
#1 [de] 

Hallo Atys!

Heute mein erster (und bestimmt nicht letzter) Beitrag. Ich hoffe euch gefällt meine Idee.
Los gehts:

Um das Gameplay ansprechender zu machen, wäre es toll wenn man Banditen oder generell humanuide NPCs tötet, dass man bei ihnen auch etwas ausnehmen kann.

Ich finde das Spiel ist schon sehr Mats-lastig. Daher würde ich empfehlen einfach ein paar Dappers oder ein anderes Item zum plündern in die NPCs zu geben. Die Wertigkeit kann hier ja der Wertigkeit des NPCs angepasst werden.

Gerade in den niederen Stufen, wenn die Fertigkeiten in Handwerk noch nicht ausgefeilt sind ist das eine schöne Möglichkeit neue Spieler zu belohnen und sie außerdem auch im Spiel zu halten. Manche Spieler möchten sich anfangs (oder vielleicht auch später) garnicht mit jeden Handwerk beschäftigen...

Desweiteren wäre dies ein weiter Anreiz sich Aufgaben alleine zu suchen. So könnte man auf der Suche nach besseren Waffen oder Rüstungsteilen mal ein, zwei Banditenlager aufmischen.

Auch Truhen in Banditenlagern könnten so eine Belohnung enthalten. Die müssen doch irgendetwas dort horten! Ein paar Dappers, eine Waffe oder ein anderes Rüstungsteil wären doch nett.

Schöne Grüße

#2 [en] 

It would be nice to get something from lotting them after I wipe out a whole camp while running fame missions. I have always thought that bandits should have at least a few dappers to be looted.


Homin Reaper Karavan

#3 [en] 

didn't they used to drop jewelry? crappy jewelry but still a little dapper.


#4 [en] 

That's exactly what I mean!

I haven't played that long, but no bandit has dropped anything yet. Unless it was a mission part. Even that was then just in my inventory and didn't have to be looted. Another strange thing I find. Mission parts should also have to be looted and not just be in the inventory at once.

**** translated with google translator ****

#5 [en] 

I did stop playing for many years so it is possible that at some point they did have someting in their pockets and then lost it again but I have never gotten anything from bandits. When I was a very very young homin I would loot expecting something. I stopped for a bit because I didn't get anything and then realized I should loot to make respawn faster for the next homin seeking fame. Good karma shouldn't be the only thing we get from them. It really makes no sense from a living world or RP perspective.


Homin Reaper Karavan

#6 [en] 

It's something I also always wondered... why do bandits have no loot at all?Sure, we should not reward killing poor NPC folks - and currently it's consistent, that homins don't drop anything - they are usually stunned and then revived to some place. So likely the same goes for bandits.Yet maybe... a bandit village could have a treasure chest in the middle which might be subject to some petty loot? Probably it should have a per-player cooldown per bandit camp (day? week?) and not be high, though. They're muggers for a reason... certainly not because they possess huge riches.


#7 [en] 

It's something I also always wondered... why do bandits have no loot at all?Sure, we should not reward killing poor NPC folks - and currently it's consistent, that homins don't drop anything - they are usually stunned and then revived to some place. So likely the same goes for bandits.Yet maybe... a bandit village could have a treasure chest in the middle which might be subject to some petty loot? Probably it should have a per-player cooldown per bandit camp (day? week?) and not be high, though. They're muggers for a reason... certainly not because they possess huge riches.

Thank you Elke for your feedback and your opinion.
A timer would probably not be bad, but I mean a day or even a week is a way tooooo long. I think a couple of hours, maybe 3, would be enough.
On the other hand, the developers could possibly also build in a lock that the bandits only drop something 3 times in a week, regardless of how often you kill them.

#8 [en] 

A timer of one week would allow you to kill approx. 10 bandit camps per real-life day, every real-life day every week, all year long.

Mind, I'm talking about dropping loot to a specific player - not dropping in general or respawning.

Last edited by Elke (4 years ago)


Last visit Sunday, 16 February 11:58:27 UTC

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