
#1 Multilingual 

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Multiboxing sur Ryzom

Multiboxing: definition

Multiboxing refers to playing as multiple separate characters concurrently in an MMORPG. This could be achievedeither by using multiple separate machines to run the game, or by running multiple separate instances of the game. Multiboxing might be considered a form of cheating. Multiboxing is considered to be difficult to do well without practice, as it involves adapting to problems in real-time.(1)The number of characters handled may vary. Generally speaking and regardless of the complexity of the game, the more characters you play, the more difficult it is to manage them. This is why a distinction has to be made between playing several accounts at the same time (multiboxing) and using external software that allows the player to facilitate the management in question (botting). In Ryzom, the first one is tolerated, but the second one is strictly forbidden, since the beginning.

Multiboxing in Ryzom: what changes

Ryzom is a cooperative game, so working on it with others is a necessity. Having one particular partner, always available to help with harvesting, storage or even healing, is commonly accepted, but having an army of avatars at your command makes no sense: the game loses its essence.In order to preserve this essence and the soul of a game where collaboration is encouraged, we have decided to no longer tolerate the control of more than two characters at the same time per user and this only within the limits of reasonable usage. (Previously, the limit was four characters connecting from the same IP, in many cases all of them multiboxed by the same player.)Accordingly, the relevant article of the Ryzom Code of Conduct now reads as follows:    
  • III.4 Multi-boxing with more than two characters (Major Offence)
  • The number of characters controlled simultaneously by the same natural person is limited to two, within the framework of reasonable, measured and non-automated use. However, Customer Support may make exceptions in individual cases (such as a large family, public computer etc). If you believe you should be exempted, please contact Support at, mentioning the reason for your request along with the names of all the accounts concerned.
———(1) Source: [i]


#2 [fr] 

Est-ce que ça veut dire qu'il va y avoir une impossibilité technique de connecter plus de deux comptes à partir de la même adresse IP, de la même adresse machine, autre chose ?

Est-ce que si je joue en famille (comme c'est mon cas parfois) je dois au préalable informer le support de tous les comptes que nous possédons et donc susceptibles de se retrouver un jour connectés simultanément ?

Je précise en plus que pour des raisons RP, on peut avoir un certain nombre de comptes peu actifs. Dois-t-on tous les déclarer ?


Ducocinnio Nono, dit Duke Nono
Noble Matis, artisan de la maison noble La Firme
Gardien du Royaume et Béni de Jena

#3 [en] 


I rarely write on this forum but feel this is something that concerns me greatly.

I find this new change to “multi-boxing” ridiculous. The core issue here is that using multiple accounts suggests you get an advantage in gameplay and thus, the “unfairness” principle is being claimed as main reason. I can somewhat respect that argument per se. But whether multi-boxing is to be considered cheating or not is a different topic imo.

However, I find it hilariously contradictory to argue for “Ryzom being an cooperative game … and to preserve its essence and the soul of a game where collaboration is encouraged” AND at the same time allowing two toons just because many finds it “commonly accepted”. Using a second toon (also multi-boxing) to help with care planning or back healing is exactly the same thing as having 3 toons cp or healing you (on a principle level). So, the core issue is actually voided due to this argumentative discrepancy.

My point is: Either you forbid Multi-boxing completely, or you allow it. Especially if you call for the argument of preserving the games essence and encouraging collaboration. Everything else would be hypocrisy.

And to claim that “having an army at your command make no sense: the game loses its essence” is highly offensive. To dictate how other player should be playing the game “correctly” is just stupid. I know I’ve had similar discussions revolving playing RP or not is the “correct” way or the game loses its essence. But I won't be mentioning the war today.

Last edited by Maupas (4 years ago) | Reason: Online translation enabled

#4 [fr] 


What will Ryzom Support do about the people who have already paid for multiple account prior to the rule change? Will there be a refund of subscriptions? I realize that Ryzom cannot refund the years of time spent to level multiple masters on three alts but please be sensible and at least refund the subscriptions that were paid. If you don't agree please state so publicly.

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

One of the things I like about Ryzom is that you can play it with an old PC running linux, and a bandwidth not so good - so even without too much money you can play :)

Plus, it's one of the few games where you can play for free...

During mektoub races, you can see that very often, the winners all have the fiber at home - in the top, none of them have ADSL. When we trek, we also see that those with low bandwidth, we have to wait for them.

Now, an old PC (with low or medium bandwidth) won't be able to open the game 4 times... that's one of the reasons, I think, why they talk about equality.

