
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Patch 847

Updated textures

  • The icons, UI (user interface) textures and all maps of Atys has been upscaled by AI to get an enhanced HD version
  • The maximum zoom of the map has been increased.

Updates with Integrated auto-translation (DeepL)

  • The bug with colon (:) character at the beginning of a sentence, which was preventing players from writing smileys has been fixed;
  • The Guild chat is now translated;
  • Custom emotes text are now translated.

Marauders Fame

  • All other fames are now capped to -40 after a character has done the marauder rite;
  • A marauder can do missions from the Masters of the Goo tribe to increase the marauder fame above 50;
  • A teleport fx has been added to Marauders as for Kami/kara. To display the teleport fx, a marauder must have 100 in marauder fame.


The Course

  • The upper part of mission journal has been modified and a new feature added : the Course;
  • You can select in Daily Mission window to follow the Course for the missions. When selected, a tracker will be displayed and you will be able to know how many daily missions you have finished;
  • The Course will be used in future for other features like Storyline, Events, Dynamic Events, etc;
  • When you click on the Course, the Mission booklet is opened.

Marauder Gameplay

  • A maraudeur mini campment will be created in each continent. The first one, in Aeden Aqueous, is up with missions to lower the Tryker fame;
  • The zinuakeen of the region has been moved to the mini campment;
  • Addition of a third skin for outpost drills: the Marauder one, available to any guild whatever its Faction.

The Ryzom Team remains at your disposal for any additional information and best wishes to you!

Ryzom Team

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Tamarea (4 years ago)

#2 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

PATCH 847 - Explications supplémentaires


  • Les missions du Nexus sont momentanément indisponibles. La vitesse d'arrivée du correctif dépendra du nombre de litres de café que vous enverrez au Dev.
  • Un bug d'affichage des titres est apparu. Le Dev attend que vous réussissiez à en déchiffrer les hiéroglyphes avant de le corriger. ;)

Gameplay maraudeur

  • La nouvelle foreuse est visuellement maraudeure mais ne fore pas encore des matières d'OP maraudeures, cet ajout sera fait lors d'un autre patch. D'ici là, elle réussit visiblement à détourner incognito les matières d'OP des Puissances.

Mystérieux OP au Nexus

  • Quatre nouveaux avant-postes sont apparus au Nexus. Ce sont des avant-postes sans connotation roleplay qui , une fois activés, seront utilisés pour réaliser les tests du projet "OP refactoring" en conditions réelles. Les participants à ces tests in live seront tous récompensés.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by ERR: Author Not Set (4 years ago)


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