Technical Support


#1 [en] 

Master axe skill: 231
Two handed sword skill: 176
Voracious arma level: 200
Voracious gubani level: 206

So, using a two handed sword I start combat with a voracious arma.
Part way through, a voracious gubani interfers.
I change target to the gubani.
I switch to one handed axe.
I kill the gunai and get 62 points of experience in master axe (correct).
I switch back to two handed sword.
I re-target the arma.
I kill the arma and get 26 points in master axe and 11 points in two handed sword (wrong, I should have gottem 6000 points in two handed sword).

All of my combat with the Arma was with the two handed sword. At no point in time did I ever hit it with the axe.


Yaandor | Cult of Dgambi | He who walks alone
Atys is a stern and determined teacher; willing to repeat the same lesson as often as necessary.

#2 [en] 

You shouldn't have gotten 6000 points for 2 handed sword.
You started a fight with 1 arma using 2 handed sword (lvl 176), the fight keep going and you used 1 handed axe (lvl 231) in order to kill a gubani.
At this point, the fight is agains 1 arma and 1 gubani with highest lvl skill used being 231.
You kill the gubani, but the fight is still on-going agains 1 arma, highest skill use in the fight is still 231 (still the same fight you are involved in).
You kill the arma and get the xp (based on the highest skill use in the fight (231)). Fight ending.

#3 [en] 

**break down of fight**

shouldn't he also have gotten 2h xp for killing the gubani?
@I kill the gunai and get 62 points of experience in master axe (correct).

would be odd if the game decides the gubani was purely 1 type of weapon, while the arma has to share 2 types, when they are considered 1 battle overall.

Last edited by Magez (4 years ago)


#4 [en] 

No since during the combat (first damage against until death of the mob) with the gubai he didn't use 2h sword. However from first damage to Arma until it's death he used 1h axe, so both xp's and skills are taken into account.


#5 [en] 

No since during the combat (first damage against until death of the mob) with the gubai he didn't use 2h sword. However from first damage to Arma until it's death he used 1h axe, so both xp's and skills are taken into account.

i get how it currently works but still think its odd to take that into consideration for 1 mob but not the other.
the arma never met the sharp end of the axe, so why would arma's xp take that into consideration.

arma gets calculation based on the 2v1 battle.
gubani gets calculations based on a 1v1 battle even though he joined a 2v1.

arma was part of a bigger battle thus axe and sword count, for gubani it gets ignored that he joined a bigger battle.

the gubani gets to ignore the arma, while it was the arma why he joined in the first place. huh?

Scenario: arma being hit with a sword out in the wild
Arma: **you will never beat me with your puny sword skills, now die 2 legged freak**
Gubani: **how dare you hit my buddy with a sword, die you foul homin scum**
Gubani: **sword? whats that? never seen it, i thought he had an axe, anyways you are on your own arma-friend... dies**
Arma: **nooooo gubani-friend... cries... you will pay for that!!**
Arma **aarghh you fatally wound me with.. your sword.... oh and axe even though you never hit me with it.. goodbye world... dies**

hehe i had fun writing that :P ignore my sillyness

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Magez (4 years ago)


#6 [en] 

You shouldn't have gotten 6000 points for 2 handed sword.
You started a fight with 1 arma using 2 handed sword (lvl 176), the fight keep going and you used 1 handed axe (lvl 231) in order to kill a gubani.
At this point, the fight is agains 1 arma and 1 gubani with highest lvl skill used being 231.
You kill the gubani, but the fight is still on-going agains 1 arma, highest skill use in the fight is still 231 (still the same fight you are involved in).
You kill the arma and get the xp (based on the highest skill use in the fight (231)). Fight ending.

I suppose that's one way to interpret it; assuming you don't mind a sloppy simulation. It was probably easier to write the code the way it currently works. Quite likely the original programmer never anticipated this type of situation. I've found over the years that most code issues are due to the original programmer not work out all of the possible scenarios before writing the code. Poor design instead of poor coding.

1) Experience is supposed to be based on the use of skills. I never used my master axe skill against the arma.

2) If experience is based on multiple skills used on the target, then the split of experience should be based on the percentage of damage done by each skill. Again, no damage was done to the arma using master axe; all damage was done using two handed sword. The split should have been 0% of the exp for master axe and 100% of the experience for two-handed sword.

3) Why is the exp so low? My exp points for two-handed sword seem to be based on my master axe skill level and not my two-handed sword skill level. The total exp seems to be based on the maximum skill level used and not on the skill level of the skill that actually caused damage.

shouldn't he also have gotten 2h xp for killing the gubani?
@I kill the gunai and get 62 points of experience in master axe (correct).

would be odd if the game decides the gubani was purely 1 type of weapon, while the arma has to share 2 types, when they are considered 1 battle overall.

I switched to master axe before I actually attacked the gubani so I guess the gubani was never aware that I had been using a two-handed sword.

Again, sloppy simulation; bad code.

Had the same situation again fighting an arma with two-handed mace. This time I managed to finish off the arma first and got full exp for two-handed mace. I then attacked the gubani and switched to master axe to finish it off and got 55 exp in master axe and 6 exp in two-handed mace - so that worked as expected.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Yaandor (4 years ago)


Yaandor | Cult of Dgambi | He who walks alone
Atys is a stern and determined teacher; willing to repeat the same lesson as often as necessary.

#7 [en] 


You start to attack the arma with 2 hand sword (176).
Fighting against: arma
Highest skill used: 176

You miss-targeted the gubani so he's joining the fight and you switched to 1 hand axe (231).
Fighting against: arma and gubani
Highest skill used: 231

You kill the gubani using only 1h axe against him: you get the xp for 1h axe.
So now it is:
Fighting against: arma
Highest skill used: 231

You switch back to 2h sword and kill the arme with it.
Highest skill used: 231

It's because during your fight against the arma you used 2 different skills.
You would have gotten 6k in 2h sword if you would have killed the arma before the gubani with only 2h sword.

First fight = arma
second fight = gubani
But you used 2 skills during the arma fight.

And your xp is so low because it's based on the highest skill used during a fight. You have the same with enchants, if you use an echant q250 against a mob lvl 150 you won't get xp.

#8 [en] 


i got that already, yet its still odd. xp should be per mob basis, not a mix of per mob and overall battle.

its not like you unlearn arma behavior, how they dodge, how they react to a sword etc etc. especially because you spend the same amount of time with the sword as another person using the same but without a gubani.

xp/level stands for your proficiency in a weapon/skill, not on how you killed something else faster with another weapon.

Last edited by Magez (4 years ago)


#9 [en] 

I don't agree, I find the actual system good. At least it's consistent.
If you change that, how do you handle enchant or heal during fight for the final xp?
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