- and of course, you can see here that I'm in favor of this change :p

(me too, I don't express myself much, usually on the forum)

#6 [fr] 

Bravo pour cette décision difficile. Je suis complètement d'accord avec ça, et ce pour des raisons RP et d'expérience de jeu coopératif.

Autant, les alt pour le stockage, non seulement c'est pas déconnant au niveau RP (il n'y a aucune raison de penser qu'une guilde ne puisse avoir plusieurs GH, idem pour les appartements perso), mais aussi ça n'empêche pas le jeu multijoueurs (d'ailleurs, ça pourrait se régler en permettant de payer pour agrandir le GH, ou permettre la possession de plusieurs GH).

Alors que les alt pour le soin, le forage, les rois ou que sais-je, c'est d'autant moins de relations entre les joueurs. Quand on pexe avec un alt, c'est un joueur en moins avec qui pexer. Quand on fait appel à des alt pour un roi, c'est d'autant de joueurs en moins qui auraient pu faire ce roi. Et au niveau RP, ces alt sont une plaie. Combien de fois j'ai pu essayer d'entamer la discussion avec un perso pour me rendre compte que c'était juste un alt, sans âme. Un bot quoi. Au point de maintenant m'y prendre à deux fois avant de tenter la discussion avec un perso inconnu, de peur de tomber encore sur ces alt vides.

Après, pourquoi ne pas interdire entièrement les alt? Déjà, je l'ai dit, il y a le soucis des GH trop petit. Mais il peut y avoir un sens à avoir un alt connecté en même temps que son perso principal: pour des raisons RP. Un alt qui joue un frère, un ami, un parent. ça a du sens. Alors pourquoi par 3, ou 4 tant qu'on y est? Certes, mais soyons honnête, c'est compliqué de RP avec 2 persos en même temps, alors 3? 4? Faut pas déconner. C'est pour ça que je trouve la limitation à 2 persos en même temps bien équilibrée.

En conclusion, le RP et le multijeu ont plus à gagner à interdire d'avoir plus de 2 alt connectés en même temps. ça va chagriner ceux qui trouvent ça cool de pexer/pvp/chasser/forer avec leur alt. A ceux là, je leur conseille d'essayer de faire la même chose avec de vrais joueurs. Vous verrez, c'est fun aussi. Et sinon, tant pis. C'est que les MMORPG ne sont pas fait pour vous. Et ceux qui faisaient du RP avec 3 ou 4 alt connectés en même temps, va falloir m'expliquer comment vous faites! XD


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#7 [fr] 

Bravo pour cette décision difficile. Je suis complètement d'accord avec ça, et ce pour des raisons RP et d'expérience de jeu coopératif....
Et ceux qui faisaient du RP avec 3 ou 4 alt connectés en même temps, va falloir m'expliquer comment vous faites! XD
Bien dit ! MDR

#8 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
To begin with: Be careful not to confuse those who played 4 accounts in a regulatory way and those who played them using software external to the ryzom client. The problem here is not the fact of owning several characters but their control mechanics.

As Agan said, this decision doesn't solve the multiboxing problem by itself, but it will rebalance the gameplay. Multiplayer gameplay being more and more restricted by the lack of interest of some players for this type of game (PVP, kings, hunts, ...), the few players using third party software have been more and more "visible" in the game landscape. This visibility has led to a feeling of unfairness from those who play in a legal way.

How can this be remedied?
BAN the players using software that allows synchronized actions Problem: the proofs requested by the staff are impossible to provide even if the fault is highly visible in the game (Yes yes, it is VERY visible).
How to avoid this feeling of frustration of the regular players?
The only possible solution is to prevent these cheaters from having too big an advantage over the other regular players and therefore limit their number of support staff. Solution chosen by the Staff

In addition, players using third party software to control multiple characters should be glad they didn't take a BAN before. Indeed, the use of third party software has been strictly forbidden since the beginning of ryzom and even if it is very easy to notice it in game, it is more difficult to have irrefutable evidence leading to a conviction of the cheaters.
For all regular players (with several characters or not), you pay, today, the price of those who do not respect the rules from the beginning. Don't blame the staff for this quick but necessary decision, just think about which side is at fault.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tykus (4 years ago)


#9 [en] 


