
#258 [en] 


Last edited by Jorgensen (5 years ago)

#259 [en] 

I am the multiboxing worst case scenario!

Is there a title for that? :D

In all seriousness, if I can do this in war without getting my collective butts handed to me you are all so scroooooood.

What happened to your live streams? I bet you the 5 dappers Ati tried to give me the other day that a lot of people will be interested to see your live streaming the battles this evening and tomorrow.


#260 [en] 

I agree with fleetwood that the game *should* be about cooperating to achieve stuff, but I also agree with nitrouss that it is too small and the current population too unfriendly to insist that people don't use alts
Perhaps the current population is unfriendly only because they can afford to be - they don't need to be cooperative towards other players as they have their alts to play with.

One of my professors used the following analogy: suppose you are going to watch a football match, where you will stand in a crowd on an embankment. If you take an apple-box with you, and stand on it, you will get a better view. But if everyone takes an apple-box, no-one will get a better view, and everyone will have to lug an apple-box around. Everyone would be better off if everyone stopped taking an apple-box, but no-one can afford to be the first to stop, as then they will get no view at all. The only solution is to ban apple-boxes from football venues. When considering the merits of such a rule, you must consider not only the cost to you of your not having an apple-box, but also the benefit to you of everyone else not having one either.

Last edited by Fleetwood (5 years ago)

#261 [en] 

Yes, in "RP" it doesn't make any sense. But you also need to keep in mind the gameplay point of view and the fact that some people have only little time to spend on the game (when you 4h available in a week for the game you do not want to spend half of this time by searching a team).

I have actually only been amused by using the term "unrealistic" to name something very real in role-play while using alt dummy is considered to be more realistic...

#262 [en] 

I agree with fleetwood that the game *should* be about cooperating to achieve stuff, but I also agree with nitrouss that it is too small and the current population too unfriendly to insist that people don't use alts
Perhaps the current population is unfriendly only because they can afford to be - they don't need to be cooperative towards other players as they have their alts to play with.

I personally am not unfriendly. I help whoever whenever I can. Though, as a US player with random work hours there isn't a lot of good opportunities for me to team with people. I do when I can. In 6 months of being back that has been 1 plod team, 1 shalah, 2 treks and 2 OPs. Almost had a CPer once but they had to AFK and then I needed to go to bed. When I do get to join in on things, I leave Khao behind. Now that's just MY situation. Non of that will change for me if and when Khao is gone.

Now with that being said....After having been here for all of this thread, I went and read some RP backgrounds to try to understand some homin's side of things. I can say there are a few RP people that I would never team with. There is one that I wouldn't let a yubo pee on if he was on fire. I can not and will not support someone who uses "RP" to breed hate. When someone talks about master races, cooking homins and refers to Trykers being about as good as a pet, I draw a strong frigging line. I don't give a crap if this is just a game, there is too much hate in the real world already to have to see it here. So, yes there are some people that are unfriendly and alts have nothing to do with it. It's who they seem to be as people.


Homin Reaper Karavan

#263 [en] 

Hmm, I've been here over two years. I don't team, I have no alts, I've never begged for equipment or asked for a rez and I don't do PvP. I'm neutral; no faction, no nation. Yet, somehow I've managed to gain several masters and am well on the way to several more (although my healing sucks big time).

I don't care about the multi-boxers and the PvP gamers as long as I'm not forced into things I don't want to do (although the game does try to force one despite the advertisements about "play any way you want").

As far as hate and discontent; well the game lore, history and coding does sort of enforce violence, bigotry and racism. It's built into the game. However, you don't have to succumb to it or endorse it; you can overcome it.

Play on all...


Yaandor | Cult of Dgambi | He who walks alone
Atys is a stern and determined teacher; willing to repeat the same lesson as often as necessary.

#264 [en] 

I agree with fleetwood that the game *should* be about cooperating to achieve stuff, but I also agree with nitrouss that it is too small and the current population too unfriendly to insist that people don't use alts
Perhaps the current population is unfriendly only because they can afford to be - they don't need to be cooperative towards other players as they have their alts to play with.

One of my professors used the following analogy: suppose you are going to watch a football match, where you will stand in a crowd on an embankment. If you take an apple-box with you, and stand on it, you will get a better view. But if everyone takes an apple-box, no-one will get a better view, and everyone will have to lug an apple-box around. Everyone would be better off if everyone stopped taking an apple-box, but no-one can afford to be the first to stop, as then they will get no view at all. The only solution is to ban apple-boxes from football venues. When considering the merits of such a rule, you must consider not only the cost to you of your not having an apple-box, but also the benefit to you of everyone else not having one either.

that analogy doesn't apply here though, as football is a limited time event and to see everyone has to be there, were a football match 24/7 then the embankment would be empty or not obscured most of the time, especially when people are asleep, at work, school, or on the other end of the world.


