
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | Français | Deutsch | [Español]

Len Fai-Cu escuchó atentamente las recomendaciones de la Gran-Máscara. Es cierto que fue él quien había encontrado este campamento y esta máquina, pero ser elegido él, ex miembro de los Maestros de la Goo, para dirigir esta expedición, fue un honor que nunca habría imaginado recibir. Él planeaba llevar su misión a un feliz término.
Savia estará orgullosa.
" olvides que el objetivo es la destrucción de esta máquina. Toleramos al Círculo Negro y sus estudios, pero Ba'Wity Codgan ha rebasado claramente los límites de esta tolerancia. Estoy contando contigo. Aquí están los carteles que se colocarán en todas partes."
Iniciados y amigos de la Teocracia,
Reunión con Len Fai-Cu en el establo de Min-Cho, el 5h - Quinteth, Frutor 11, 4th AC 2611(*).
El Círculo Negro debe entender que ciertas acciones no serán toleradas.

Mabreka Cho

[OOC] * en 2021/01/21 20/00 UTC. [/OOC]

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch | Español

His time in the Goo had lasted only a few seconds but Len Faï-Cu felt the need to let the waterfall purify him for a long time while thinking about his report.
He had met the Initiates and friends of the Theocracy as planned on 5h - Quinteth, Frutor 11, 4th AC 2611.
He had explained to them the purpose of the expedition.
But from then on, everything had gone wrong. Some didn't want to destroy the pump, others just wanted to ask the Black Circle to do… as if the guards of the Circle were going to listen to them.
After a while, they had finally agreed to go and talk to the guards but, once there, they rushed at them and attacked them without warning.
What follows was like a confused nightmare in his mind filled with the cries of those who succumbed to thick Goo's pockets and a pinkish mist that seeped everywhere making him cough and cry his eyes out.
And when the heavy wreathes of Goo had finally cleared, everything seemed to have vanished. No more pump or camp or guard. Just some kind of pustules and these wandering, unstable vapors that made you suffocate for a few moments before dispersing.
Len Faï-Cu knew the Goo, he had lived near it and often handled it, but this time, once the mission done, for a while, he really wondered if the destruction of this pump could have consequences on the long term.
And that's why he was there. This morning, he had teleported to the Grove of Umbra, fearing that the Goo had clearly advanced towards the outpost. His relief had been such that he felt the need to go deep into the Goo area to check that all the pustules had disappeared.
The biting cold brought him back to the warmth of his home, soothed and washed from the impurities of the Goo.
Report to the Great Sage Mabreka-Cho
According to your instructions, we destroyed the pump that the Black Circle had built.
This caused, for some time, great disruptions, but all returned to normal since.
I don't know, however, if this will affect the behavior of the Black Circle tribe.

Len Faï-Cu
Last visit Thursday, 6 June 06:23:51 UTC

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