I would like to add that in the U.S. with many different time zones that it makes it difficult to play as cooperatively as I and many people that I know wish that it could be. Sadly that is the reality. So as a way to support ourselves when we end up playing at different times as other people in guilds or playing alone that it is very useful bordering on necessary to have more than 2 characters. To 1) primarily stay alive and 2) do other things that would ordinarily not be a problem in a same time zone community setting that had many players active at the same time. There are quite a few hours in game where there are not many people online. This makes it much harder or impossible to do much of anything with just 2 characters. Just a perspective that I hope will be considered and understood as a legitimate reason for allowing more that 2 chars. I would also like to add that we are not all cheaters, we don’t all use botting software or anything like that to benefit ourselves over others (personally I don’t know anyone who would do such a thing), to use that generalization is sort of saying that if you just play Ryzom with the Ryzom client and follow the rules that were put in place years ago with a 4 char limit, that your cheating. It doesn’t make any sense. I think what it comes down to is people’s personal game play style. Not everyone has to play the same way. Isn’t Ryzom a sandbox game? Wouldn’t 2 chars constitute as multiboxing as well? Thank you for reading and I hope that you might reconsider.

Last edited by Triast (4 years ago)

#10 [en] 

This change to the rules is ridiculous and without logic. Playing 4 accounts at once is not "a personal army". It is not even half a team. What evidence is there that playing 4 accounts at once has any detrimental effect on teamplay? You have provided none.

** DEL ** Personal Attack

This is just another example of your blatant bias towards your "preferred players".

The utter mismanagement of this game has led to a severe decline in the player population over the years and this decision is yet another in a long line of bad decisions. During my time zone often people cannot even put a team together capable of killing a lvl 270 boss. But that does not matter to you at all, does it? Not when all the players you care about, all the events and everything interesting that happens in the game happens at a time that suits the french playerbase.

I can no longer support a game run this way. Goodbye.

Last edited by Heli (4 years ago)


#11 [en] 

**DEL** Out of topic

Last edited by Heli (4 years ago)

#12 [en] 


I agree with Generallee using 2 toons or 4 toons is multiboxing so going from 4 to 2 makes no sense.

I have been training hard and paying my subscriptions for my alts and I have a total of 366 days of played time cumulated. All this work will just be wasted, because even if I can still play two characters at the same time, it just won't be the same.

I just like to play like that, its a good way for me to have fun I find it more challengin and interesting. And because a few people dont accept it me and several others will not be able to play anymore.

You have on one side people who complain, who are subbed 1 months per year and me and others, subbed every year for the whole year.

I don't undertsand who do I annoy when I train alone with my alts and who cares if I dont want to team with other people sometimes. It doesn't keep me from enjoying a nice hunt with other people sometimes.

Azazor says that when he talks with an alt its just a bot but no there is a player behind this alt, and if this player chooses not to answer (even if it's an alt), then it's his fault for not being nice. If someone sent a tell to one of my alts, I would answer.

The problem was the use of a software to control them not the numbers of alt and I dont think its a reason to just waste the fun and time of players who enjoy playing this way if we don't bother anyone.

As far as I know, me and players who play the same way (tell me if I'm wrong) have almost all sent a video to prove that we don't use any software to manage our alts.

Just be aware that ryzom will lose a huge part of its interest for me and many others if this is implemented without any discussion with the players.

Last edited by Mathimat (4 years ago)

#13 Multilingual 

Au moins le tri se fera naturellement ^^

Il y a des tas de joueurs qui se baladent avec 2-3 ou 4 alts.
Je rejoins Syron dans toutes ces explications, pas la peine de répéter.

Cependant je ne suis pas certain d'avoir tout compris (Je n'ai pas participé à la dernière réunion GF): celui ou celle qui a 5 comptes ryzom ne pourra plus les jouer indépendamment?
Si c'est le cas, je ne vois pas le problème d'avoir 4 compte pour jouer 1 perso à la fois (ou 2 perso à la fois comme cela semblerait être autorisé).

Rappelons tout de même à que le jeu est "géré" peut être mal aux yeux de certains mais par des bénévoles et au lieu de pleurnicher, certains feraient mieux de participer, les demandes de candidatures sont toujours valable!!!


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#14 [en] 

**Del** Out of topic

Last edited by Heli (4 years ago)


#15 [en] 

I would also like to add that I was asked to provide video evidence that the way I play does not require external software, and to show how 2 of my toons were able to prospect simultaneously even though the actions were triggered separately. I did as asked. The evidence I submitted was accepted.

For you to continue to accuse me of cheating in a public forum is yet more harassment that is being completely ignored by the CSR's who have an obligation to put a stop to it.


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