
#1 [en] 

Current year is 2609. Initial year was 2525. 84 years have passed, and presumably all the welcomers, hawkers, hairdressers, merchants, and wandering mission-givers were adults already in 2525.

Even the Silan NPCs should probably have retired by now at least.

Just an odd thought.

#2 [en] 

But so should have the player characters. So it's just fair that the NPC homins enjoy a similarily healthy and lengthy lifespan. Atys just is different, its creatures are different :) Homins are not humans :)


#3 [en] 

They have human lifespans, though, canonically.

Of course, anyone can do with their own character what they want. :)

Just because I want it to be this way for my characters: my original main character was 18 when I started playing her, she's dead now, and her son is well into old age.

Last edited by Meythro (4 years ago)

#4 [en] 

As High powers needs homins working force they are providing them services (resurrection and wound healing). We might consider they are also keeping Homin's body healthy enough to allow characters to live a longer life on the rootball.

#5 [en] 

As High powers needs homins working force they are providing them services (resurrection and wound healing). We might consider they are also keeping Homin's body healthy enough to allow characters to live a longer life on the rootball.

I like that explanation. It's surely possible.

#6 [en] 

What about the towns/cities/higher powers abduct poor lost homins trying to get to the new lands (some call them marauders) in the prime roots brainwash them and make them forget everything and then put them in the spot of an aging npc.

That aging npc gets just discarded by them (most likely fed to kittin in prime roots). < keeps the kittins in check and gives them a taste of homin flesh

All the rest is some pink mist you somethimes see hanging in towns that is used to brainwash the ones entering so they do not notice stable boy that was old yesterday is not old today.

* And actually where we not all reborn during the merge? I forgot the whole lore they tried to spin there to save some pennies and kind off kill ryzom for so many ppl who never returned


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