#265 Multilingual 

Merci de rendre ton post traductible!!!
Surtout quand c’est un pavé qu’on aurait peiné à lire dans notre propre langue.

[Ajout de Tamarea] C'est fait, son post est traduisible.

Unfortunately, I had no control over this .... my "flag" kept changing to french ... I was having to reset it every time I came on the forum ... even after this post.    After some support discussions on RC, I think it's finally fixed.

Et ce post est censé plaidé en faveur de quoi? D'un Arispotle-like ou tout le monde il est beau?

Une bonne partie des joueurs français ont un jeu aux antipodes du votre et les anglais dictent leur façon de jouer depuis bientôt 8 ans.
Tu dis toi même que sur votre ancien serveur, le lore des factions ne servaient à rien puisqu'il n'y avait pas (ou peu) de confrontation. Super!

Yes it was great .... Please explain what do you object to with "in your words" "Arispotle" people doing what they like to do, Aniro folk doing what they like to do and Leanon folk doing what they want to do ?  Or anyone else.   I go to a restaurant and it has menu choices ... people who don't want to eat red meat have options ... people whp prefer seafood have options, people who want a salad have that option.   What's with the "No damn it, you will eat hot dogs, you will pay for them and like it" routine !

I don't pay my monthly subscription to make your game enjoyable the way you want to play it.  A subset of the player base, from all servers but mostly Aniro,  treats Atys like Napoleon and demands that everyone play their way ... that is not goiung to happen because if it does, the game can not survive.    You wanna make believe you are a  superhero, you have the right to do so, and I'm fine with that  fine ... you want to make belive you are an evil sociopath, you have the right to do so and I'm fine with that .... but you don't have the right to dicate that anyone else  join your imaginarly world.

The reason of why most of the things are happening EU time is because the majority of volunteers are on this timezone.
And they are volunteers not employees

Ok so since we are getting less services ... less content, less access to rewards, etc.,  ..... and missing all these "RP Events" because we are sleeping, it could be argued that subscriptions should be different and priced accordingly based upon access to this content.

Could also be said that thewestern folk "subsidizing" the euro folk.  What about the folks down under ?  I spend at least 2/3 my logged in time creating tools, testing DMs, filing bug reports.  You want people  to pay the same, get less and, ..... on top of that,  change our play styles to fit the game YOU enjoy  ?
Not all MMORPGs condone multiboxing.... Not all MMORPGs condone multiboxing....Ryzom has always been one of them

et bien allez jouer sur ces jeux puisque le multiboxing y est autorisé !

Please reread the existing terms and conditions, you seem to have misread.  Ryzom *** IS *** one of them.  Always has been.
Einverstanden. Aber ein Fakt ist, dass jedes MMORPG nicht fürs Multiboxing kreiert wurde, sondern nur eine nicht dafür gedachte Anwendungsmöglichkeit ist, die aus der Notwendigkeit von mehreren Charakteren und einer geringen Spielerbasis entstanden ist.

Interesting and thoughtful interpretation that made me think on several topics but I don't see how anyone that was not "in the room" is in a position to say what it was created for.  But these facts remain:

1.  Nevrax not only "did not prohibit" MB but spefically coded it into the game with the "/multi command".  Didn't even need a 2nd account early on.  And they specifically made a point of adding it in the CoC.  I am therefore unable to "make the leap" to reach the "wasn't created for" conclusion when the devs went through the trouble of creating specific coding allowing it.

2.  Every ownership since has specifically addressed it in the CoC.

I have 4 PCs and 2 laptops in this room.  I choose not to use multiple toons ... I consider using a dig or heal slave a personal affront to my toon's "character" if you will or perhaps better said, I'm here for the entertainment and the challenge; for me that challenge is doing things w/o alts.

But I also don't see it within my purview to dictate how other players play the game ... I find it very uncomfortable that other players do.

What the actual F? Those of you that are butt-hurt need to stop and just play your own toon your own way. Because what it really boils down to is that some of you think your way is the only way. That's not how it is.

The real problem, AGAIN, is that the use of 3rd party programs needs to be dealt with and stopped at the client level.

