
#1 [en] 

as we get now a dedicated .xml file for landmarks, can we get as well some receipes.xml to export/import our crafting works easily between players from ingame receipe book?

#2 [en] 

+1 (if receipt book as been repared...)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#3 [en] 

+1 (if receipt book as been repared...)

Can you explain which part you think is broken in there?



#4 [en] 


I created a ticket about it... Have a look on images sent at that time (May 2020) :

some explanations

* OP mats not saved
* minor: you can create for ex a Matis stuff with desert mats (no land check)

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Craftjenn (4 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#5 [en] 

* OP mats not saved
* minor: you can create for ex a Matis stuff with desert mats (no land check)


OP mats was indeed a bug.
Mixed choice+ in single recipe could probably be added as a warning.



#6 [en] 

While we are at it ... would like a "Use Best Recipe" option for occupations.


#7 [en] 

import/export has been added.



#8 [en] 

nice, thanks

#9 [en] 

added to the FR and EN wikis (import/export)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#10 [en] 

Should I start a new thread for the suggestion for occupation recipes to have a "Use best recipe" Option.


#11 [en] 

About occupation receipts:

I used notes to store them.... they are in the forum + wikis...
don't feel it as an urgent and important stuff to add...

I think the best would to add a FAQ in game, with a link to some chosen pages on wikis... such on User manual, selected tread on forum etc

Last edited by Craftjenn (4 years ago)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#12 [en] 


When OCCs were introduced, a few math geeks on arispotle worked as a group to discover all the recipes and they were stored in a spreadsheet ... each of that group had the spreadsheet which has every recipe attempted, the percent value obtained and who attempted / discovered it.  I can't speak to the what, when and how the other servers go there but I'd imagine similar efforts were made one way or another.

Recipes were later posted on various websites and other folks used their preferred means ... some used text files, handwritten notes ... some recorded links. 

If you earned the recipe thru trial and error, or have used one you copied from another source, that recipe is stored **and accessible** in game.  A player has two choices in pursuing Occs.

a)  Take it on as a challenge and figure them out
b)  Use recipes from one of the aforementioned sources

Just click the "Occupations" icon on the app bar, click "recipes" and there they are ... the "best recipe" you have ever used is shown as the default and every recipe you have ever used, can be seen by clicking "Display All Recipes".

That's just history and my comment has nothing to do with any of that that.  No matter which method was used, if you have ever used the recipe, you never have to look at any of these sources again. But you still have to endure a click fest to enter the recipe.  

That's the current state of affairs. The entirety of my suggested change in the game is shown by the added button in window below

Simply put, what is the point of making the player enter 5 numbers in succession when those numbers are already displayed on the screen ? Good idea, let's use those same numbers I have already entered 100s of time before.

What I am asking for is a way to avoid the drudgery of having to click on number in a series of 5 popups and the frustration experienced when you misclick.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 years ago)


#13 [en] 

What I am asking for is a way to avoid the drudgery of having to click on number in a series of 5 popups and the frustration experienced when you misclick.



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