
#1 Multilingual 

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Haido Xuan, la Jardinière Dynastique, se hâtait pour ne pas être en retard à son rendez-vous avec Mabreka. Sa mission au Nexus se passait plutôt bien. Depuis le tremblement d'écorce, elle avait vu la région changer et l'apparition de plantes des autres domaines ne cessait de l'intriguer. Elle était bien occupée mais la dernière réunion des scientifiques lui avait fait froid dans le dos. Elle devait en parler au plus vite au Grand Masque et lui demander conseil.

– Kami'ata Révéré Mabreka !
– Kami'ata Haido ! Tu sembles bien agitée ! Quel est le souci qui trouble ta sérénité ?
– Saison ! s'exclama la jardinière.
Mabreka la regarda, troublé à son tour.
Haido Xuan fit un effort pour surmonter son émoi et entreprit de s'expliquer :
– Nous avons régulièrement des réunions entre scientifiques des quatre nations au Nexus. Au cours de la dernière, Meeny O'Lan et Arry Sanin évoquaient les enregistrements qu'ils font dans la région. D'après eux, il est possible que de nouvelles secousses se produisent et notamment au nord du Nexus qui, jusque là, a été plutôt préservé.
C'est alors que la stèle du Sage Saison m'est soudain revenue à l'esprit et, affolée par cette pensée, je n'ai plus trop suivi ce que racontaient nos deux collaborateurs du Centre CREVETTE.
Mabreka fixa la jardinière un moment puis sembla se concentrer avant de reprendre la parole.
– Penses-tu qu'ils accepteraient de venir nous exposer la situation ?
– J'en suis sûre, Grand Masque : ils adorent parler de leurs relevés ! Le seul souci sera de les arrêter quand ils seront lancés sur le sujet.
– Je te remercie, Haido ! Et sois sereine : Ma-Duk nous montrera la voie !

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (4 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

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Mabreka was watching the batao.
In spite of the years that had elapsed, he could not contemplate one without thinking of his friend Season. He saw, as if they had been there, in front of him, the Kami and Season conversing. He could hear his friend's voice, clear in his youth, ask, "What knowledge do I need to acquire to raise myself to Ma-Duk?" and the Kami's answer: "The batao is shedding its flowers. Tomorrow Atys will be huddled in the winter. »
It had taken Season a whole year of meditation, four atysian cycles, to completely measure the depth of these few words, but Mabreka had no doubt that he had managed to take all the seasons of Atys for himself.
So why this threat now? But was it really a threat?
Was not the Great Maker thereby making a sign to his disciples?
He still had to meditate and listen to the two scientists. The Initiates and Awakened could help him to better understand.
Poster on the walls of the Zoraï cities

Awakened, Initiates, Friends of Theocracy, Ambassadors, I invite you to an exceptional Assembly of the Circles on 10h - Holeth, Thermis 30, 4th AC 2609*, dedicated to the events that took place in the Nexus region.
Two scientists from the FISHES Society will come to talk to us about these events and their possible consequences.
Action in the Nexus will most likely be necessary: come with the appropriate equipment.

Ma Kwai

* [OOC] On Friday, 28 August 2020 19:00:00 UTC (4 years ago)[/OOC]

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (4 years ago)

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Español | Français
Chipset and small team of the Cercle of Almati wood have foud a place, west of hammer hills that may fit what we were seeking for:

Last edited by Dorothee (4 years ago)


#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
The day rises on the ramp that slopes down from the Nexus to the vortex of the Abyss of Ichor. Autumn is there and life is beginning to gently fade away.
Be-Pian Biani looks at the Great Sage, Mabreka.
— We are ready, Ma'Kwai. The Recyclers have worked diligently. We have a cradle to carry the stele. And my warriors will ensure the tranquillity of the convoy.
— Have you planned what is needed for the stele of the Initiate Busang, too?
— Yui, Ma'Kwai, although I don't understand why this one also has to be moved.
The discontent of the Head of the Company of the Eternal Tree shows through in spite of her reverence and her mask.
— It is good that those two paths meet, as a reminder that we are all homins. The gone astray Initiate and the Sage in symbiosis with Atys. Their paths cross and mingle.
The silence lasts a few seconds but Be-Pian Biani finally approves with a nod.
— It is time.
Mabreka begins to move away towards Hammer Hills, followed by his bodyguards. The whole convoy sets off in his wake.
Awakened, Initiates, friends of the Theocracy,

The stele of the Sage Season joined the Hill of the Four Seasons, together with that of the Initiate Busang.
May meditation in this blessed place of the Kamis help you in your spiritual journey!

Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 07:06:20 UTC

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