AFAIK, no one has been found to be using any 3rd party tool.  This has been investigated and the powers that be have found that a) the individual is controlling the alts within the rules of the game and b)  the allegations were false.

Outside of politics "people are saying" does not constutute the burden of proof.  The evidence has been voluntarily submitted, thoroughly examined and charges soundly refuted.   People just have to accept the fact that certain players have developed a skill level, within the boundary of the existing game rules that exceeds their own and they simply don't want to to have to admit that fact to themseves.

On one hand, I have no axe to grind ... on the other I know little about the skills involved to master it.   I play the game to give my brain a rest, work is stressful; make a mistake and things fall down and people die.  I don't want to "relax" by concentrating on doing 4-5 things at once.

The only argument I see against MB falls under the "pay to win" concept" .  I once had 3 accounts ... my own and 2 of my sons.    Is me playing all 3 really that different than having each of them play.   It's a hard questions because the answer will always depend upon where you are sitting .... and I'm not even sitting in the room since I don't use alts ever.

Since the opportunity is open to all, the only complaint can be ... "he / she is better than me and I can't compte" because a) I can't afford to or b)  I don't have the skills.

a)  This can be considered unfair
b)  This is just "whinerbagging"

On the admin side, why process 5 transactions paying 5 sets of processing fees. What if anything could be done with a different type of account that allows 1 processing fee and allows X number of toons to launch ?   Perhaps do a deal for $34.95 for up to 5 toons and I womder if that would allow closer activity monitoring so that all the imagined 3rd party software / botting fears would go away.

Edited 8 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)


#266 [en] 


Last edited by Fleetwood (5 years ago)

#267 [en] 


I don't pay my monthly subscription to make your game enjoyable the way you want to play it.  A subset of the player base, from all servers but mostly Aniro,  treats Atys like Napoleon and demands that everyone play their way ... that is not goiung to happen because if it does, the game can not survive.    You wanna make believe you are a  superhero, you have the right to do so, and I'm fine with that  fine ... you want to make belive you are an evil sociopath, you have the right to do so and I'm fine with that .... but you don't have the right to dicate that anyone else  join your imaginarly world.

Let's say it again for the people in the cheap seats!!!

What the actual F? Those of you that are butt-hurt need to stop and just play your own toon your own way. Because what it really boils down to is that some of you think your way is the only way. That's not how it is.

The real problem, AGAIN, is that the use of 3rd party programs needs to be dealt with and stopped at the client level.

AFAIK, no one has been found to be using any 3rd party tool.  This has been investigated and the powers that be have found that a) the individual is controlling the alts within the rules of the game and b)  the allegations were false.

I do realize that. That did seem to have been the start to all of this mess LOL But if that was added then people would have to own up to just being angry that others are better or can afford to do it. You know, the other answer B)... whinerbagging. ;)

On the admin side, why process 5 transactions paying 5 sets of processing fees. What if anything could be done with a different type of account that allows 1 processing fee and allows X number of toons to launch ? 

I personally would love something like this. An easier way to pay would be great but I don't care about a discount. Not speaking at you Freddy, just in general... As far as an alt goes, I could do what ever with Khao unsubbed. I choose to sub her because I want to pay to support the parts of Ryzom I know cost money. I remember the dark days of Nevrax>Game Forge when servers were shutting down and what not. I don't ever want to see that again. I still have PTSD >.>

As far as hate and discontent; well the game lore, history and coding does sort of enforce violence, bigotry and racism. It's built into the game. However, you don't have to succumb to it or endorse it; you can overcome it.

You're not wrong there. But again I have lines and those homins are not someone I would like to help. I'm just a peron that can fight you in a battle then help you level or whatever. I also wish there was a way for you to work that heal, cause damn it you deserve it!

Last edited by Erisapple (5 years ago)


Homin Reaper Karavan

#268 [de] 

Einverstanden. Aber ein Fakt ist, dass jedes MMORPG nicht fürs Multiboxing kreiert wurde, sondern nur eine nicht dafür gedachte Anwendungsmöglichkeit ist, die aus der Notwendigkeit von mehreren Charakteren und einer geringen Spielerbasis entstanden ist.

Interesting and thoughtful interpretation that made me think on several topics but I don't see how anyone that was not "in the room" is in a position to say what it was created for.  But these facts remain:

1.  Nevrax not only "did not prohibit" MB but spefically coded it into the game with the "/multi command".  Didn't even need a 2nd account early on.  And they specifically made a point of adding it in the CoC.  I am therefore unable to "make the leap" to reach the "wasn't created for" conclusion when the devs went through the trouble of creating specific coding allowing it.

