#1 Added by Ghost of Atys 5 years ago
Nair Governor,I have recently received many reports from hawkers in the Upper Bog area.They have been told by the Slash and Burn tribe of a strong agitation of the kitins usually staying at the Panting Pass, at the extreme south of the Bog. The screams and rumblings, much louder and more frequent than usual, plunged the inhabitants of the region into fear, but their tense relations with the Kingdom led them to not report it.This for several weeks now! If the kitins are gathering, who knows how many of them there may be now?We need to warn the Kingdom right away and see what's going on!Pazzy O'TooghHawkers' Guild
Last edited by Ghost of Atys (5 years ago)
#2 Added by Ghost of Atys 5 years ago
Karan Stevano,Vengo a usted acerca de una situación de preocupación. El gremio de Vendedores Ambulantes me ha informado que la tribu Mercenaria Escarlata, asentada en el Pantano Superior, menciona una gran agitación entre los kitins que se encuentran en el extremo sur de la región. Dadas las recientes incursiones de kitins blancos, el hecho de que puedan estar reunidandose en un lugar tan aislado durante semanas es alarmante.¿Podríamos considerar una acción rápida y conjunta para evaluar esta amenaza y erradicarla si es necesario?Le saludo atentamente.Ailan Mac'KeanGobernador de la Federación de Naw-Trykoth
#3 Added by Ghost of Atys 5 years ago
Governor Mac'Kean,The information you have brought to Us is indeed very disturbing and must be dealt with diligently. In accordance with the orders of my father, Karan Stevano, and precisely for that purpose, I had begun to mobilize the vassals of the Kingdom in order to form a group of seasoned fighters capable of confronting this threat.You spoke of a joint action, and I am happy to see how strong are the ties that bind Trykers and Matis. The Federation's help is of course welcome.Since the Hawkers' Guild seems to be involved, and given that it maintains cordial relations with the tribes of the Upper Bog, perhaps it would be wise to have your informant at our side, in order to avoid any unfortunate incidents with the Slash and Burn tribe.I have summoned our vassals at the gates of Yrkanis at 3h - Quarta, Germinally 4, 2nd AC 2608*. We will await your reinforcements there.Jena Aiye.Karin Aniro
#4 Added by Ghost of Atys 5 years ago
Nair Pazzy O'Toogh,I have just received confirmation from Karin Aniro that action will be taken to assess the situation on the spot.I have taken the necessary steps to inform the Taliari and Talalochi through izam so that a group of fighters able to support the Matis could be quickly formed.As the Karin also strongly suggested your presence, in order to avoid any trouble with the Slash and Burn tribe, I am entrusting you with the task of organizing our troops there.You are awaited at the gates of Yrkanis at 3h - Quarta, Germinally 4, 2nd AC 2608*.Whatever the outcome, report back to me without delay.Ailan Mac'KeanGovernor of the Federation of Naw-Trykoth
#5 Added by Ghost of Atys 5 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Margote (5 years ago) | Reason: Add DE translation
#6 Added by Eolinius 5 years ago
Edited 7 times | Last edited by Eolinius (5 years ago)
#7 Added by Zendae 5 years ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Zendae (5 years ago)
#8 Added by Zendae 5 years ago
#9 Added by Zendae 5 years ago
Last edited by Zendae (5 years ago)
#10 Added by Eolinius 5 years ago
Last edited by Eolinius (5 years ago)
#11 Added by Dorothee 5 years ago
Edited 4 times | Last edited by Dorothee (5 years ago)
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