
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

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Available types of mounts and zigs

Three types of mounts are available:
  • Mektoub;
  • Gubani of beige coat [i](winning at the Wheel);
  • Gnoof of the Nexus (reward for a Storyline mission).
Three types of zigs are in game:
  • Albino Yubo (special reward that can no longer be obtained);
  • Gubani (won at the Wheel, different sizes available);
  • Frippo (won at the Wheel, different sizes available).

Gameplay features

Each Premium player (subscriber) can, at most, use simultaneously in game:
  • one mount;
  • three packers;
  • three zigs.
Domestic animals housed in a stable are included.
Each animal has an inventory where the player's items can be stored.

Premium novelty: pastures

In order to allow the owning of several types of mounts and more than three types of zigs, the ability to send the animals to pasture has been added. Thus, the Premium account holder can send up to three of his/her domestic animals to pasture to free up space in the game for those just obtained. The domestic animals sent to pasture are no longer usable in game until they are returned from the pasture by exchanging them for a domestic animal of the same category (mount for mount, zig for zig).
Note that the inventory of domestic animals is automatically exchanged between those leaving and those returning from the pasture or with the new ones.
This new system does not provide additional inventory, but allows you to own mounts or zigs of different aspects and to exchange them without losing the content of their inventory.

#2 Report | Quote[en] 

Packers can't be placed into pasture

((The rest of the post was not valid along current game rules))

Last edited by Moniq (4 years ago)

#3 Report | Quote[fr] #4

Continuing from above, if I undesstand correctly:

1.  One (1) Mount In-Game of among the three (3)* available
2.  Up to three (3) Packers In-Game, no pasture access available.
3.  Up to three (3) Zigs in game of among the three (3) available **

*    How does white Gubani for in ? ... or is he / she gone extinct ?
**  Have seen Zigs of variou sizes .... how do you choose size ?  Just to confirm .... Bulk Storage Capacity does not change based upon size, correct ?
*** Will the game at some point indicate relative speed and HP of the various animals ?

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 years ago)


#4 Report | Quote[fr] 

j'ai eu deux zigs gubani de tailles différentes, mais selon ce que j'ai compris, c'est aléatoire


je reédite le post, parce que j'ai eu une nouvelle monture gubani et avec deux avatars trykers (moi et Sich) j'ai deux montures gubanis de tailles différentes, donc c'est pas seulement les zigs et selon ce que j'ai compris, pour les montures aussi, c'est aléatoire la taille

PS : est-ce que les mots "zig" et "gubani" sont des noms propres ou des noms communs (les Gubani, ou les gubanis, les "Zig" un peu comme les gens prénomés "Pierre" ou les pierres et les chats (etc) ?

Last edited by Ortaven (4 years ago) | Reason: ajout


#5 Report | Quote[fr] 

1. If you need to replace a zig built from wheel rewards, you can replace it the same way .... what happens if the Premium Yubo dies ? Can it be replaced ?

2. Same with Gubani mount ... can be replaced at the wheel, but what about Gnoof mount ?

3. In the beginning all "built" zigs were same size ... now I see different size ones. What determines how big (in appearance) they are ?


#6 Report | Quote[fr] 

je sais pas répondre à toutes les questions, mais j'ai constaté que j'ai un zig gubani petit (niveau 100) et un zig gubani grand ou moyen (niveau 200) et je sais pas si ils occupent un volume différent dans mon sac, mais je sais que ils ont chacun un inventaire de 100 (emplacement = 500 et volume = 100)


#7 Report | Quote[fr] 

Mine are ....

1. The Premium Yubo Zig (Fluffy) Tiny and Level "94" and hass 150 bulk capacity

2. The Wheel's Gubani Zig (Fluffer) is also Tiny and Level "100" and has 150 bulk capacity.

3. The Wheel's Frippo Zig is about the same as those in the wild I think and Level "120" and has 150 bulk capacity.

4. The Gnoof Mount is about the same as those in the wild I think and Level "86" and has 300 bulk capacity.

I have had weight higher than 1,200 on all animals and seen no impact therefrom other than I can move if I put them in my bag.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (3 years ago)


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