Quelle? Ich mein, ich lese das nur von dir. Wenn es einen "/multi"-Befehl wirklich gegeben haben soll, dann gibt es sicherlich eine Aufzeichnung darüber. Ansonsten kannst du alles behaupten. Auf Github und auf Gitlab hab ich nichts derartiges gefunden.

But I also don't see it within my purview to dictate how other players play the game ... I find it very uncomfortable that other players do.

Da stimme ich dir zu. Es geht 100% darum, anderen etwas zu diktieren. In einer blumigen und anarchischen Welt wird es sowas nicht geben, aber wir haben so eine Welt nicht und es bleibt eine Utopie. Genauso wie Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzungen dafür sorgen, dass alle mit dem selben Tempo fahren, sollte es auch Begrenzung der simultanen Charaktere geben. Wenn hohe Geschwindigkeiten andere Teilnehmer behindern oder auf manchen Straßen ein Gefahrenpotenzial sind, dann sollte auch die simultanen Charaktere zugunsten jedes Einzelnen begrenzt, die Begrenzung regelmäßig geprüft und gegebenenfalls angepasst werden. So einfach.


Nicht klicken!

#269 [en] 

The reason of why most of the things are happening EU time is because the majority of volunteers are on this timezone.
And they are volunteers not employees

Ok so since we are getting less services ... less content, less access to rewards, etc.,  ..... and missing all these "RP Events" because we are sleeping, it could be argued that subscriptions should be different and priced accordingly based upon access to this content.

Could also be said that thewestern folk "subsidizing" the euro folk.  What about the folks down under ?  I spend at least 2/3 my logged in time creating tools, testing DMs, filing bug reports.  You want people  to pay the same, get less and, ..... on top of that,  change our play styles to fit the game YOU enjoy  ?

So maybe the EU volunteers should just stop doing what they do. Everyone will be at the same level of experience.
It's what happened when there is no money to pay people to do a job, you rely on volunteers and you can't force them to do something at 4a.m to please your customers but you can hire people to do this job (but that requires money).

Talking about paying the same and having less: why do I pay the same amount as you and I don't have access to occupation (cities and I can't enter cities) ? Maybe, they should lower my sub price as well as yours.

#270 [fr] 

Puisque le sujet est relancé, j'en profite.

Est ce que Ryzom est un jeu Pay2Win ? Si oui alors pourquoi tant d’histoire, et pourquoi ne pas autorisé encore plus de compte par joueur et les outils pour gérer tout ce petit monde d'ALT ?

Est ce que Ryzom est un jeu collaboratif ? Si c'est le cas alors pourquoi tout le monde se ballade avec au moins son ALT 125 heal dans le dos, pourquoi ne pas autorisé qu'un seul compte par joueur ?

Perso ça embêterai de ne plus avoir mon ALT 125 heal dans le dos, ça m'obligerai à demander de l'aide à d'autre joueur et à les aider en retour.

Prise de tête cette histoire bon courage pour la décision.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Valerof (5 years ago)

#271 [fr] 

Perso ça embêterai de ne plus avoir mon ALT 125 heal dans le dos, ça m'obligerai à demander de l'aide à d'autre joueur et à les aider en retour.

Un alt, cela suit bêtement son maitre, alors que moi, je fonce dans les aggros ! C’est quand même plus rigolo :-)




Une Larme parmi Les Larmes
C’est comme une goutte d’eau dans un lac
C’est fragile, mais un lac on peut s’y noyer

#272 [en] 

Quelle? Ich mein, ich lese das nur von dir. Wenn es einen "/multi"-Befehl wirklich gegeben haben soll, dann gibt es sicherlich eine Aufzeichnung darüber. Ansonsten kannst du alles behaupten. Auf Github und auf Gitlab hab ich nichts derartiges gefunden.

It's all over the old forums. It's not necessary now because the current installer makes it much more simple.

Perso ça embêterai de ne plus avoir mon ALT 125 heal dans le dos, ça m'obligerai à demander de l'aide à d'autre joueur et à les aider en retour.

Not having an alt would not force me to ask for help or to team. My timing and situation will not change no matter what. All it will do is make me get maybe 10 less grind mats per node. Not really a big deal to me. Also, there is still the dear Yaandor out there in the lakes living a great life not teaming or asking any one for any thing. Alts don't dictate how other players play.


Homin Reaper Karavan
Last visit Sunday, 16 February 15:55:14 UTC

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