#1 Added by Ghost of Atys 4 years ago
Rangers, friends of the Rangers,We have to accompany Orphie for the last time.Meet us on 20h - Tria, Thermis 3, 1st AC 2613(*) at the Ranger Circle, in Almati Wood.In accordance with the Fyros rite, a funeral pyre will be set up and we will scatter her ashes.You will all be encouraged to say a few words, if you wish.Melga Folgore and Apocamus Dradius
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (4 years ago) | Reason: adding [de] translation
#2 Added by Elke 4 years ago
Edited 6 times | Last edited by Elke (4 years ago)
#3 Added by Azazor 4 years ago
oren pyr malos.C’est au nom du peuple fyros, que je représente ici ce soir, que j’exprime à tous les rangers nos plus sincères condoléances.Orphie Dradius était fyros de sève, mais c’était avant tout une homine qui avait su voir, derrière nos différences de sèves, de cultures et d’idéaux politiques, tout ce qui nous unit. Elle savait, plus que tout autre, qu’un homin seul va moins loin qu’un groupe soudé. Oui, nous en sommes encore loin, et le souvenir du temps passé dans les primes racines après le premier essaim, ce temps où nous avions uni nos forces pour survivre, s’estompe dans nos mémoires. Mais Orphie Dradius n’a jamais cessé de tenter nous rassembler. Et elle y a parfois réussi, comme lors de la signature du traité TENANT où Mabreka, Dexton, Yrkanis et Denen Toen ont reconnu que tous les homins, indépendamment de leur race et de leurs convictions religieuses, sont des individus libres. Orphie Dradius, cette fyrette de caractère, n’a jamais n’a dévié de cette trajectoire, car elle savait que l’union est nécessaire pour lutter contre l’un des plus grands dangers: les kitins ! Elle a prouvé ce que le dévouement à une cause voulait dire en donnant sa vie ! C’était une brave parmi les braves, une gey-zas, et cela, les fyros ne l’oublieront pas. Amis Rangers, ce soir, dans le respect des traditions fyros, nous honorons sa mémoire en brûlant son corps. Chaque fyros, au cours de sa vie, lutte contre la fumée qui l’élève. L’égotisme, l’élévation spirituelle, la vanité, toutes ces fausses qualités qui vont à l’encontre de notre destin : descendre, toujours plus profondément. Fyros, il nous faut combattre la fumée. Si à leur mort, nous brûlons nos braves, c’est pour qu’ils retournent aussitôt à la sciure, afin que les fyros morts au combat guident le brave dans les entrailles d’Atys pour combattre le dragon. Aussi, quand vous verrez le bûcher brûler le corps d’Orphie, ne regardez pas la fumée qui monte au ciel, mais gardez vos yeux sur le corps calciné, qui redevenu cendre, descendra dans la terre rejoindre les guerriers pour le combat ultime, celui contre fyrak. Ce jour n’est pas triste, car c’est le début d’un nouveau combat pour Orphie. Alors célébrons-le comme il se doit.neya fyren orèch, neya fyros gladùch. orum gesun, fyrak a oren depyr.Tant que le Feu Sacré nous lie, nous fyros combattons.Le Désert nous parcourons pour un jour pourfendre le Dragon.
#4 Added by Dorothee 4 years ago
“I met Orphie Dradius shortly after the great barkquake of the Nexus, in 2609. It was after Erin Mac'Cartlann had discovered an old map in her archives that led us to the Tunnel of Woe.
“ She came to the Ranger meeting after the expedition, and I was impressed by this homin who, despite her age, retained a particularly energetic yet benevolent appearance.
“ I could hardly exchange a few words with her, but they were enough to make me understand how she had been able to participate in the foundation and develop, with her companions of course, a community as important as that of the Rangers.”
“ I wish I had known you better, Orphie, but more than ever, I will follow the precepts you fought so hard for.
“In the memory of Oflovak Rydon; Woren Siloy Ranger!”
“I would like now to bring you the words that Kiwa’Lie, our leader, my ‘Mom’, would have liked to say to you herself.“She is unfortunately retained by a particularly arduous quest that requires her full attention and our support.”
Orphie was my mentor, she was the person I admired most on the bark, she looked after the hominity, she was my reference, my guide.Yes, Orphie gave me a taste for the Ranger faction, thanks to her we had signed the TENANT peace treaty in Fairhaven before the second swarm. I was very proud to be her emissary and to give her the treaty that Mabreka, Dexton, Yrkanis, and Denen Toen signed on behalf of all the nations. Thanks to her the peoples of Atys were at peace, even if only for a short time.It is, thanks to her, because of her that I, I mean that Djiper, Zo'ro Argh, and I became Rangers in our turn, when we went back from the second exodus, by founding a totally Ranger, hominist and pacifist guild. And we gave it the name of this circle that sadly brings us together today.Her departure breaks my heart. Rest in peace Orphie! — Kiwa'Lie
Orphie was my mentor, she was the person I admired most on the bark, she looked after the hominity, she was my reference, my guide.
Yes, Orphie gave me a taste for the Ranger faction, thanks to her we had signed the TENANT peace treaty in Fairhaven before the second swarm. I was very proud to be her emissary and to give her the treaty that Mabreka, Dexton, Yrkanis, and Denen Toen signed on behalf of all the nations. Thanks to her the peoples of Atys were at peace, even if only for a short time.
It is, thanks to her, because of her that I, I mean that Djiper, Zo'ro Argh, and I became Rangers in our turn, when we went back from the second exodus, by founding a totally Ranger, hominist and pacifist guild. And we gave it the name of this circle that sadly brings us together today.
Her departure breaks my heart.
Rest in peace Orphie!
“Your ultimate quest will not be in vain, I'ts a Ranger promise!
“We will find out what creature took you away from us and I have no doubt that, beyond the differences that divide them, homins will once again come together for this.”
“This is the greatest tribute we can pay to you.”
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Dorothee (4 years ago)
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