
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Español | Français
There will be a Memorial Service for Azad held on Atys at the Secret Kami Oasis on Saturday March 06, 2021 at:

21:00 UTC+1 (Paris / Berlin)
20:00 UTC (Dublin / London)
15:00 UTC-5 (US ET)
14:00 UTC-6 (US CT)
12:00 UTC-8 (US PT
08:00 UTC+13 (Auckland)

Teleports to the Oasis will be available at all capital cities and Marauder camp. Regarding the attached picture, guild members will assemble on the steps of the Dais. Attendees will assemble in the "Assembly Area" on the slope of the hill. If you want to speak, when it's time, form a queue in the "Queue Area". Please keep the line down to 3 - 5 peoples.


A. Opening Ceremonies

B. Signature Story: Azad's Revenge - FyrosFreddy

C. Comments by Guild Members / Former Guild Members

D. Comments from Ryzom Staff / Players

E. Closing Ceremonies.
Last visit Thursday, 13 March 10:13:55 UTC

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