Would you be interested in this Tournament
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Amusmclilly, Arxxan, Balkhog, Diri, Elhora, Elke, Hahah, Hairyfarter, Hendat, Jorgensen, Josemg, Lasabo, Learrell, Lyren, Meubli, Milam, Momokohy, Plephylus, Sienn, Tarka, Valerof, Wixarika, Yennosoul, Yper, Zaneriol
26 (6)
Atys: Alassea, Bradbreddan, Djiper, Yaandor, Zauza
Atys: Placio, Subox, Yubomei
S'abstenir 2

#22 [en] 

Moniq, the Q120 is designed for Free To Play (F2P) players limited to levels 125 and lower levels.

They can use q150 equipment (and unsubscribed characters also skills for levels 126-150).

Dernière édition par Moniq (il y a 4 ans). | Raison: -typo

#23 Multilingue 

Multilingue | English | [Français]
Sujet déplacé dans le forum events.

Dernière édition par Tamarea (il y a 4 ans).


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#24 [en] 

will there be a time limit on 2v2 matches? They can go on for an un-entertainingly long time if both sides are good at healing.

also, can we sign up for both 1v1 and 2v2? Can we use different gear in each case? ie HA/Axe for 1v1, MA/daggers for 2v2?

also :-) , can we switch out weapons and armor between matches?

Dernière édition par Jorgensen (il y a 4 ans).

#25 [en] 

will there be a time limit on 2v2 matches? They can go on for an un-entertainingly long time if both sides are good at healing.

There will be no time limit. If one match seems to take to long we can start another one on the side.
can we sign up for both 1v1 and 2v2? Can we use different gear in each case? ie HA/Axe for 1v1, MA/daggers for 2v2?

Yes you can sign up for both 1v1 and 2v2. That is 2 entrence fee. And yes you can use different gear in each case.
also :-) , can we switch out weapons and armor between matches?

Only in your case, since you will have multiple gears to choose from.

#26 [fr] 

Thanks to all of you for being there. The tournament was a sucess!

Here are the results:

Winner: Nightviper
2nd: Geor
3rd: Balkhog

Winners: Geor & Nightviper
2nd: Alexarwe & Lasabo

We didn't have enough participants for the pool 120.

Maybe see you next year!

#27 [fr] 

Photos souvenir :)


Matis Arena:

#28 [en] 

What went on behind the rock-pile, stays behind the rock-pile.

It was a great event, Tarka and GotF. Thank you for all your work in organizing it.

#29 Multilingue 

Multilingue | English | [Français]
Les médailles et les titres seront distribués pendant la cérémonie de remise des médailles et de clôture des Jeux d'Atys, le dimanche 30 Août.
Soyez là pour honorer tous les vainqueurs de ces jeux d'Atys !

#30 [fr] 


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