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Default system messages"BC", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Broadcast messages"TAGBC", "255 255 255 255 normal", // Taged broadcast messages : color should remain white as some word are tagged"XP", "255 255 64 255 over", // XP Gain"SP", "255 255 64 255 over", // SP Gain"TTL", "255 255 64 255 over", // Title"TSK", "255 255 255 255 over", // Task"ZON", "255 255 255 255 center", // Zone"DG", "255 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me"DMG", "255 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me"DGP", "200 0 0 255 normal", // Damage to me from player"DGM", "255 128 64 255 normal", // Damage from me"MIS", "150 150 150 255 normal", // The opponent misses"MISM", "255 255 255 255 normal", // I miss"ITM", "0 200 0 255 over", // Item"ITMO", "170 170 255 255 overonly", // Item other in group"ITMF", "220 0 220 255 over", // Item failed"SPL", "50 50 250 255 normal", // Spell to me"SPLM", "50 150 250 255 normal", // Spell from me"EMT", "255 150 150 255 normal", // Emote"MTD", "255 255 0 255 over", // Message Of The Day"FORLD","64 255 64 255 overonly", // Forage Locate Deposit"CHK", "255 120 60 255 center", // Tous ce qui ne remplit pas une condition"CHKCB","255 255 0 255 center", // Tous ce qui ne remplit pas une condition en combat (trop loin, cible invalide, pas assez de mana, etc.)"PVPTM","255 120 60 255 overonly", // PVP timer"THM", "255 255 64 255 over misc_levelup.ps", // Thema finished"AMB", "255 255 64 255 center", // Ambiance"ISE", "192 208 255 255 normal", // Item special effect"ISE2", "192 208 255 255 center", // Item special effect with center text (for effects without flying text)"OSM", "128 160 255 255 center", // Outpost state message"AROUND","255 255 0 255 around", // Only in around channel"R2_INVITE","0 255 0 255 around", // Ring invitation};
#2 Added by Magez 4 years ago
#3 Added by Kalikaze 4 years ago
Very nice, i will play with this for a bit.Does this work for the Dodge and Parry messages that float over your character?
#4 Added by Eolinius 4 years ago
#5 Added by Craftjenn 4 years ago
le 1er post (de Kalikaze) a été ajouté au wiki
Je n'ai pas trouvé de lignes similaires dans mon client.cfg... J'ai pourtant cherché dans le dossier d'install et en .local/share/Ryzom/0
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Craftjenn (4 years ago)
#6 Added by Kalikaze 4 years ago
#7 Added by Mariuslettres 4 years ago
powered by ryzom-api