Would you be interested in this Tournament
Atys: Aleeskandaro, Amusmclilly, Arxxan, Balkhog, Diri, Elhora, Elke, Hahah, Hairyfarter, Hendat, Jorgensen, Josemg, Lasabo, Learrell, Lyren, Meubli, Milam, Momokohy, Plephylus, Sienn, Tarka, Valerof, Wixarika, Yennosoul, Yper, Zaneriol
26 (6)
Atys: Alassea, Bradbreddan, Djiper, Yaandor, Zauza
Atys: Placio, Subox, Yubomei
Abstain 2

#18 [en] 

I think I organized something similar years years years years years ago (or was it cookies, or both).

I actually think we tried both options even maybe not public, think we only went public with ppl are allowed their own gear.

The problem I see is that ppl work years to get what is in their minds the best gear since ryzom does not realy do best. Well it is over 5 years since I played maybe somebody figured out the best by now but I doubt it.
So why force ppl not to use what they worked so hard for to get. We are many many years past merge so I guess most guilds got guild halls with maths coming trough their ears so they can craft whatever they want.

Very old anekdote: And whatever you think is best can be very untrue in 1v1 pvp I remember over 10 years ago having finally my dream gear tougether and doing a test 1v1 against Stun where he beat the living heck out of me with just a generic looking staff and probably bq ugly armor parying or dodging (long time ago) every single of my attacks for like 3 very long minutes till i was laying face down in my perfect very shiny gear.

2V2 I never really did myself to difficult for me really even with teamspeak on. But if you want 2V2 to be fair you kind of have to forbid TS or others since the advantage of bring your own gear vs provided gear and using voice chat versus no voice chat is night and day.

< just my 2 cents, if i am online during I will come have a look but been away to long, and seems I gave away alot of my weapons last time I played so I am low on shiney swords and pikey things, let alone i forgot how to set a basic macro.

+ 100 for doing such an event pvp ones are always fun to watch and do not forget 4v4 and even more can be a real spectacle if you got 2 teams


#19 [en] 

I'm organizing this event to bring people together and to have a good time :)

The two main ideas are that the event be accessible to more than just masters (2 pools based on equipement Q120 and Q250) and the combats to be even as much and they can be (this is why we provide the equipment).

I'm not sure how many people will attempt, but the good thought is here.

Abut the organization, I was flexible from the biggining to listen to coments and to make changes to be close as possible to most whishes. At this stage, just a few weeks from the event, I will no longer edit the organisation.

If you are interrested in participating, please contact me ingame, best would be by mail.

I will love to participate myself, so I can complete a duo if needed or be part of duels.

Hope to see you soon!

#20 [en] 

Why q120 and not q140 (or q150)?

#21 [en] 

Moniq, the Q120 is designed for Free To Play (F2P) players limited to levels 125 and lower levels.

Last edited by Tarka (4 years ago)

#22 [en] 

Moniq, the Q120 is designed for Free To Play (F2P) players limited to levels 125 and lower levels.

They can use q150 equipment (and unsubscribed characters also skills for levels 126-150).

Last edited by Moniq (4 years ago) | Reason: -typo

#23 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Topic moved to Event forum.

Last edited by Tamarea (4 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#24 [en] 

will there be a time limit on 2v2 matches? They can go on for an un-entertainingly long time if both sides are good at healing.

also, can we sign up for both 1v1 and 2v2? Can we use different gear in each case? ie HA/Axe for 1v1, MA/daggers for 2v2?

also :-) , can we switch out weapons and armor between matches?

Last edited by Jorgensen (4 years ago)

#25 [en] 

will there be a time limit on 2v2 matches? They can go on for an un-entertainingly long time if both sides are good at healing.

There will be no time limit. If one match seems to take to long we can start another one on the side.
can we sign up for both 1v1 and 2v2? Can we use different gear in each case? ie HA/Axe for 1v1, MA/daggers for 2v2?

Yes you can sign up for both 1v1 and 2v2. That is 2 entrence fee. And yes you can use different gear in each case.
also :-) , can we switch out weapons and armor between matches?

Only in your case, since you will have multiple gears to choose from.

#26 [fr] 

Thanks to all of you for being there. The tournament was a sucess!

Here are the results:

Winner: Nightviper
2nd: Geor
3rd: Balkhog

Winners: Geor & Nightviper
2nd: Alexarwe & Lasabo

We didn't have enough participants for the pool 120.

Maybe see you next year!

#27 [fr] 

Photos souvenir :)


Matis Arena:

#28 [en] 

What went on behind the rock-pile, stays behind the rock-pile.

It was a great event, Tarka and GotF. Thank you for all your work in organizing it.

#29 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
The medals and titles will be presented during the medal ceremony and closing ceremony on Sunday, August 30.
Be there to honor all the winners of these Atys Games !

#30 [fr] 


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