#1 Added by Elke 4 years ago
Edited 9 times | Last edited by Margote (4 years ago) | Reason: Fixing broken link
#2 Added by Elke 4 years ago
Chiang the strong, 18h UT
You will need a web browser in order to display some images. Easiest is to open the ryzom chat in a web window and login with your character:
We will create a separate channel (league) for this event
One person will hide on a certain place. A screenshot will be posted which shows what this person sees.
The first three people to trade with the hidden person will receive a token verifying participation.
The winner may choose first, then the uprunner etc till all prices have been distributed.
We will start with a short run around Silan for the new players with separate rewards. And then head over to the main round with places all over Atys. There will be two or three hidden people per continent (we will see how long it takes). Everytime another person will wait - son don't even speculate on targeting me :)
This is the current list - maybe some things will be added or changed:
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Elke (4 years ago)
#3 Added by Elke 4 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Elke (4 years ago)
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